Nintendo Switch Bending Problems Are Still A Thing

>Nintendo Switch Bending Problems Are Still A Thing
Ruh roh Raggy

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mine's fine
i don't treat mine like an autistic child with anger issues so maybe that's why

why would it stop being a thing? is a software update meant to straighten it or something?

>it doesn't count if the news come from a site i don't like
What kind of mental gymnastics do you practice?



oh dear

>works on my machine :^)
The fact that it's still happening means that the first batch of Switches were not ready to come out, they're defective

did you people not learn to not buy vanilla consoles?

it doesn't count if the news is from a joke of an outlet which reports fake news/opinion pieces to get views
sjw scum

>fake news
>almost a dozen examples that serve as proof
Trump's America everyone

>people complain about "thousands" of Switches bending or getting their screens scratched from being docked
>never happens to me
>people complain about their PS4s having fucked up leg stands, wobblan and scratching their disks
>never happens to me
>people complain about their XBones fans reaching critical mass and their consoles melting disks
>never happens to me
Works on my machine ;^)
t. non-neanderthalian brainlet

>almost a dozen
>out of literally millions
It's a non-issue.


>news aren't worth it if the source is not trustworthy
Yeah, that's literaly how it works.

It quite literally is "Works on my machine ;^)". The amount of defective units is so small that when those few hundreds are shown, they are blown out of proportion. Then people think that defective products aren't common, its a complete shitshow.

You're like every fucking school teacher that says Wikipedia isn't a trusty source just because it's a wiki
Eat shit, retard

Most people probably don't notice it, and I doubt most people who deny it happening to theirs have ever actually measured it. Give it 5 or 10 years and you'll see how many defective units there are from heavy use. This issue will affect the long term more than the short term, once they get to the point where the bending actually starts fucking up units.

Wikipedia isn't at all trust worthy. And neither are journalists websites that can't even play Doom 2016 properly.

I haven't got any bending problems myself despite having multiple over 10 hour play sessions on it.

I wonder if I'm just doing it wrong. Maybe if you bend it while playing on handheld mode it would actually permanently bend?

>being too stupid to just use wikipedia's sources
You deserved to get held back.

They should've called this thingnthe Nintendo Flex instead

You're the kind of idiot who thinks because a few white people did a Nazi salute in Charlottesville, all white people are Nazis. The difference of a few do not make up the norm of the majority.

Wikipedia isn't a trustworthy source you fucking school drop out. Most teachers tell students to look at the sources where wikipedia gets their information instead of just copy and pasting the wikipedia article.
Its also not like wikipedia is the best source for information, thats what databanks are for where there are peer reviewed, scholarly articles.

absolutely based

I graduated College two years ago and literally each and every single one of my papers had multiple Wikipedia pages as cited sources
And I was always top of my class
Suck on that, fag

It's from handheld mode use, yeah. When it heats up in play of botw and splat 2 it gets pretty bendy. That's just a hazard of using plastic though, that's why phones rarely even use plastic shells anymore. Plastic goes a long way towards protecting against shattering, but god fucking help you if you accidentally breathe on it, it'll melt.

well it was a fun thread while it lasted

How is that gender studies degree working for you?

At least I have a fucking degree, unlike you fucking middle school dropout
I bet your parents are cousins too

Works on my machine isn't an argument when every machine is engineered to be identical

It is when it's not fucking happening to yours.

>Bringing up based Thal references outside Grimwah threads
Get back to the Incline Sape.

Then I guess all Switches are defective pieces of shit
But that's not surprising at all

>literally each and every single one of my papers had multiple Wikipedia pages as cited sources

at least my family is white you wall climbing wetback piece of welfare leeching trash


>your switch is slowly dying
please no

Doesn't every console manufacturer offer a 1 year warranty for shit like this?

I heard that it's one of the carrying cases doing it. It's a tight fit and puts constant pressure on the Switch when it's zipped up which ends up bending the plastic slightly. Don't know if it's true or not.

who cares?

Modern men no longer desire the Switch

Hello newfag trying to fit in

yes, but they haven't improved anything except joycons since launch, so if you send it back you're equally likely to bend the switch you get back

>keep getting brand new switches forever
Damn, I wish I was lucky enough to have my one bend.

>Can emulate the only worthwhile Switch game perfectly at a higher resolution.

why the fuck do people even bother buying this piece of crap?

>He doesn't wait for the next switch to come out

Rule number 1 of electronics.

Never buy first gen

>don't buy a first gen PS3
>miss out on the PS3 that actually still runs PS2 games
Probably the only fucking exception to the rule


The Vita 2k is a straight up downgrade to the original.

do you actually own both of them? because i strongly disagree with you.

A Switch without the detachable controllers? What'll they think of next, a 3DS without the 3D?

both useless gimmicks? I'm okay with that

mine is fine :)
there is that retarded image again

Really I'm not trying to defend it but I think it's just the way they're made. I noticed mine was very slightly bent when I first took it out of the box. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't aware of it before hand. I've been playing Zelda almost entirely in docked mode every day since I got it and haven't noticed any change either.

>don't buy a first gen Wii
>miss out on the Wii that actually runs Gamecube games

>Not even arching it
Fuck off newfag.

Friendly reminder that every PS4 unit until the Slim redesign wobbled

Maybe it "never happens to you" because you're a PCfat and don't own those systems

>both useless gimmicks? I'm okay with that
I use both all the time, maybe you're just not that much into video games? The only reason i can think of for your comment is that you only play eshop casual games

i see this like the loops that kill you in sonic adventure if you don't hold forward. it's a large design oversight for sure, but why do people care? don't go up to your PS4 and poke it just to see it wobble.

Nigger it wobbles playing any game where the fan has to work hard (every game) unless there's something under it or holding it down


I never even touch mine and it warped.

I don't even have a Switch and it warped

They are not bending you idiots, it comes like that out of the box. It's a manufacturing flaw some of them have.

Give me one example where they knowingly reported something false

I only remove the controllers as stress relief.

Mine is fine. Thank God I got to enjoy mine since release rather than the pussies that exaggerate how widespread the defects for a new console are. What's fucking new.

Doesn't happen to mine.
PM'd you the fix ;)