SSB Goku and Vegeta confirmed new seperate characters along with a story mode involving a revived Android 16. Thoughts?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
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Clones already? Fuck
Mah man 16 is in the game. I'm already content.
Whoever didn't believe Super characters weren't going to be in this game are retarded.
>Goku SSB Kaioken
First character from Super.
SSB Vegeta with that armor is from Super too.
fuck off losers!
>tfw this means Goku Black will be in
>tfw it'll most likely be rose
Man the hype is real
>Super characters confirmed
>Kaioken Blue
"Muh Z only"fags btfo
So are they just the Dragon Install for Goku and Vegeta, or a Shin Akuma/Original Robo-Ky sort of deal?
Actually more unlikely now, at least for a few updates. They won't want this to just be Goku the game, especially cause the launch cast won't be very big considering how much effort GG style ones are
But Sup Forums told me only Z characters were allowed
I think the Kaioken is Dragon Install.
He's coming. Be prepared, ningen.
what if they have different moves?
>mfw the butthurt from this
I can't wait for both female saiyans to make it.
Except Black is completely different from Goku, and his fighting style is completely unique. Unless they use Zamasu instead, but I don't think he's as recognizable.
>Super Saiya Jin God Super Saiya Jin
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea.
I hate the story and animation and for some part, the manga of DBS but most of the characters that have been introduced have been great
>Saiya Jin
This fucking spic I swear.
18 also confirmed apparently from the same source, but no scan yet?
I can't wait for Note and Forte either.
>revived 16
Keep dreaming
American in charge of dubs and ost
>Note and Forte
People saying that 17 is just an assist for 18
You're right, it could be Viola and Gine too.
Jin is a suffix you dumb fucking spic.
Are they separate characters or a Golden Frieza thing?
I dunno why they'd be anything other than a recolour skin. The fact that they're wearing the classic outfits instead of the Super outfits makes me believe they're transformation "moves" akin to Frieza's or alt colours at best.
Different characters. You can see SSB Vegeta's portrait in the image.
>first appearance: Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F
>Dragon Ball Z
>Ball Z
Oh boy. I can't wait for super dooper rainbow god super saiyans.
Those are the Super outfits. If they were going to be resurrection f they'd have the different ones.
The Blue+Kaioken happened in Super.
No shit, Sherlock.
Vegeta is using the regular Saiyan armor, not the RoF design, meaning he's also Super character.
>Kaioken Blue
>In Z anything
Yeah but doesn't the portrait change with transformation like in other DBZ games? I'm really too lazy to go check the Golden Frieza footage to see
Don't Super Goku and Vegeta have different outfits entirely? The only thing I know of it is what gets posted in these threads
>"Muh Z only"fags btfo
They were literally already BTFO back on the original reveal with Golden Freeza.
Combining it with the Kaio-ken makes it a Super thing- along with the costumes they're wearing.
Goku and Vegeta had slightly different threads for Resurrection F and that tournament against the parallel universe. Then for whatever reason, they ditched them straight after.
He was in DBZ: Resurrection F
They were only different for the movie. They immediately went back to their iconic costumes, presumably for marketing reasons.
No Janemba no buy.
Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x10 is literally Dragon Ball Super exclusive, first introduced in the climax of the Universe 6 Tournament arc.
Vegeta is also using the traditional Saiyan armor instead of the movie armor, he only went back to the traditional armor in Goku Black/Zamasu arc.
Stay B T F O
I don't know why people are so anti super for this game. There are only a few characters that could possibly make it anyways. Hit, Zamasu, Goku Black, Fused Zamasu and MAYBE some ToP characters. e.g. Toppo, Trio De Danger, Caulifla, and Kale, however, I see these characters being future DLC. All of those characters have enough moves to create something compelling. I, for one, welcome super characters.
That's too bad the new costumes are like the one thing I like from everything I've seen of Super.
I always liked Goku's outfits with the beautiful chest cleavage not covered by a big undershirt.
>enjoying Super
>laughing at anyone about anything
just stopping by from Sup Forums
>Super trash is in
And my interest is lost.
Why do so many people want Janemba? He's not even that popular with nips compared to Broly. Janemba won't make it.
Them getting rid of the RoF outfits after U6 Tournament is definitely awful because those outfits were objectively superior and very short lived.
>Sup Forumsermin scum actually likes super
Most people don't like fanfic
Next reveal trailer when?
is 16 actually revived?
I feel like it was an animation mistake that never got caught until it was too late.
Disappointed it's not gorilla Trunks but sword Trunks is more interesting from a unique fighter perspective.
they were harder to draw and made reusing scenes not possible.
yes its a thing now. even recoloring ssj 1 scenes to ssgss.
Because the Fusion Reborn movie is nothing but visually interesting and unique combat.
