Seemingly everyone who has ever existed praises this game as the best thing since the internet

>seemingly everyone who has ever existed praises this game as the best thing since the internet
>play for 20 hours before stopping due to mindnumbing boredom

This game is fucking terrible. Sure, the atmosphere and music is comfy, but the gameplay and questing is HORRIBLE. 7/10 at best if you're not really into games that feel like games and not book adaptations.

> says its bad
> still ends up playing 20h
this doesn't add up, user.

I had to keep going to see if any interesting gameplay mechanics or missions get introduced, but it never came. The comfyness is enjoyable, but not enough to carry the game on it's back.

its like not everyone is the same

20 hours is basically nothing in this game.

it's not for you

Getting mixed signals here

I realize that this is just what has this place conditioned to think like, but still, for fuck sake. You DON'T actually have to speak in extremes all the fucking time. It does not have to be FUCKING AWFUL just because it's popular - the superlatives don't have to fucking scale purely on how much attention the game is currently getting.
Is it really that fucking hard to talk and think like a real person, and not just brain-dead carricature of one, purely driven by online "culture"?

I dunno man I just like pretending to be Geralt, hunting monsters for scared towns folk, and I unironically like solving mysteries with my spidy senses.


I hate esports generation

user is literally quoting OP

I felt the same
it was pretty boring and the quests didn't feel like they had very good payoffs
the story was nice but I quit about halfway through just because I couldn't do anymore combat or witcher senses bs


Same here, that's a lot of what carried me through the game. I didn't hate the combat/questing/loot/leveling systems, but they weren't exactly a shining feature of the game. The characters, world, and general writing/design really drew me in and made me want to see it through. until my fucking computer crashed and wiped my saves 90% of the way through but you know what I'm saying

I 100%'d the game with about 170 hours played and agree with you mostly. Gameplay gets stale if you don't mix it up, and the quests, well, it's an open world game so what did you expect. The atmosphere and story telling are top tier kino. Still a 9/10 in my eyes because of all the good times I've had as Geralt.

why are you retarded mong? can you not read

I played through the whole game and both the DLCs and I'd agree that the game itself is pretty bad.

I had an attachment to the franchise and its story and characters so that's why I enjoyed it though.

If my save got wiped right now it would be a blessing even though it would be 100 hours down the drain.

I want to go back and make love to Triss

Seems like Calladoddty is more your feat

The story is not worth it,the first area Velen is basically the best part and that's like a self contained thing.

The story gets progressively worse and more and more pointless until it reaches level of hackery not even Bioware is capable of

this and fallout 4 are virtually the same kind of game, with the only major difference being this is several maps and f4 is one big one

yet f4 gets tons of shit for being “terrible“

try to prove me wrong, i dare you

>7/10 at best
Don't you mean 3/10 ?
Cuz this is what it deserves.


Witcher 3 open world is a lot more immersive, Fallout 4 is tiny and stacked with shit on every step. I prefer the Witcher 3 one because it's the closest thing to a belivable open world there is.

However Fallout 4 was a lot better at actually filling up the open world with interesting loot, monsters, it had a good open ended progression system for an open world.

So Fallout 4 did a lot of stuff right with the open world gameplay design,and Witcher 3 made the best belivable scale open world

the daily witcher hate thread us here good

How far did you get? Name a comparable game that is better so I can mock you.

not true fallout is a tiny world with loadscrreen everytime you open a door

FO4 is just a bad game for too many reasons to count. Witcher 3 is a passable or even a good game despite it's flaws.

>2 years after its release
>still shitposting about it
It's over my man.

I don't give a fuck about muh immersion and muh atmosphere as the other guys so yes, you are correct. The open world is terrible, as are all the other open worlds these days
However, every single sidequest has an insane amount of effort put into it, and the writing is great

>You DON'T actually have to speak in extremes all the fucking time
Actually he does, or people wouldn't bother reading his thread.

Maybe it was not actually worth reading to begin with?

