I don't know about you guys, but for some reason. whenever I play this game, I get a strong urge to purchase some quality ColemanĀ® outdoor and camping goods.

There's absolutely no reason to play this crap more than once. Actually not much point playing it at all.

shit i actually bought a coleman grill a few months ago and it was probably because of this stupid game

Coleman sucks.

I remember going through a Cup Noodle phase after laughing my fucking ass off at the related quest.
It's a fun game with good music, good gameplay, etc.
Solid 8/10 and better than a lot of previous entries.

8/10 games are dog shit.

I legitimately did not notice the coleman logos until about 30 hours in. There was a random ass visa billboard or something that i noticed right away though.

>good gameplay

It's not Bayonetta but it is good gameplay.
Or do you prefer menus and spreadsheets?

What a strange game it is.

Oh so you're underage. Explains a lot.

>19 years in development
>product placement everywhere
>mediocre at best combat
>2 bosses worth mentioning
>story is an incomplete mess and half of it is in outside materials
>doesn't even run that well
Thinking about FFXV makes me want to play 13 of all things.

>giving this pile of shit anything but a 6 or less


Do you honestly prefer a game like FFX's gameplay, which is just a match game?
What's wrong with that?

>i only play 10/10 masterpieces.

Not him, but there's really not much to the combat. There was no challenge either.
I had fun with it, the exploration was alright, the music was good and riding around with your bros was comfy, but I can't defend the combat. It was serviceable, a solid 5/10. Not good, nor bad, just serviceable. Maybe I've played too many better third person action games. They did a brilliant job of making the combat look flash and good, but it really wasn't.

>What's wrong with that?
Whats wrong with not fleshing out the story and motivations of the main antagonist? Seriously? I like the game but thats because I played road trip simulator for 50 levels before starting the main quest.

kek nice bait, I play plenty of 7/10 games and love them.
>Dragon's Dogma

I really need you to kill yourself. You're everything wrong with the state of video games today.

How is it a fun game? How is the combat good?

Is it the repetitive fetch quests and hunts or is it the stale combat build around parry prompts and one that tries to focus on aerial attacks even though you can't launch enemies and all you can to is flip around in the air like a retard? Or is it the utterly boring driving segments?

>better than a lot of previous entries

Only game it's better than is 13, and that's slightly.

He's got a point that X is dogshit though.

No he doesn't. Only bad thing about X is starting the linear trend. The combat next to X-2 is the best in the series by far.

No it's really not. Being able to see the turn order took any tension out of the fights and anything that affected speed was way overpowered. The combat was among the worst in the series imo.

Guess that's why you're an idiot.

>Being able to see the turn order took any tension out of the fights

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Good talk. Sphere grid was also fucking awful. I'll take no choice over illusion of choice. That shit early game where they held your hand and made you use certain characters against certain enemy types was also fucking terrible.

No it's not.


>strategy is terrible

No wonder you like XV's brainless combat.

i know what you mean OP, it reminds me of everything a final fantasy game is not.

>No it's not.

It really is. You have the worst taste known to man.

FF1-3 had more strategy. Turns executed at the same time so you had to be cautious and keep people healed up. You couldn't be absolutely sure what was going to happen.

FF10 is like solving a puzzle, there's always a correct decision there's no tension, it's boring. Is your character low on life? No need to safety heal, you can see the enemy doesn't get their turn for 4 turns (just kidding quick hit and haste you get 15 turns in a row).

Sorry FF10 wasn't my first game.

Nah, my taste is superb.


It wasn't even funny. Are you actually retarded?


Well I guess that proves it.

Wow good to see strong arguments from the Pro-X side

All teenagers I'm assuming

Zero arguments. Little baby started with FF10 and can't stand to see it criticized. Don't even respond to me again if you haven't played all the mainline games.

Didn't start with X, but in no way is it a bad game. Implying 2's combat is better also makes you a massive retard.

I definitely think XV has better gameplay than X. The rest of it, eh. It's a fine game I think just not incredible.

>over subjective opinions

Nothing to argue. We both have shit taste to one another. Your opinion just goes against popular opinion as a lot of people love X's combat.

First final fantasy in my life that I never even bought or played.
War... has changed.

I used to work with camping gear and I cannot for the life of me understand why out of all the brands in the world, Square would choose to do a collaboration with Coleman

It's the most uninspired, low quality camping gear you can get outside of home brands.

That's fine. I think BoF4 has a better version of 10s combat. I don't hate turn based, but showing me the turn order just kills it for me.

I've made specific criticisms. You've just called me a retard repeatedly. You're kind of shitty at discussions.

20 hour rushed convoluted story with combat that doesn't evolve past the first hour is an 8/10? You should play a proper rpg and reevaluate this post

>what's wrong with that?
Fucking disgusting.

>What's wrong with that?

Literal cancer.

imagine being this much of a beta bitch that you can't handle someone else's opinion


Not an argument.

X and XV are both terrible. You're all a bunch of plebs.

I bet you're too stupid to even realize the irony in your post.

>an XVfag thinks he has ANY room to talk down on other entries in the series


Not even him, but that's not an argument.

I didn't defend 15 once actually, I just attacked X.

can't read through all that beta bitch text m8

It's amazing how many fags are so mad at this game that they instantly flock to these threads to sperg over it. Boggles my mind

>bumping from page 10