Janemba himself just exudes cool shit, the pixel teleportation, sword nonsense, weird 'rain' ki blasts, etc.
Even Toriyama said that was the best movie character design, and it was one he had no hand in.
Well now ArcSys actually has to balance Blue Goku/Vegeta so that regular Goku/Veg aren't fucking redundant. Then it comes down to powerlevelfags throwing an autistic shitfit
But wouldn't this mean you could have a team of 2 Gokus? 3 if Goku Black is confirmed?
Nah, their outfits reversed in the manga as well and that is flat out confirmed to come with rough Toriyama sketches (not just script) which Toyotaro then makes proper drawings based on (on which Toriyama then makes corrections and then Toyo draws final version).
I assume it's for selling toys.
You could sell toys of RoF outfits but that gets stale, you need a shiny NEW toy so what do you do? You change the outfit back to original, but with RoF's Super Saiyan Blue transformation, cheap and easy way to have a """new""" design to sell new toys.
>even recoloring ssj 1 scenes to ssgss
I'm convinced this is the only reason for SSB's existence, to cut costs and make reusing scenes easier.
"SSJ3 is too difficult to animate, how can we make a new form that saves us money"
We got that about a week after leaks of it. So about a week.
what the fuck is gorilla trunks
Fuckin Toei man, they treat all their properties like fucking shit.
That black haired super saiyan thing was legit? I thought that someone was taking the piss with some photoshop. What's this one called?
Hokuto no Ken got treated better for its 25th Anniversary and that's also owned by Toei.
Honestly Dragon Ball is treated THE SECOND WORST out of all Toei properties.
The first worst one being One Piece which has even cheaper and worse animation.
Akuma Goku doesn't have a name yet. Should appear soon in the show.
They'd be retarded to put in both Kale and Broly, or Kale over Broly for that matter.
Why do you even like caulifla? She has such a generic fighting style
>V-Jump reveals that both Android 16 and Android 18 are also playable
>V-Jump also reveals online party matches, which are three-versus-three online matches with different players controlling each character. Of course, characters will switch in real time.
Even more specific from the Black/Zamasu arc
>three-versus-three online matches with different players controlling each character
muh dick
Kale could easily be a skin for Broly.
>a skin
No, not with the way they are making characters
Why not? It's not like most fighters from Dragon Ball don't have generic punching/ki blast spam fighting styles. She'll fit right in. Kale will most likely be a Broly skin though, since they literally traced his fights for the show.
>since they literally traced his fights for the show.
For real?
Man dont remind me The movies are the only thing about one piece that dont suck animation wise.
Don't forget about Blaster Meteor too
>Four characters just got announced
>None of them are Gotenks
What the fuck
18 is playable
>mfw they can add Super shit to the game but they can never make me play it
That doesn't look traced.
If you mean Kale's literally female Broly then alright, I thought it was actual tracing because of the reused animation shit.
Sorry, adults only.
The big name fighters have signature moves at the very least, though. The only reason you guys want caulifla is because you wanna fuck her. She has nothing going for her other than being a female saiyan.
This desu
Well for one thing at least they got the clones out of the way already. I'd rather them be announced earlier than later if they're going to be in the base roster. Secondly the good thing about ASW is that they make their clone characters play VERY different from the original. Order Sol and Sol or Tsuabki and Izayoi or Robo Ky and Ky. At least you'll know it won't be a one to one character and be at least 90% different. Though they might be more similar in this game cause Dragonball fighterZ does seem a lot more simple than BB and GG.
Also this being that they announced two more characters being 16 and 18 so that's pretty tight right there.
No images of android 18?
Does mah boii Bardock have a chance of getting in? I don't know how popular he is overal amongst dragonball fans but I really enjoyed playing him in budokai 3 all those years ago. Especially his finisher, cheesy as it was.
No which is weird that they would announce the first and possibly only waifu in the base roster and not have any images with her. Who cares though I'm more excited about 16 getting in.
Here you are
Agreed, except I wouldn't want all three Zamasus, that would be the same issue as having too many Gokus.
She's technically a classic Dragonball character, but Mai would also be a nice addition after her appearances in Super. A gun focused character would be really unique here.
>H: Of course it is something that we consider. But when you think of how wide spread the appeal of Dragon Ball is we also think of casual fighting game players too. Conversely, fighting games traditionally have a more limited appeal due to the high level of precision on input required. But fighting games are more than just inputs
>fighting games are more than just inputs
>more than just inputs
Is this correct Sup Forums?
I'd give Bardock a 100% for DLC at the least.
He's the most popular non-main canon character other than Broly.
Yes. Your fighting game can be mechanically perfect but if the characters and general atmosphere don't resonate with me I won't be bothered for long.