Doomguy replaces the final boss of the last game you've played

doomguy replaces the final boss of the last game you've played.
how does it change

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The game progresses as normal, only doomguy is the one I have to kill to win.

>dark souls

>replace Fector with Doomguy
>somehow manage to make Journey of the Prairie King even more impossible

>Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen

no matter the game it becomes impossible to beat

It also probably becomes a survival horror since he's not going to wait for me to come to him, he's going to go out and HUNT me

Play through the game, enter the final room. I'm ready, this is obviously going to be the final boss. I look around, the room seems empty. I turn around to see a gigantic man in space marine armor rushing up to me, he puts both barrels of his shotgun into me, knocking my character on their ass. He roars as he reaches me, the last image I see is a chainsaw going diagonally down my screen in a spray of gore as he cuts me in two.

I go to Sup Forums to complain about artificial difficulty final boss.


i guess i slap the door on his head and confront a level of hell beyond my comprehension, ultimately succeeding when i get his projected father to hug him or something

I don't play kid games with "bosses" so it doesn't change at all.

I was playing Doom II
He'd make a better final boss than the Icon of Sin that's for sure

I'm dead.

>NieR: Automata
>Doomguy replaces either 9S or A2
Lore-wise there is no demons in the game, so he'll probably split from moon base and fuck off to Mars in search for portal to Hell or some shit. While killing everything that tries to stop him from doing so
Gameplay-wise, he can't be staggered and he has his fists\chainsaw and SSG in melee and gauss\rocket launcher for ranged comgat. I'd say it would be a tough fight to say the least.

>Nier Automata
The androids are fast and incredibly powerful, but still squidgy and die in cutscenes with a sword thrust. So Doomguy would be an impossible final boss with his arsenal.

The last game I played was DOOM.

What now?

A battle that rages on until the end of time, causing calamity to the rest of the universe.

Scythe 2 Map16

>Fallout New Vegas
Well, lore wise the courier might be able to kill him with enough drugs and a mini-nuke, but aside from that im fucked
Combat wise, you cant really beat someone that runs faster than a deathclaw and one shots like them

If I can beat Orphan I think DOOM guy is doable. Sure he might deal heavy damage with his 99 bloodtinge but what is that in the face of a pure arcane builds A Call Beyond?

We would probably end up having some drinks together, doomguy seems like a total bro.

>some fucking peasants with old timey rifles can kill the Hunter
>thinks he stands a chance against Doomguy

Nah nigga, it's possible. Make sure you're level 50 and got all the damage and defense perks and have combat skills maxed out. Wear clothing that maximizes crit chance and regens health.

Then take a
Battle Brew
Black Blood Sausage
Blood Sausage
Coyote Tobacco Chew
Fire Ant Nectar
Large Wasteland Tequila
All Nuka Cola Variants
Rushing Water
Sierrra Madre Martini
Thick Red Paste
A weapon binding ritual
Yao Guai Meat

Use Esther, an Anti Material Rifle with explosive rounds, a Katana, Elijahs Advance LAER and any other overpowered weapon and go to town.

To be fair those early game Yharnam hillbillies are the true superbosses of bloodborne.



>Doomguy gets his body taken over by a demon and turns into God

don't forget Turbo/Implant GRX.

>Assetto Corsa

What car would Doomguy drive?

No Man's Sky

Have you never seen the people who mathed out how fast he actually moves based on gameplay.
He doesnt need a car.
The event is a special track where you try to speed AWAY from him while he is shooting shit at you the whole time.

>Thief 2

The only thing Garrett can do is hide and stay out of sight, Doomguy will get bored and eventually leave to go kill demons.

>projected father
>not his CO going back on his slaughtering command and actually chilling, popping a beer at the bar, and being bffs.

this nigga is going to have gold elims in damage and kills

The last game I played was Doom. So it would be like playing Multiplayer 1v1 I guess.

What the final boss should have been

Doomguy would kill you so quick you wouldn't feel it. He can run at something like 30-40mph right? He'd cross the room and blow your brains out before the textures load in.

