the grand exchange was the single biggest factor in ruining runescape
The grand exchange was the single biggest factor in ruining runescape
t. scammer
your lack of having a dad was the single biggest factor in ruining your life
Fuck you, grand exchange was the best thing to happen to F2P Runescape outside of the multiple PVP modes
i'd actually say it's more your lack of gf
Don't you mean bf? ;)
dancing and trimming starting at 50k
Objectively true. There was nothing like walking into a Varrock bank and seeing players announcing their wares and people haggling for prices and people having conversations or even just walking into the general store and seeing hundreds of people monitoring the trade screen for a rare item to pop up to buy. Trade was the one thing that really made Runescape feel so authentic and immersive, and the introduction of automated trading via the G.E. was the biggest shit to ever tarnish RS's name as an MMORPG giant. That and the elimination of the wildy and free trade basically made Runescape a fucking wasteland. What were the fucking devs thinking.
Wait, don't they still have wildy?
it was the removal of wildy / trading you dumb dense fuck
you wouldn't know because you're a newfag
It's nice seeing player trading in MMOs, I remember fondly the days of walking through Prontera in RO with the city filled with traders and looking at all the great stuff they were selling.
>removal of trading
selling full addy
pretty sure it was when the devs decided it would be a good idea to REMOVE TRADING AND PKING FROM THE FUCKING GAME because they couldn't sue a bunch of chinks for selling gold.
Runescape is for nerds
My Fishing level is 76
This is true. You used to have to travel to towns to buy goods from players. You would have dedicated sellers or you would haggle prices.
If you were smart you got rewarded by playing the market too.
Grand Exchange ruined a good part of RS.
For a while back there was a trade limit to prevent scams
Instead it made it hard to to give aways/run multiple accounts
If memory serve, you can't trade more than 25k? from the estimated price of items on the GH.
Basically killed a lot of items and playstyles overnight.
raw lobbies 199 gp, will make fires 1k
They do, they fixed a lot of bullshit in OSRS and RS3
aw yeah dude stroke me dude aw yeah
dude in cumming on your face bro
yup. I made millions buying the prayer pot seeds when farming started. Impossible with new system.
I also used to do crafting for friends or for pay ( since i was one of the few-ish people with 90 craft when obsidian ammy dropped) But couldn't afterward. The whole ''service'' part died.
The Grand Exchange ruined OSRS. RS3 was ruined by an economy that thrives literally on just killing bosses.
Ruined both games. I quit OSRS the moment the dumbfuck community voted GE back in because I knew what was coming.
In case you guys didn't know, Sup Forums has had it's own private Runescape server for over 3 years now.
It's a 2007 era server (no GE and no EoC) with a 2.25x exp rate and inf run.
Sup Forumsscape is always looking for new players. Come see runescape before it was turned to shit
I really wish I had joined before that. The G.E. is for fucking lazy pussies.
Don't know why the link didn't work
Thank you
While i admit that i hated the old-fashion "go to world 1 or 2 and spam colored text and hope to god you get an offer" the GE wasn't the best answer
It pissed me off when they added it back because I was making a good business of selling store-bought runes in bulk for a bit of profit. The trading post they implemented was just fine as far as making trading more convenient went because it still required you to communicate with people.
>all those memories in rs
Will OG Runescape bring me back or should I just move on?
GE basically ruined the food market and i lost a lot of money because fish and pie prices crashed
Sup Forumsscape is garbage
It's like /rsg/ or /07scape/ only with none of the good and all the bad things with /vg/ turned up to 10
fuck off retard
Oldschool Runescape is far too detached from the original game at this point, but I guess it was inevitable when people kept asking for more content.
This post makes no sense. Sup Forumsscape is a free server that better captures Runescape in 2007 better than even OSRS or 07scape does.
If you don't like the community you can always play with Global Chat off
>just like real runescape
The food market was only sustained by a large demand for PvP supplies in F2P servers. However the only places to catch Lobster/Tuna/Swordfish in the F2P areas are on the Karamja pier and a little-known corner of the Wilderness far from any sort of bank.
Karamja had no bank either, so players were forced to trek back to Port Sarim to use the depo box near the Entrana ferry (later on) or before that head all the way back to the West Falador bank.
Then an update introduced an NPC near the volcano who would note your fish for you. So when the bots began to double down the market was flooded and supply caught up and surpassed demand. Members didn't suffer because they obviously went with Monkfish or Sharks. Then PvP was removed and the food market tanked. It resurged when PvP was reintroduced, then largely died again when EoC eradicated any sort of PvP playerbase
It killed of a big community aspect of the game that I enjoyed very much.
It lost a huge part of its charm as an rpg without it.
