Did anyone else play this game?

Did anyone else play this game?

no we were all too busy going ghost



You will remember my name~!

one of these days

Games only you have played thread?

I actually forgot his name, what was it again?



He looks like a fucking retard and I can't believe the people he paid to do voice over for his school shooter cartoons didn't do anything about it.

Are you fucking stupid

ridley scott

he looks like a FUCKING RETARD

Tfw tranny phantom confirmed all my suspicions about trannies

He literally was a fucking retard

The perfect shit storm. I always forget these shooter's names too, but whenever I see his face tranny phantom always pops into my mind

Cosmo will be the next tranny freak to go on a shooting spree


I played this

so long ago that I don't even remember how it played



>not being wary of these freaks already

Why are so many games set in Chicago?

The sad thing is Butch is actually considering bringing back Danny Phantom and this retard up and kills people and himself. I can only imagine how this sperg would have reacted if Butch redesigned Ember. Could have been the blue arms for Danny Phantom.

and this is my four leaf clover
