Super Mario Odyssey

A little over 10 weeks until GOTY 2017, have you secured the hardware to play it on yet?

I'll buy a Switch when the Lite XL version comes out and a Pokemon RPG is on the library

>Just beat Sonic Mania
>Mario + Rabbids next month
>Odyssey in October
>Xenoblade at the end of the year

Already have a PC.

Waiting for the Switch bundle

>have you secured the hardware to play it on yet?

Nah, I don't like sift out through garbage.

I honestly can't tell if this guy is being serious

>3dworld + Tooie + Minigames
game is confirmed shit

He definitely is. As a Switch owner, that user's post is a perfect example of our desperation for games.

That's kinda sad, honestly. I do admit I'm jealous of couple of your games, Odyssey seems to be shaping up great and I would love to try Splatoon 2, but honestly, there is nothing to play in between, the way I see it

>+ Minigames
what did he mean by this

Lmao Switchfags excited for literally 0 games as usual.

I bought a Switch at Launch cause I really wanted Mario and was worried they'd be hard to find. Was pleasantly surprised with Zelda, Splat2n and Sonic Mania and can't wait for Mario


>Super Mario Odyssey

>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
> shovelware
It's not even out yet, how do you know if it'll be trash? It's gotten a great reception so far

Why do you do this? Why do you willingly shit up what could have been a decent thread with actual discussion?


leave Sonic Mania to me

>Mercury Steam
>Amiibo shit


indeed, user. Digi-shit pls go.

>how do you know if it'll be trash?
>It's gotten a great reception so far
Just like everything Ubisoft has made in the past yearsand when you played it you realized those were paid shills

cute! i honestly can't wait to expore the sand kingdom
what's your favourite so far?

Will we see Lillie again?

>Nintendo cheats, sues, lies to, and insults their fans for years

>their fans still suck Nintendo's cock and pay money for a literal broken console with no gaems

It's fucking hilarious to watch. Keep pretending that your shitty platform is relevant, it's great.

I'm excited for the City the most myself, user.

Not him but both the modern Raymans were good though.

>buying a console for 1 game
no thanks.

All of them look great but I'm really curious about Steam Gardens, mainly because we haven't actually seen any steam-related things

Never underestimate Nintenbros and their battered wife syndrome. It's sad to watch.


>user says games he's playing
>games do not fit taste
go ahead and also say xbox, ps4, and PC have no games either