Sup Forumsscape has very few players and all the players that are there are cancerous attentionwhore /vg/ people.
/rsg/ and /07scape/ have some of these people but it isn't entirely these people. I've actually had fun in the fc of those two generals, but Sup Forumsscape is just fucking cancer. You can find files for 2007 runescape private servers on the internet, you can just host your own and play by yourself and it will be equally as fun as Sup Forumsscape
t. Communist
it was made a lot of people leave for the longest time, and when they came back the game was so different they'd quit
Runescape is still the same shit it's always been. Trading players was fucking tedious and didn't add anything to the game. It just fucking took forever and you couldn't ever find anyone selling anything you actually needed. You couldn't buy anything that wasn't the most popular twenty items.
Everyone always tried to scam and you had to memorize prices of everything or go to a web page and hope it was up to date.
If you wanna fucking play a trading game and watch numbers go play eve online.
only retards actually think this
>Being this retarded
Buying 1k lobbies
are you fucking kidding me? The exact opposite is true.
Runescape's original economy was the very definition of a free market. People were able to choose how much to sell for, people made profit, got cheated, and were generally able to do whatever they wanted without restriction, provided they had the money to buy and trade goods. The only times the governemtn stepped in was in cases of actual scamming, which is essentially how the real life government deals with fraud.
The G.E was literally a state controlled market forcibly implemented onto an existing capitalist market. They controlled how much could be traded each day, the price and how much it moved up by, all to stop vulnerable people being taken advantage of by people who knew how to play the market. i.e they sucked any opportunity people had to make something out of nothing. Nobody could start the day with nothing and know that something incredible could happen and they'd be millions of coins richer by the end. They killed the spark, and it never came back no matter how they tried to fix it later.
I just checked the general and it's literally just people spamming "page 10" over and over again because it's ded as fk
How did a game that ran on fucking 2005-era machines, coded in fucking Java, have better atmosphere than most others?
its completely true. back before you could just lodestone anywhere as many times as you want, you had to do quests to get fairy rings, gliders, or spirit trees to get to the gnome kingdoms, relleka, or whatever. And it helped the world feel alive, because you knew you were far from home(lumbridge) in an entirely different part of the world. Laws were a rarity(sort of, thanks to law running) and thus you always had people buying or selling law runes in banks for 1k, which field player to player interaction. the bartering system worked, because some players had excess runes, and there was a demand for it so others could teleport back to varrock or something. Haggling for a rune scimi back in 07 was some of the fondest memories I have back in the day. Now its just power leveling and looking at a guide to get as much money in an hour, and nobody pays attention to anything anymore. Catherby is silent, the fishing spot by barbarian village(where everyone crowds to now) is silent, banks are empty, even falador park on world 1&2 is deserted
its like the very essence of RS slowly ceased to exist
oh my god this takes me back so hard. The best part about this is that all of these spots are arbitrary. People just started selling things in these places and then grouped up because other people selling similar things. Then the next time they buying or selling that category they go to the same place until there is perpetually people selling something in those spots.
I could probably make an accurate map in the similar style of the old varrock west bank selling spots by memory.
I quit before GE or any restrictions on trade we're placed but honestly what you guys are describing sounds like a freaking paradise compared to dealing with idiots shitting out wavy words and only having "offer" and "lol" for vocabulary.
I have never seen anyone ever sell pages or dragon weps at Falador bank. It was always mining stuff. I used to sell steel bars and buy coal and what not.
Literally everyone in this thread is wrong
Bots ruined Runescape
bots were in RS since literally RS classic, you moron
And they absolutely fucking flooded the game come RS2, jackass
They literally made up over half the population before bot nuke day
No, but it was the beginning of the end. It was the start of Jaggex's major move to regulate everything a player does. After that they did things like making it impossible to trade items to other people without receiving something of equal value. They also took out the wild for a while as well.
Someone around 2009ish got a stick up their ass and just decided "No! The player cannot have freedom!" You could seriously do a study on Runescape and economics and what happens when the government tries to regulate very single detail.
>Falador park on world 1&2 is deserted
That really makes me sad. It was always incredible seeing how many people were packed into that little space. It was always a nice experience going there when you couldn't find what you needed on the forum.
Are there any mmos out there that are like runescape but aren't runescape that I can afk in while I study?
Dumb noobs like you are why we can never sell r scimmy 35k/b rune scim 24.5k ever again
Sup Forumsscape
I remember when the GE launched i knew right there and then that runescape was dead. I loved runescape because of the freedom
I fucking hate the carebears who can't handle losing and made GE a thing, i never scammed anyone but i remember getting scammed, i also remember a stranger giving me full black armour the first day i started playing, im still really grateful to that stranger to this day
>Log into world 1, buy a bunch of shit from varrok bank
>log into your local world and sell at 30% mark up
I did this for years, grand exchange ruined basic economics.
