Why don't more people play healer? I'm constantly being forced to go healer, and you obviously go with Mercy...

Why don't more people play healer? I'm constantly being forced to go healer, and you obviously go with Mercy. I want to play as Reaper for once.

stop posting that tranny

Post where I can see that tranny's feminine penis

It's not fun and relies on other people not being shit. Heal roles usually have low skill ceilings making them feel slow to play. Focus on healing damage means you notice mistakes and stupidity everyone is doing because you have nothing else to do.


What? I just want to see her penis.

I would berry my dick so far inside jessica's ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur.

>nigri is now a tranny

more of these trannies pls

>join game
>no healer
>play healer
>no one retreats so you can heal them or attempts to protect you
>leave game

What's the name of these trannies?

Does anyone even care about this balding fake tit having bimbo anymore?

>Why don't more people play healer?
because it's boring and you basically sacrifice your own enjoyment and free time for the enjoyment of others and getting nothing in return

>I'm constantly being forced to go healer
maybe if you weren't a total fucking loser you'd be able to stand up for yourself against strangers on the internet in a video game

also why would I play healer when there's always a pathetic cunt like you who plays healer

this is some shit bait

Nope, nobody.

>friend plays as healer
>immediately start fantasizing about making him choke on my cock ravaging his ass and then spooning with him while making him wear cute dresses
Fuck you Sup Forums
Fuck you

If we could harness the anger that bitch gets from you /cgl/whales into a viable energy source we'd reach pluto in seconds.

People don't care about her, they care about her tits.


So much wig, so much air brush, so much photo shop.

Playing Mercy is for faggots. Every other healer is orders of magnitude more fun, especially Lucio

>3 thousand desperate neckbeards shower her with money.
And that's suppose to be impressive how?
White knight harder plz thnx.

>no ones playing healer
>want to dps but go healer for the sake of the team
>people just YOLO when they see they have me healing them
>dont bother to kill the one hitting me from behind even when i call out
>someone calls out for heal
>top him off, he emotes thanks
>only him retreting for heals when he sees a heavy enemy push
>our team down except him and me
>we push and pull back, back and forth
>he dps key players and points
>turns around when i call for help as enemy snuck behind
>pocket heal him the entire game and we carry the team
>we high five

i fucking love you faggot, whoever you are

>dem glorious fake tits
>dat awful ass hips waist legs combo

>tfw there are trannies with male pattern baldness that don't have as bad a receeding hairline as nigri.

To be fair she always wears a wig and has fake tits. That's pretty fucking tranny.

What country is Yennifer from?

Don't know that flag.

So play Reaper and tell the inevitable whiners to go play it themselves. Or play a funner healer than Mercy.
>buh muh shitty aoe heals
>no good w/o meta!1!!
Fuck them, especially if it is quick play. I remember winning a game with just dps heroes and one of our more autistic team members kept raging about our team composition post-match. There's no winning with whining.

Are you retarded or just american?

Healing is for girls.

Tanking is gays and DPS is for virgins

Gee I don't know m8 why don't you take a wild guess



Pretty impressive to be honest. I don't blame her for taking advantage of beta cucks.

I realized I can pick whatever and some bitch boy like you will fill.

I am impressed, getting paid that much for doing nothing, these new type Jews are impressive almost makes an old type like me feel unworthy of passing my genes on

>plz thnx
Why do roasties and /cgl/whales always type like it's still 2010

God damn. She just gets to do whatever she wants. Fuck man.

>"who the fuck cares about this whore anymore?? 2/10 would not bang"
>successful, raking in the dough at a rate user will never see
>t-they just like her tits


>43,884 for boobies
Surely this is female oppression somehow, right go- fellow progressives?

Being born a somewhat attractive female is so easy-mode life. Made even easier by the fact you can get surgery to modify and enhance any things that might not be up to par. If a woman isn't taking advantage of thirsty betas and nu-males they're just wasting their time.

>43k a month

jesus christ

Healsluts a shit
t. tankslut

>Get to Alexander Savage 9-12
>Late to the game. Find a cool static tho
>Play BLM. Be 2ndish DPS behind a SMN
>LvL BLM. Talk to static heals
>'Hey user I was kinda hoping I could DPS'
>Sure man. I level all the heals anyway
>Fast forward to Deltascape v2.0 Savage as WHM
>Only do like 1200 dps on clear
>'Holy shit user does Stone IV have like 300 potency?'
No... I really just like to DPS... But heals is more useful...

How do you play Doomfist outside of Total Mayhem mode?

because healer is for girl gamers and by healers i mean mercy

patreon is the biggest proof that humanity deserves to go extinct

>obviously go with mercy

or you know, lucio the actual good and fun to play healer

Lucio's alright, but I'm over here with the patrician healer