Is he right?

Is he right?

I don't know if he's right about Mania because I haven't played it yet, but he's definitely right about the old Sonic games not being good.

he's wrong imo

Whether right or wrong, there are two reasons he cannot be trusted. First, he gets paid to write about vidya. Second, he has a forename for a surname. But yes he's wrong.

>Throwback to Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, CD
>Plays almost exactly the same
>Looks almost exactly the same
>Shares some stages and bosses from those games
>implying this would be good if those weren't any good

Reviewer confirmed retard just throwing out an inflammatory clickbait headline


fuck american clickbaiters

How were the genesis games bad when mania sucks the genesis titles cock very very good? Even so far as having a genesis cartridge with a genesis box in the CE. It's main inspiration is the genesis games... Idk

ain't like half the game literally a rehash of old sonic levels?

I feel like this is marketing targeted at casualfags who only recently started vidya, as in
>Hey don't worry about never having played those tired old Sonic games, they were shit anyway! Show everyone how cool and in-the-know you are by buying this rad new game instead!

>sonic the hedgehog 1
>about speed


Oh so you can only see things in the vaguest terms possible because you're retarded?

2D fags are pieces of shit that will ignore past games

Of course they would say that. I love Mania but let's not forget that Colors and Generations are a thing

Clickbait trash

I liked the old ones. They aren't the best games but they certainly aren't bad.

If you seriously think that clickbait headline is "vague", you are a colossal idiot.

If you like Mania then you like Sonic 2, CD, and 3K.

There's no getting around that.

Colors and half of Gens were boost2win.

Great visuals though.

Sonic games have been not bad (not saying all good, just not bad) for literally a fucking decade.
And before that the handheld games were, you know, not terrible.
These are facts, objective motherfucking facts.
I don't even like Sonic, but Jesus Christ the way people try to meme this shit into reality is insane.

>lets try to revise history, Sonic 2 and 3&K were never good
This is retarded. They've been considered some of the very best 16-bit games since they were released. Not by all, but that's ok. They still had a rep.

What is with all this revisionist bullshit I've seen at every level of popular culture in recent years? I've even seen many say Mega Man was never good. The fuck?

Not when Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, CD, Adventure 2 and Generations exist

They just want to have sex with Big the Cat

Casuals. Sup Forums is full of them.

Clickbait-money, paid directional-marketing and some Schlomo-schemes mixed in.

Good games = Good Graphics to far too many people nowadays

yea i was lurking a pokemon thread earlier and there were people saying XY were the best games in the series. We unironically have mobile game threads.

This board is fucking dead as I knew it. I don't even know why I come here anymore.

>2d sonic games have bad graphics
is this even an opinion

Aesthetics>Polygon-count/post-processing effects/realism

The most stupid thing i have ever heard.

I will be honest, i dont play many games, almost nothing, but even i can know thats bullshit.

I blame people like pewdiepie and the game grumps. Specially the game grumps since egoraptor was the one who brainwashed the youth of the world into believing sonic is shit.

Saying there's no good sonic games before Mania, is a fucking meme. The reason sonic is any good to begin with is because it started off good, then it had a decade or so of shit and now it's returned to form.

I only come here for waifu and loli threads desu

Post the archive link, faggot.

>just parroting some quadruple chinned weirdo that got his start on newgrounds making shitty cartoons

That's what I'd like to say, but I used to like the guy despite disagreeing with him on certain things. His main flaw is that he is convinced he knows enough about games to have a say on objective flaws in design when he really doesn't know that much. He just doesn't.

I never really payed attention to vidya journalism. Was it always so shit?

It was never great but it's gotten worse as the target demographics have shifted from hobbyists to casuals and SJWs. Also it's never been journalism, it's always been editorials and marketing.

Did these niggers never play Sonic Generations?

Reviewers are retarded casuals. News at 11.

The original Sonic games were good, but they weren't as good as the Mario games that were being released at the same time. Super Mario World was miles ahead of Sonic