Why would someone wear shoes like this? What is the purpose when they just cut off half way?

Why would someone wear shoes like this? What is the purpose when they just cut off half way?

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Someone at Blizzard hates shoes (i.e. Sombra & Doomfist)

high heels are used to make a woman's ass slightly raised, increasing sex appeal

it's so you can look at her cute toes

It's to satisfy mentally deranged psychopaths, which is Blizzard's main agenda now.

I want to suck her toes

Please user. Mercy is a respectable doctor who is working hard to heal people and make the world a better place, she is not just some sex object.

>Why would someone wear shoes like this? What is the purpose when they just cut off half way?

the original purpose of the high heel is to give horse riders better balance. you dont need a full shoe when riding a horse, the heel is just to assist you.

later on high heels were co-opted by women's fashion when it became trendy to cross dress as men and wear the clothes of soldiers and the like.

>liking attractive women makes you a psychopath
Don't you have a tumblr to maintain?

They wanted bare feet sex appeal but they also wanted high heel sex appeal, and nobody at blizzard gave a shit about integrity or sensible design so they just split the difference
it's not hard to understand.


Disgusting girl fetishist.

Why would someone play a game with locked content like Overwatch? What is the purpose when they just cut off half of it away?

or maybe mercy has high heels as part of her model and didnt want to completely redo her skeleton for a fucking skin.

This, Widow's new skin also has a weird knee because they were too lazy to properly adapt the model to the skin

Did you even look at the picture you posted?

Three strikes, get out.

>being an edgy contrarian

For the sex appeal.


>sex appeal

those clearly have bottoms

We acting like newfags now?

Come on user, I know this isn't your first day on the internet


dumb boatposter

IF you can't appreciate these tootsies then we have nothing to talk about

Yes it's really retarded.

But if she flies, there's no problem. She ever step on the dirty ground?

>implying the people making these threads aren't just footfags waiting for pics to be posted

Admit it, you want to lick those delicious feet.

footfags get out

I can't believe a multi billion dollar company like blizard can't do this.

Even oblivion mods are fixed for this kind of crap


is this game really that ugly?

I'm not the only one that sees this right? Just when i thought i couldnt fap to mercy anymore based jeff delivers.

Better movility? your toes can be very useful to climb stuff, as well as a few other things.

But i'm pretty sure that bitch flies.

I liked your video user

Jeff didn't do shit. Thank the character design team instead for coming up with fetish material like this.

Yes, your precious animu invented slutty greeks.

Cause it's fucking sexy

Walking around barefeet all the time is bad for you or something so your foot needs some kind of arch support. The extra heel is a bit much though.

nice, I made it into the screencap


Do they explain how the hell can mercy revive the dead?

Yes, it's the Q button.

Nothing edgy about wanting to get rid of footfags. They are scum who can't keep their fetish to themselves.

>Implying it's not just a few falseflaggers posting shitty pics
>Implying the rest of the people posting quality feet pics aren't doing it because they know someone's gonna get triggered

Feet are feet but was anyone else just stunned when playing the game and you got a second of panty flash from a flybying mercy?

Shit made me skip a heartbeat. THIS is how you make a video game.



