>game has choices in the story
>none of them affect the ending
Game has choices in the story
Other urls found in this thread:
>everything by Telltale
I'd rather the choices you make in games alter the game state or game field rather than just the ending.
>game has choices in story
>none of them effect the ending to symbolize the player's futility
>snes jrpg has choices in the story
>there are 20 different endings, half are bad endings and half are good.
>Game gives you 3 or 4 different dialogue options
>the NPC replies exactly the same no matter which you choose
The amount this is actually done infuriates me.
Nigga they dont affect anything BUT the ending.
Fucking Bioshock Infinite...
Every time the twins had some choice, I thought it mattered and I'd have to play through again to see how the game would change.
>Get asked by a character your stance on religion in a sci-fi game
>Know it won't affect anything at all ever besides the direction the current conversation goes
>Get the freedom to think about exactly what it means to believe in god in a space-faring society and work out how in-character that would be.
>Game barely has any RPG elements
>Get the option to kill a guy even after he's defenseless while you're 100 metres underground and nobody but the black creepy guy will notice it.
>The entire choice is just character building.
When will RPG-plebs realise that "choices that don't matter" > "choices that do matter" (in games where you get to fully make your own character and don't just take control of one that already exists).
>Sup Forums actually defends this
>you can say your middle name is "x"
>game updates character sheet after choosing that
>your choices and what you do in gameplay does affect the story
>fuck up and characters die
I love you Growlanser
>i want the gamemakers to provide 256 different endings because there are 8 choices in the game
Rip Chester.
>game plays identical
>only the final chapter decides which ending you will get
>your action in the first chapter decides which faction you will join
>game plays identical from here with only few variations not worth replaying for
You have a lot of choices in life but in the end it doesn't even matter and you just die
So you can't avoid cucking that guy then?
>That gif
Holy shit, which Ultima is that?
>game has choices that affect the story in ways you couldn't have possibly seen coming and intentionally puts bait choices in to have poor consequences further down the line
It's okay choices' not matter.
But I hate it when developers still contuining to telling that lie.
Let's all be honest, no-one can compete with based Todd Howard
game ending is 4 buttons
7. Must be Serpent Isle, I think.
>game mocks you thinking choices matter with reference to the illusion of choice
Member when Swtor was in development and BioWare was all like "Every choice matters and has an consequence. Every choice." then the game came out and nothing mattered at all.
Fuck that game, fuck James Olhen and fuck BioWare. I'm still legit mad.
>Podesta's clone son gets murdered so his organs can be harvested
>No one bats an eye
Society is fucked.
>game has six endings depending on how you went through the game
>game is a fucking OG gameboy game
Step it up modern games
>game have choices
>the consequences occur hours later so you don't even know how they relate
>game has a DLC expansion
>only way to access it is by doing a series of random tasks you'd never figure out how to do without a guide
>you have to get to a certain part in the base game to access it anyway
>game has a DLC expansion
>you can't access it until you beat every single mandatory boss
>even on subsequent playthroughs
Soma comes to mind. My only complaint besides somewhat underwhelming game play.