That point makes sense from a rational perspective. It doesn't matter at all from a "OP just wants replies" perspective though

yeah man i got bored too... theres just SOOO many god damn side markers to do

>Witcher 1
>take sides or stay neutral all trough the game
>the epilogue is you going trough the besieged burned down city streets and cellars, where many of the minor characters you met have taken shelter. They all get some sort of small symbolic conclusion. The final battle takes place inside a vision, and you get to reflect on all the decisions and 60 hour adventure you had. In the last five minutes a twist is revealed very subtly and quietly. The game ends on a bittersweet note

>Witcher 3
>the big battle for the city takes place off screen. Nothing you did in the city mattered, only thing that matters is one side quest. The finale is you going trough a corridor in a "cinematic" final battle. The villains last words are "I was hoping you would come". Then he dies.The plot decides it needs to wrap up and not to have Ciri being chased anymore. So all of a sudden she can end the white frost in the biggest asspul ever. They all lived happily ever after. The end


>ciri is the child of Destiny and will destroy the world if left unchecked as a child
>ciri is like 20 something in the games and the world still hasn't ended
Elves are full of shit
Yarpen Zigrin did not hunt dragons for u to be full of shit cdpr

It's not Ciri, it's her child that's going to fuck up or save the world. It's why everybody wants to catch Ciri. To fuck her so she gives birth to Badass McKickass

TW3 is one of the most overrated games of all time but Fallout 4 is just outright trash, so comparing the two of them isn't really fair considering TW3 is good.

I know how you feel OP, I like the game too but I don't want anyone else to know.

Why do people go into this game with a chip on their shoulder and then expect to like it?

I really REALLY don't get why Sup Forums shills TW3 so much. It steps on the exact same rakes Skyrim did and does it while trying to be as Ubisoft as possible. Same checklist exploration, samey quests, lack of roleplay, retarded eagle vision, horrible combat that lacks any challenge even on highest difficulty.
TW3 is like first Stalker. It's a broken unfinished mess that people love because of the atmosphere and because some nobodies made it.

But at least they learned on their mistakes with HoS. Still managed to fuck up B&W though.
>you have 3 days to save us, Gerald!
>3 day skip literally after that cutscene
>wtf Gerald why didn't you save us???!?
Fuck off.

It's been 2 and a half years since this game came out.

2 and a fucking half YEARS. And still people make these fucking threads "omg I don't get why people like this game wtf, surely everyone else is wrong and I'm not."

What are you trying to prove and to whom?


>not screencapping the original post

You're scum.

meh whatever i dont have time for your bullshit user

maybe the original post was some garbage that didn't matter

>Witcher is all about story!
>oneiromancer is barely able to figure out who has seen Ciri last time a day ago, yet can vividly recall the scene of regicide that took place in another universe years ago, in slow motion and perfect camera work
>Dudu says that dopplers take up not only the looks, but also characters of people they pose as
>becomes Whoreson Jr. (the guy who gets off on torturing and killing women in droves) and turns him into a good guy

>What about that one when I chose to be with Scoia'tael in TW2?
>And what about choices that I'm making in this very game? Why do I bother saving characters instead of letting them die if they're out of the game after that anyway?

I'm really glad Sup Forums recommended me TW3, it made me appreciate FO4 so much more.

Fun fact. Many characters in FO4 react to you wearing power armor, Silver Shroud outfit or vault suit. Many quests allow you to kill someone you weren't supposed to and quest characters will react to that. NO ONE reacts to Radovid's assassination in TW3. Not even one shitty contract quest allows you to go out of the script CDPR prepared for you. Not to mention FO4 actually made me feel like I explore something instead of relying on baby friendly highlight button.


Why do CDPR shills always reply like this when they get absolutely destroyed?

>no argument whatsoever
Use your Witcher Senses to get back to CDPReddit, shill.


See that is how Sup Forums works. If no one gave a shit about this game ou would love it user. But everybody loves it and you can't preach to the core. You don'T even have an argument you just say it is horrible. I advise to you to start playing games before they get famous. That way you can enjoy it and just insult the fanbase that they ruined a great game. Good luck user.

Shame. I loved it. Didn't mind the combat everyone shat on and I really enjoyed most of the side quests and the main story.

If the gameplay was good nobody would shit on it. Sorry for not being braindead sheep.

