Dorgans Dagmar on PS4

Instead of re-releasing Dark Arisen, why doesn't Capcom just release DD: Online in the west? The original sold well enough

>making good desitions

Jesus Christ, why do they believe people would still buy this overrated shit? It's literally a small Skyrim world with maybe THREE interesting monsters in it. That dragon in the picture, the Griffin and something else I can't think of now.

All the other monsters are hidden somewhere in ugly dungeons. I don't even know why they gave it an open world.

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Came to post this.

2017 Capcom is not 2000 Capcom.

Dragons Dogma doesn't even have a open world. Every road is linear and trying to go outside of boundaries makes you hit an invisible wall or dead end.

>sell the same game for the third time
>release the game very late

>Dragon's Dogma Online announced
>"hurr why won't you make a PC or PS4 port instead"
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen announced on PC
>"hurr why won't you release it on PS4 instead"
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen announced for PS4
>"hurr why won't you release DDO instead"

Yeah wtf you doing here faggot?

Because you don't want DDO. Capcom's MMOs are made for the asian market. Asians love to grind, the west loves to be carried through the content.

You are a retard.

The original was more popular in Japan than in the west. That's why they got a f2p online game that panders to their sensibilities while the west gets Dark Arisen forever.

>why doesn't Capcom just release DD: Online in the west?
Who cares? Anyone can play it anyway.

Fuck DDO.

Sequel when?

>Anyone can play it anyway.

I hate VPNs

You don't want DDO.
Gameplay may be the same, but level design, characters, story and art direction is incredibly bad and boring.
They just needed to grab DD and slap session based MP a la MH, but since they wanted to prevent competition with themselves, fuck it, have this piece of shit and fuck the west.

hes not wrong tho

That requires a new translation and dedication to commit to an MMO. Both these things require effort and money, two things Capcom does not have.

>Gameplay may be the same
No it's not.
1k+ hours in DDO and DDDA.

Is DDO a sequel

DDO a shit


DD2 never

No more than FF game to another FF game.

If Crapcom knew what they were doing SFV and MHW wouldn't exist.

>DD2 never
So what do you think the game Itsuno is working on is then? DMC5?

>October 31st

Damn why so long for a fucking port with nothing new added?

Obviously because they will soon announce DD2.

thats not how i imagined spear class at all
or is that even a spear? more like a sword spear

>Every road is linear
It seems every road leads to Gran Soren

It's a spirit spear.
Looks dope.

>If Crapcom knew what they were doing the only things keeping them alive wouldn't exist.

>never see loli characters when people post DDO stuff

This alone makes me worried that the game is shit.


>keeping them alive
They wouldn't need to be "kept alive" if they knew what they were doing either.

Fucking pedo.

Because it's an easy cashgrab and they know Sonytards will take the bait.

What the fuck is with that fire DoT?

>buying DD for a 4th time
No thanks, Crapcom.

Eat a bag of dicks you flaming faggot, loli chars was one of DD's best features.

Isn't DDO using the same exact engine and was released on PS3 and PS4? They already have the fucking framework for co-op then why couldn't the re-releases have some kind of multiplayer?

You have shit taste

You just made this thread faggot with the idiot posting webms

It really wasn't. I tried making lolis and there's no way to make them not look like abortions that came straight out of a western game. That also applies to non-lolis and I have no idea why people wank this character creator so much.

I would've preferred this from the art more


even if that was true you are still a filthy pedo

No they are not, pedo. You can create black slave who will warm you with her big breasts and will carry all of your stuff and you creating fucking child to jerk your little cock. Stop lying to yourself, child characters aren't even useful in DDDA because of small weight limit.

>Keep re-releasing the same games over and over again
>Outsource sequels to third parties for no rhyme or reason
>Meanwhile let Deep Down sink into vaporware status
Capcom and SE are the most mysteriously inconsistent Japanese companies.

It's true though. You have garbage taste.

This. Downloading took a while, but everything aside from that was simple. How is the Spirit Lancer? I play Alchemist, but I'd like to try it out when 3.0 is released.

