I finally finished every Souls game and Bloodborne. I can now understand what the fuck people are talking about

I finally finished every Souls game and Bloodborne. I can now understand what the fuck people are talking about.

Post some Souls humor images and videos, please. In fact any Souls pics or videos you want to post are fine.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're not deep enough yet

BB > DeS > DaS 2 > DaS 1 > NioH > Inferno Climber > DaS 3


So what did you think of the worst one?

That's it's a good game, just not good souls game.

I just want a nice thread. Please stop upsetting me. Thank you.

That's now how it works you little shit.
When you're asked, you answer.

what a shitty dlc story to end the series

Okay. I think that even the worst one is still a far above average game


Awful image.

Didn't know this was a "LOL" thread


Das2 is easily the worst, but its an 8/10

>someone tries to start a discussion on a game series
>Sup Forums instantly starts sperging out over which game is the worst and everything nitpick they have
every time

BB > DaS1 > Das3 > DeS = DaS2 >>>>> SotFS

Would be better if enemies and bosses were a bit more squishy. It's less of a challenge, more of an endurance test with damage sponges

Ok then, the best part of the series is knowing nothing about any of it and finding ash lake

stop fucking up a decent thread faggot

rranking fags need to fucking die.
Every shitty souls thread that's op is something like "what went wrong" or some shitty ranking should be deleted on sight



I laughed.

DeS > BB > garbage > the 'muh hardcore gayme for hardcore gaymers such as muhself git gud praise the sun XD' entries in the series that were made specifically with the underage numale gamer in mind

Is this cover a throwback to DeS?

King's Field 4 > Shadow Tower Abyss > Nioh > DaS > DeS > DaS3 > BB > DaS2

Demon's Souls is Sup Forums
Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 are /r/gaming/

Demon's Souls is not bad, but it is stupidly overrated on Sup Forums.

This. It's the fucking worst and fedora core

OP didn't ask for your thread derailing lists. He asked for fun stuff.

Nah, PC fags can play it now on emulator so it's not overrated anymore , just the PC 'version' is the superior one now.

I just wanted to have a pleasant time with my friends on Sup Forums.

>mfw I killed that beast with my bare hands



Soulsrankfags are the worst things to come to Sup Forums in a while

Bit if trivia I first learned the other night about BB.
I never knew that when you use a blood vial, you actually inject it into your leg. I thought you just crushed it in your hand or something.
Maybe I just wasn't as observant as I cold have been, but I found that small little detail to be pretty cool


This doesn't seem very accurate

No Ash Lake, Sen's Fortress is wonky, wtf are you doing with Sifs boss area, and Anor Londo should be way higher up with a bigger wall, but that Abyss has a great feeling to it. Goddamn Dark Souls 1 is the best in every way except gameplay.

Do you guys think there's any connection between Artorias's broken arm and the giant arm of Manus?

>new londo lowest
>door there that leads to the top of blighttown

Yeah definitely. They're both arms.

I don't think that's the most recent one... the artist has since updated it.



you're pulling my leg


I can almost say that after I finish 3 on abyss watchers ATM. But yes fromsoft has created imo the best game series ever.

That doesn't seem likely, to be quite honest with you family of mine.

Yeah Artorias got his shit pushed in after wasting power protecting his dog, or he tried to block anything that Manus did and snapped his shit.

Which game has the best memes?
DeS for me.

Ash Lake is there, it's on the left near Izalith and Nito's tomb
New Londo is lowest because of the abyss drop-off, even if it's not like that in-game


Nice b8 m8

>Inferno Climber


DeS meme threads were a good time but DS1 was the height of souls memes

I could go for some scrambled eggs right now

I'm replaying Bloodborne right now. Just have to wait for this huge patch to finish. I haven't played it since I beat it a few days after release.

I'm going to do an arcane build since I heard a lot of people say it's fun. Did a strength build my first time playing, but it was pretty basic like every strength build which is kinda boring.

>you will never experience trying to get through the undead burg for the first time again
I'm amazed how almost every area feels so huge and labyrinthine and intimidating and unknown the first time, but then you return 50 soul levels later, and you realize how small it is and that you could probably draw a rough map of it just out of memory.

This is fucking glorious.



That's because people seem to have forgotten that when you start a thread it should have a topic and a subject that is to be discussed, when people just start threads with nothing but meme#763 that has been posted 1389 times before it tends to just encourage garbage posting.
Start a thread with a focused, narrow topic and you will almost always have better discussions.

Yes, Artorias foolishly challenged Manus to an arm wrestling contest.