I finished the second game but man the third? Seeing Geralt's toes and then searching for his fuckbuddy just ain't doing it for me

>Fencing Lessons
>oh shit, Rosa and Edna are twins and Edna seems jealous, I bet it turns out that Edna will come to training instead to steal Geralt away!
>that never happens

>Absolute Madman Lugos
>think there's gonna be a long quest line where he'll try to throw new king/queen off the throne and get himself crowned instead
>that never happens, you just kill him after a brief dialogue

>oh shit Fringilla Vigo is in the game!
>I bet they'll have a lot to talk about with Geralt, there better be a sex scene!
>one dialogue line that has jack shit to do with their past relationship
>doesn't even appear in B&W

TW3 is prime example of a wasted potential. They made great engine and beautiful world, but couldn't add worthwhile content and good gameplay to it. Story is also shit, Ciri is unlikable Mary Sue and everything after Kaer Morhen feels rushed as fuck. Eredin is a joke. Persona 5 was the same. Starts like GOTY, then slowly degrades into mediocrity.

As long as it's open world, has braindead casual combat, okay graphics and they can follow quest markers in it, normies will eat it up. See also: Skyrim and Fallout 4 which are similarly dogshit games praised to high heaven.

CDPR knew critics only care about muh graphics and big world so they abandoned all substance in favor of those things. It is an empty game in truth. But their tactics worked. The critics fell for it.

>oneiromancer is barely able to figure out who has seen Ciri last time a day ago, yet can vividly recall the scene of regicide that took place in another universe years ago, in slow motion and perfect camera work

That scene had me shook

I put forty hours into Bayonetta 2 and still think it's a piece of shit.

Sup Forums really needs to acknowledge that sometimes people aren't sure what to think of a game until they've played it for a significant amount of time.

That's only a quarter of the game though

Agreed except
>FO4 is good/aright


Rosa and Edna quest at first was supposed to be your typical "get laid" quest after training sequence.
New writer turned it into a blue balls quest instead.

Fuck you if he played only 2h you would tell him it's not enough to form an opinion

Witcher 3 is bogged down by it's terrible, terrible combat
The actual quests and story is pretty fun

>terrible, terrible combat

It's really not bad at all.

You fucks haven't played many games if you think it's terrible.

>The critics fell for it

And somehow millions of satisfied players fell for it too! CDPR can't keep getting away with it!

Sorry you need approval of masses to enjoy something.

>questing is HORRIBLE
There will never be anything like it ever again.

I'm sure they changed it because handful of non-Yen/Triss sex scenes in the game already use the SAME FUCKING ANIMATIONS and it's repetitive as is. Fuck, even Ride to Hell had more unique sex scenes.

>vanilla game
>good quests
>on Skellige aka Rushed Islands of all places
No. Only good quest in vanilla game is Bloody Baron. And by far the best quest in the game is actually a DLC. Cheaper one.

>I don't like a thing
>There's no way the game is good

It's subjective, go cry somewhere else.

Skellige was amazing, a couple empty buildings isn't enough to ruin a good time.

>walk around the throne room in edgy as fuck cumbersome armor
>give poison to the king
>laugh maniacally standing behind him
>king dies
>pick up the vial
>look in to camera evily while you squeeze the vial of poison

what the fuck was that all about...It's been years since I read the books but If I recall correctly the king was poisoned by Avalach and Eredin.

The only thing Sup Forums cares about is the supposedly horrible combat. You're not a patrician for playing an RPG for combat. You're just too braindead to play Smash Bros or Call of Duty like normalfags do while still being able to appreciate other genres for other things.

>>seemingly everyone who has ever existed praises this game as the best thing since the internet

Bait or has never been on Sup Forums or any youtube comments where Witcher is mentioned. There are literal daily Witcher 3 bitch threads since 2015 and YT comments are riddled with "nah, gamu sux." Shit, I remember listening to Bloodborne OST and majority of comments were still somehow about Witcher and how bad it was.

>Skellige was amazing
>every village has 10 houses at best, even though they're supposed to be clans with fleets of longboats, game suddenly goes to Skyrim scale right after introducing Novigrad
>smuggler cache #52375623
>more sirens than there are Cliffracers in Morrowind
Skellige could've (should've) been cut and the game would only end up being better for it. There's nothing to do there, it ruins story pacing, whales are glitchy, most of the territory lacks hand of the designer - you can see that majority of it is just procedurally generated terrain no one bothered to fill with detail. They should've released it as DLC like B&W after they were done actually finishing it.