>official art has spears
>no spears in the actual game
What did Capcom mean by this?

>Capcom and SE are the most mysteriously inconsistent Japanese companies.
I really want to watch their director's meetings.

they obviously are saving it for the sequel...

>saving it for the sequel
Which not gonna happen

I mount Fire Inflict Crest into the spear.

>How is the Spirit Lancer?
Gorgeous. I love the moveset, speed, damage.

ha ha...

Believe in it
I believed for 10 years for Metroid
I got 2 fuckin games announced

Don't play with my feelings like that.

is the Western release confirmed October 3rd, or is this some Japanese shit?
will buy this for the first time

Dreams can come true
I will hold out hope for DD2 and for Deep Down to be revived
Now post those Pawns and Arisen

Capcom's just doing the same thing that they did with RE4. They hit an unintentional goldmine and milked it to it's maximum, knowing that they will most likely not be able to make a second successful attempt.

Maybe you just suck at working the sliders, I've seen characters made in Dragon's Dogma that look better than most Western characters.

I meant the core gameplay, not the entire mechanics and gimmicks.


What if they just take all the assets from DDO and use it to make DD2?

There are literally no examples of good looking lolis in Dragon's Dogma. The other user is correct, the sliders just don't allow for it.

>it's been years since the wind pushed us
I can't take it anymore.


>I meant the core gameplay
It's like saying Toukiden is the same as Monster Hunter.

It wouldn't be successful because it would look exactly like the original and the graphics wouldn't be acceptable for main stream to pick it up.

I like my Hermione


Capcom's about to remaster Okami HD again. Capcom's remastering the remaster of Resident Evil Revelations HD.

Capcom is fucking shameless and creatively bankrupt in every sense of the word. Like the PS4 era. Just stamp a remaster tag on it, fuck off Deep Down, Dragon's Dogma 2, or Dragon's Dogma Online. We're all about REMASTERS on the PS4!

The other user is incorrect about non-lolis, the combination of static selections and sliders allows for pretty deep character creation.



Agreed. I'm not saying the character creation isn't deep, but you just can't make decent looking lolis.

Looks like she has down syndrome

>The Berserk armor is going to be missing like the PC version

Bruh I based most of my outfits off the Swordsman's Greaves since they were the best leg armor that was equipable with every vocation. What the FUCK have PC players been doing all this time, wearing tights and pointy elf shoes made of cow testicles?


Why are pole arms and spears so unpopular? Is it because of swords is the coolest because nobles or is it animations.

Honestly, I don't mind remasters if it doesn't clog the company's pipeline of other games. For example, XII remaster came out the same year we got Stormblood and XV's getting DLC non-stop, and it also was tweaked and got some extra content.

Capcom goes full retard with it.

did someone say character creation?

I wish I didn't get memed into buying this trash holy shit.

Its not gonna be the same without those armors
I based a lot of my looks with those
griffith chest + blessed vest with scholars cape looked great

It's been a looooong ass time since I booted up DD, but I have very clear memories of going into the rift and being swarmed by cute lolis, sexy lolis, and sexycute lolis. The sliders are great, and people can work wonders with them.

You still haven't posted any examples though. I'm not going to take the word of some retard with shitty taste.

It better fucking be at 60 fps.


Hey fuck you buddy, you have shit taste.


Fish eyes + man shoulders. Not a good example.

Not an in-game example.

I played the game as of last week, and it's fresh in my mind that there are no good lolis in DD. Lolifags are truly the most desperate of fags out there.

>Capcom re-releasing the same game over and over and over and over
As expected.

I brine every loli/shota Pawn I see, I don't even want them in my game world. I want my harem to have big bouncy tits, lightly browned, and armed with a longbow.

Game is shit, can't stand the MMO combat

eyes too big and too high
brows too low
chimp ears


shit, I meant eyes too low

It wasn't just lolis. I remember so many delicious brown musclewomen and cute shotas

The pawn system was such a great idea.





This is the only one that's even halfway decent, and only because it looks kind of like that girl from Jin Roh

You realize those characters are the same except for a few parts right?