A game like Runescape in 2007 will never exist again.
The best part of RS was the community. People and the internet in general have changed, there's no going back. You log into old school RS and you won't feel the same way you did playing RS years ago because you'll only encounter shitposters worried about min/maxing while spouting memes instead of people there just to have a good time.
On world 2 there were always people selling god book pages, treasure trail items, barrows, and rares constantly in the fally garden
It's also that you've grown up and wont feel the childlike wonder of exploring Runescape for the first time
that's pretty fucking gay mate
did they ever fix the weapon balance? there was literally never a reason to any rune weapon over a scimmy
I made like 300K-400K an hour just buying runes off the wildy mage guild then selling em off for profit
was i a smart little 12 year old?
yeah don't forget about the hours you'd have to wait to sell your shit
it's tough, that inconvenience is exactly what allows for opportunities with the larger discrepancies in prices. I hate and love auction hall systems because of this, because it makes things so much more convenient but it also kills a lot of the player interaction and the journey.
i would prefer that the auction hall in an MMO to be limited so there's still a point for trading hubs which would also become community hubs like south Prontera. It was beautiful how things naturally segregated in Varrock and Falador.
ITT people who care more about nostalgia than games improving.
Face it, the chatspam before GE made the game a complete headache.
Fucking casual
flash2:wave:crowded chatspam has a big charm to it
>hello i never did any quests which required obscure item
GE was a blessing and a curse.
And it was only a curse because Jagex were too stubborn with their hands off approach. And always way too slow to react to scams, especially never really doing anything about merch """"""""""""clans""""""""""""
Try forming relationships with people you know and giving them discounts because they are valued customers.
I fucking hate marketboards/auction houses all kinds of bullshit like this. See pic related.
Runescape was always shit, you just like it because you're nostalgic, having wasted years of your youth grinding for pixels instead of doing something meaningful with your life.
one time in the mid 00s i logged into runescape to see what all this faggot shit was about and literal players and environments made out of turds was this game. It was like if you took one of those early era sega genesis 3D model games and made a shitty 3D stick figure out of it. That was runescape. How gay is this? I mean, i wanted to see if the skills and the world was fun but it was fucking garbage. what kind of backwater Brazilian shithole did you have to live in to be such a poorfag to find this garbage fun? I played ultima online and ragnarok before this and runescape was like the gayest thing ive ever seen
my point is runescape was a pilr of shit and was ruined to begin with. Who the fuck even played this garbage? Might as well an hero, it was likethe gayest thing ever made and thats a fact
i came into runescape thinking it was habbo hotel with swords. Before that it was just neopets.
so yeah i was pretty awestruck just exploring a farm. I think I was literally 9 years old or something when RS2 just came out.
Fuck, I remember selling herbs by the side of the bank back when farming first came out. My friends wondered why I enjoyed raising the seemingly least interesting skill. I thought it was awesome because my edgy teenage ass thought I was being some sort of sleazy drug dealer distributing herb to the masses.
The graphics sucked ass but the questing was great compared to other MMO's at the time. Plus it was free so of course it attracted a lot of children who's parents wouldn't pay for a subscription
Looks like someone ran into the dark wizards right off the bat and rage quit.
>mfw had low herb level at the time and sold unids for 1k+ ea when they were probably shit tier herbs
Felt good man
>economic Quality of Life improvements for a game not entirely built around a barter economy are nothing but cancer!
The Grand Exchange was a major change, but it certainly wasn't a bad one. You already had dumb "Runescape Stock Exchange" websites cropping up by the handful, meaning that everyone was either going by the market rates described on the sites or going with their gut feelings. More often than not, their gut feelings were dead wrong, leading to a lot of unnecessary frustration.
Speaking of frustration, having to troll the forums for hours to find a decent deal that wouldn't end in some level 40 shitler trying to scam you was a somewhat interesting adventure in socializing. What WASN'T interesting was having to do the same to get shit like prayer potions and food. The lack of easy access to a way to quickly offload the 500 lobsters you fished and cooked meant that most players didn't bother. Those that did joined unofficial merchant clans, which were gathering up a larger and larger stake in the market.
What the Grand Exchange did was make buying equipment more organic and hands-off (which is good for players who don't want to deal with haggling with literal children), make it so that players who wanted to grind Smithing or Farming or Herblore or whatever didn't have to subject themselves to the whims of merch sites, and most importantly it allowed small entrepeneurs a way to earn money while they want off and did the FUN parts of the game!