>having add
>playing a huge rpg

Name one RPG that has better combat

So you mean like Skyrim?

depends which games you categorize as being RPG's

>Spirit quest
>The possessed Jarl
>Getting arrested for killing the guy's son
>Ice Giant
These moments alone were worth the trip. There are people on this board that think FF13 has good quests ffs. Your standards are too high.

Dragon's Dogma
Fallout 4
New Vegas
Fallout 1-2
System Shock
Deus Ex
Soulsborne games

lol like all CDPR took from the books was the setting and characters

We're still doing that?

>MMO level scaling
>impossible not to get overpowered around level 20 unless you fully ignore perks, mutagens, gear, signs and runes
>piss easy even on Death March due to how predictable and limited enemy movesets are
>lvl 6 drowners and nekkers hit harder than lvl 25 cyclopses and in groups pose more threat than any large monster 10 levels higher than you
>quests rely on rule of three so much you might thing the game was made by Ubisoft
>helped Scoia'tael in TW2? Too bad, no Iorveth or Saskia for you, now Roche is your best friend
>let major character die? Whatever, even if they live they're out of the picture for the rest of the game anyway
>Eredin has less dialogue than that big bad dragon from Skyrim, you get fuck all motivation to pursue Wild Hunt other than "gotta protect muh daughter" if you haven't read source material
>Radovid turned into edgy saturday morning cartoon villain because the game needed an excuse for Dijkstra's plotline, I guess?
>crafting completely useless outside witcher gear
>want to jump or climb to progress when there's some harpy flying about and won't get close to you? Too bad!
>enemy reskins are just that, reskins. it doesn't matter how drowner, water hag or siren is called, they have the exact same abilities
>3 games in, quest fights still start in the middle of combat with fade-out-of-black screen that prevents certain inputs
>3 games in, sound mixing is still horrible, some scenes are as comical as Deadly Premonition
>30FPS prerendered (rendered on consoles settings, no less) cutscenes for most basic scenes
>why is underwater """combat""" even a thing?
>Skellige breaks story pacing, recommended for lvl16 for some reason
>Places of dohvakiin power
>post Kaer Morhen defense content is rushed as fuck
>ending epilogue only touches Temeria as a whole, Ciri, Geralt and his love interest, nothing more

Funny how people with insecurities always try to shit on good things so they can try to elevate themselves.

Fuck off

Skyrim came out at the perfect time. Gaming wasn't yet such a massive thing back then and there weren't really anything like Skyrim.

That doesn't mean it's good, it just released at the perfect time.

Witcher 3 on the other hand came out recently, where there's many games like it but very few are so high quality. Therefore people liking is a better testament to it's quality compared to people liking Skyrim back in 2011.

Nice argument, retard.

No matter how floaty Skyrim's combat is, at least it doesn't have input delay and randomized animations with completely different timings. Not to mention blocking actually takes basic reactions instead of endlessly spamming sidestep button that makes you invincible in TW3. Sorry your favorite slav overlords can't make fun combat or decent audio system for 3 fucking games.

That's some top grade mental gymnastics here. Bravo, shill. The reality of the situation is different, though:
>Bethesda makes a casual open world bait
>people eat it up
>CDPR makes a casual open world bait with PRETTY NEXTGEN GRAPHICS
>people eat it up

>That doesn't mean it's good, it just released at the perfect time.
Just like Witcher 3. Zero competition from western devs. This was all there was to play for almost half a year. The marketing consisting of fake trailers also sent the hype machine into overdrive.

Hot damn I fucking wrote the original post for that, nobody noticed or cared about it when I did except for some angry witcher fans. The funny thing is I finished the game and I'll play through the dlc's....but I stand by my post.

>Any first person RPG having good combat

Better than TW3.

it adds up fine you retarded frog

Atleast in TW3 you need to press more than one button for combat.

>witcher 1
>combat system is a boneless perappa the rappa

If you hate the combat you most likely put your talent points in swords not alchemy or magic

If you like TW 1/2 more than 3 you're a huge fucking retard.