>Yo-Kai will never be real
Why live
Yo-Kai will never be real
What if they are real but you can't see them without a Yo-Kai Watch?
Animals are real. Go fuck a baboon.
What if they're real and OP's image is really happening to you right now, but you can't see or feel it without a Yo-Kai watch from Walmart?
Gay as shit. Kyubi is the only good one.
>whenever you smell something foul and you can't figure out where it comes from
This sounds like the work of a YOkai!
Someone post that one with the gigantic mouth
>Yo-Kai Watch will never be good
Why play?
Same reason people play Pokemon.
this is disgusting
>implying kyubi is male
>implications i was talking about kyubi
What does this mean? I feel stupid everytime I see this not knowing its meaning especially because I live in London
Another way of saying "Tits or GTFO"
Came from some copypasta of some creep showering a girl in praises and saying if she lives in London
Fucking cat nigger
>gain the power to see yokai
>realize they've been watching you jerk off for years
>keep doing it
>just maintain eye contact now
>barely any cheeksqueak porn
Fucking waifufags, I just want to fuck an ass in it's mouth
Farts are gross, but you can't resist such a fat ass
Yes you can. Do you gain erections when you think of morbidly obese people?
I dunno, do you ever not act like a retard whenever you post on Sup Forums?
Only when I find quality posters.
Ofcourse somebody who likes a shit game would have degenerate taste
>yokai watch will never get enough waifu ghosts