Reminder that men are not objectified in video games, they are idealized.
Reminder that men are not objectified in video games, they are idealized
why can't you say the same for women?
>no version with Gran
What exactly is the difference?
*Blocks your path*
>implying that's not my ideal body
It really depends on the attire. If the male character wears revealing clothing that accentuates his pecs, thighs, etc, it's consider sexualization and therefore gay.
Sadly this doesn't happen as much as it does to female characters. That and most men don't give two shits.
Call it whatever you want, more video games could use scantily armor wearing men.
Because women are best when degraded, not idealized
I never said Roadhog was a bad thing
>Tfw the closest thing I could get to a sexualized character in DS2 on console was the Lion Mage and prisoner set
If you ever had to look at some Bara pics you would realize it's barely sexualized.
Everything in a video game is an object
Objectifying men is wrong
*Lion warrior set. The mage set isn't as revealing
This is ideal, I can't argue with that
I never understood why women complain about shit like this. When I see these guys I think "cool". Why can't women just do the same?
the difference is my own subjective personal opinion you fucking shitlord
Women are inherently insecure.
Not in a Grimwah
Men are objectified in video games and in real life, just as weapons and work objects instead of sex objects. The difference is that men are usually proud of being weapons and work objects, so objectification doubles as idealization. If women we're proud of their sex, sexualization of fictional female characters wouldn't be a problem.
They could also ignore it because it's not fucking real, but whatever.
>lethal injection
Pick two
Virtual vaginas are an actual threat to the roastie
What is it about the male brain that makes you want to better yourself though? Every time I see a buff dude I immediately get the through of "I should really take better care of myself"
Lethal queers. Wait no, queer injections.
Males need to be healthy to sustain a functioning society and find a partner,women are just glorified cum dumps that will get impregnated and have a family even if they are landwhales that never take care of themselves.
Even if you're being sarcastic you're right.
Good luck getting a chemical supplier faggot
Reminder that "idealized" male characters are still a MALE fantasy.
What method of disposal would your prefer, mate?
Are you on drugs? Google any love story book written by woman and see the male character on the cover.
Fucked to death.
Women are inherently powerless, they live the life of prey.
Death by snu snu
That's because men and women look at differently. Seriously just look at any bara shit that's drawn by homo men for homo men. Those characters don't look cool in any way. Like holy shit fujo manga has another artstyle completely that isn't sexualized as much as about other retarded shit (BIG YAOI HANDS). Shoujo artstyle in particular doesn't sexualize men for example.
Sorry, OP. You had a 50/50 chance of getting either a husbando thread or a shitty discussion thread.
Better luck next time.
But being hot is the ideal form of women too.
We do though, it's just that they think we're objectifying them
If the men aren't even being drawn with nipples, they aren't being objectified. This shit is terrible
Could more lewd Vidya men in armor still lead to a husbando thread?
Well.. I can't hurt right?
Master race.
I'm surprised the fatfurs haven't spammed the thread yet
>men see a giant muscley guy
damn he looks badass
>women see a 10/10
stop objectifying us, it gives uggos like me poor body image and I don't want to put in effort exercising
Don't even mention it
because I'm one of them
It's part of the SJW ideology. They (wrongly) believe that pretty much everything is caused by socialisation rather than genetics. In their mind if we replace all depictions of good looking women with fat ones then men would start to like fat women.
>Look for furbait with skin tight suits like him
>They look like shit
How come only Zabaniya get all the good art?
I idealize a lot of men then.
What the FUCK was his problem?
weird considering furbait art tends to be really good at times...
Gunzou is underrated
Most women don't have fantasies of being strippers.
Is this the game's whole gimmick, or is this like a joke scene that's repeated too often, as is the case with all Japanese media? I'm sure the Japs already view toned men as gay, so making them pose and wear clothes like those is just taking their joke to 11.
Some kind of physical brain damage, most likely
Getting all the endings in that game was a fucking chore
>When I see these guys I think "cool".
Its pop culture BS. It bows down to the lowest and most based needs. Get over it.
>Everyone thinks your body is amazing
>They throw money at you
>The stage light is yours
Why would women not want to be one.
I imagine, for the same reason guys don't want to be camboys, jerking off to faggots for money, even though those faggots think they are the best thing ever.
I am pretty sure if I was better looking and had a big dick I would be vain as hell. I would love to be a musclestud camwhore.
gays don't count, they are hypersexual
3D or 2D
Internet is hypersexual because its easier to not get caught doing it
True. Thats why I love bayonetta
I've had so much bad luck with 3d I'm giving up for the time being
I wish I could play Granblue the boys are all great.
Women are jealous to a ridiculous degree. It is their main emotion.
It's not just 'a thing about the male brain' it's out core evolutionary programming, dudes are designed to compete with other dudes to get chicks, these days the process is slightly more complicated but way back it was about physical fitness, so when you see a fitter guy than you a part of your brain tells you that you need to become fitter than them in order to compete with them
Women do the same thing, women see a more attractive woman and they start thinking about things they should change and ways they could be prettier
This honestly. They can't stand to see other people being happy.
breaking news: 3D bara guys will date only other bara dudes. Your chances getting 1 are pretty much non-existent
This. You can notice this very easily in any job where women work together.
That's fine. Your kind will naturally be weeded from the gene pool.
The women at my work are downright vicious. All but like 2 of them are divorced and are pretty damn bitter about it lol.
>tfw the women at work know im homo
Genuine dread.
I worked with a cancer patient and the other women hated her and conspired to get her fired because she got more attention than them