>Gets his body taken over by a demon
Lost souls already do that
It doesn't work because doomguy is so angry

And objective kills, and time and even fucking healing, since he heals himself every time he rips and tears someone.

Not to mention how he would utterly dominate a game where he runs at the speed of a car and everyone else crawls like they're in no rush to stop a bombing or a bank robbery.

>Titanfall 2
The game becomes easier
Once you've beaten a teleporting laser mech, a dude walking around with a shotgun and chainsaw is a piece of cake

That's not too much considering the kind of enemies you fight in a lot of games. I mean any MMO raid boss is orders of magnitude stronger than that.


Stalemate. Hopefully he would murder All the potatoes and c@s.

>doomguy jumps on your mech
>electric smoke does nothing
>doesn't use grenade
>just fucking punches through the hull


>Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Either Doomguy beats me to death with a skateboard or reveals his MAD TRICKZ YO and pulls off an unbeatable combo, using his weapons to keep him in the air while destroying the arena.

Now I really want to see Doomguy riding a skateboard through hell


He'd break a board just by standing on it. The arena would have to be filled with demons so he could kill them and use their corpses to slide around the half pipes in berserk mode.

>Rabi Ribi

would be pretty interesting to see his patterns, would probably be even harder than the final boss though

No Man's Sky
>mine shitty ore
>trade shitty ore
>buy warp fuel
>warp to next system
>rinse & repeat until galactic core
>no more galactic core, only doomguy

>Doomguy the Everchosen
M-maybe he'll just proceed to kick the shit out of Chaos as soon as he appears and leave me alone

Not hell, but the second best you're gonna get:

>100 health and 100 armor
>Hero Power: Rip and Tear, instantly kill a target and heal for the amount of health the target had
>Hero Power also works on heroes

alternatively WoW

>Sargeras was killed before we could even get to him and he decides to pity fight the raid

alternatively alternatively

Dark Souls

Nah, raid bosses have telegraphed AoE attacks and still take huge groups to take down. Doomguy could sprint around at sanic speeds and pick off the healers in seconds, leaving everyone fucked. He could also beat the raid boss itself without too much of an issue based on how fast he is. Boss couldn't land a hit on him.

There. I saved you the time of reading this garbage thread

But seriously, is there any character in any canon at any power level that could even HOPE to defeat Meatwad?

>Quake 2
Actually doubles if not triples the difficulty of the boss battle.

Sorry to break it to you user but pilots are slower than that without stim or grav star boosting

>Starring doomguy from DOOM
He assists you since you are still human. Goes full RIP AND TEAR on your and Lucy's ass if you do TDE. The real question is could doomguy get past NULL: ALL?


That's only because raid bosses are scripted to lose. All they would have to do is not be pants on head retarded and kill the healers first and nobody would be able to beat any raid. Doomguy with a typical raid boss AI is just as beatable as any. And if his AI is human like, then it's an unfair comparison because then other bosses should have smart AIs as well

>crusader kings 2

I'll just plot an assasination

Shake with a shotgun.

t. Shitter who never got gud

Guns work on the Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga

>Last game I was playing was Total War: Warhammer
>Was playing Chaos
couldn't be more fucked.

>Team Fortress 2
I guess he'll just replace Merasmus?
It would be doable if a medic ubercharged somebody.

>Battlefield 1
Makes sense, Doomguy is essentially the human equivalent of an armored locomotive. This is gonna be a nightmare

Wolfenstein TNO.

fits well, probably a better final boss than the one I got. But pretty sure I'm boned

>dragons dogma
He's no match for my arisen.

Prototype 2 this should be easy

Didn't play it, but what if Doomguy was put into some hentai game?
Final boss: eating his entire fiery demon destroyer dong

>nuh uh, Doomguy would win. Doomguy always wins
I read this in Meatwad's voice

>Dark Souls 3

To be fair, if I can catch him just at the right time while he's running, I can catch him in the Dragonslayer's Greataxe AOE attack.

doomguy replaces tank from l4d.

Which episode was this?

The colon boobie for adult theaters thingamajig.

fuck me


Ys origin. I don't even know how that would work.