Are you hyped for it?
Why Sup Forums doesn't talk about this game?
>hyped for neo Naughty Dog
Is this a ruse?
no because story wise it has no where to go and you can't improve on the mechanics much more than what they have done.
It will be a soulless cash grab at best and a cluster fuck mess at worse.
Barely seen anything from it yet.
I don't know how to feel about it. The first game ended pretty perfectly. Of course they were going to return to the series because money but I had a slim hope that it would just be left as its own thing.
Because talking about anything ND related goes as well as making a pro-BLM thread on Sup Forums
I mean we talked about it a lot when it was announced and there's been no news about it other than the Seattle rumor since. It's not like there's a lot to talk about it since it's like 2 years away
What the fuck is the story even going to be? The shoved themselves in a damn corner with how they ended the first one. It's either:
1.She discovers she could cure the world and goes runs off to try and save the world
2.We are wasting 30+ hours watching her survive in a doom world with little narrative outside of survive
3. deus ex space magic fuckery that just makes everything worse
Because the leaks killed any interest I had for it.
>Lesbians are immune to the infection
Come the fuck on.
It's still in early development, so there's not much to talk about yet. And yes, I'm hyped. Fight me.
Come on user you're better than that
>And yes, I'm hyped. Fight me.
Me too
The only way they could have made a sequel that works is if we were following another line of characters doing something on there own. Revisiting the cast of the first one just ensures mediocrity just like TTG's Walking Dead season 2.
Wifiu and or daughterfu faggots I take it?
>Naughty Dog
>underage lesbian interracial romance
>TloU which is an overhyped interactive movie every PS4 game has to copy now
why would i?
honestly I can't be. I felt the ending was to edgy and was basically pandering to underage faggots. I really have no interest in giving them a second chance.
I think if I'd played TLOU on normal difficulty I would have hated it. Playing without the wall hacks and having low supplies made it interesting.
TLOU does indeed play much better on the harder difficulties
Whats there to talk about? We saw 1 trailer. Theres no information.
What information could there even be is the question? The way TLoU ended it makes a sequel complete shit
Everybody's talking shit on Sup Forums but I'm sure when it's released they are gonna like it.
Screencap this.
>two main characters are white
fuck off racist
But Hellblade already came out and is cheaper, has a better story and atmosphere and is probably just as long.
Love is edgy now? As far as concepts go, I thought love was on the polar opposite end of the spectrum.
I love you user
early 2019 ps4-ps5 cross-release confirmed
Would unironically buy a PS5 at launch if it's a better version if true
she looks too old now
No. I thought the first one was boring.
I hate "lol video games are art" cinematic games
Thanks, man
>It will be a soulless cash grab
am I naive in thinking it won't be like that, that ND doesn't operate that way? I agree with >the story wise it has no where to go
*released as the swan song for the PS4 and then a remastered version on PS5 comes out less than a year later despite denying that it's happening
PS5 will be backwards compatible
as much as the other anons are saying the story has nowhere to go, naudog themselves have said that where the first game was about love and relationships, the second one is about hatred and revenge. It has somewhere to go, but i don't think it has anywhere to go without the death of Joel, as they've already confirmed that the entire game through, you will play as Ellie.
Social Justice (SJW) Garbage
Why when people buy "HD" re-releases?
They can still do GOTY editions and collections
>It has somewhere to go
Not really. It's called 'jumping the shark' whatever plot it has, however it's written it can not match what came before. The world was dying and Joel fuck over the world, it ends on a
melancholy note that wraps things up. This is unwrapping it but as already stated it either must devalue the first once plot to where it was trivial or pointless, or it must take a fresh plot that has no weight because all stakes are gone. It's the damning flaw when your games makes it's sales on plot alone, it demands that the story override gameplay and that's even haunting here, you can't really improve much on the original meaning that the story will have to carry the game and bluntly, it can't hold up.
Why give the customer more then you have to?
because they will buy it up. Have you seen the market?
No. The first game was a repetitive brick-throwing sim. By some luck, it managed to sell well and receive high praise from everyone sucking its dick. Which means they don't have any incentive to innovate or deviate from brick-throwing sim. The best we can hope for is some cinder block action, or maybe clay bricks in Venezuela or some shit.
But it's still going to be a fucking brick-throwing sim.
She's ugly af now what happened
Pretty much this, the first game's dlc shouldn't have been called "Last of Us: Left Behind" but "Last of Us: how to get a lesbian girlfriend".
dlc was fucking boring
>Developers of Naughty Dog said that if they were to make a sequel it would likely not be about Joel and Ellie because their story is over
>The sequel is about Joel and Ellie
Dude it's almost, ALMOST as if they were lying to you so you could be surprised when they actually announced it, kind of like they said you would never play as Ellie in the first game.
But that's probably crazy talk amirite
I read a few interviews about 2 years back talking about it. I was looking for a source before posting that but I don't think it's worth digging that far back.
I was thinking that too, but I really believe they were considering it. If I remember correctly they were wording it as if they'd actually prefer writing the sequel about other survivors during the event as to avoid repetition. Though, this is modern day AAA gaming we're talking about.
>Crash and Ratchet
They were always a Chinese bootleg-tier Rare.
>Crash predates Banjo Kazooie and Conker
What did user mean by this?
Poor reading comprehension and a cool guy meme sign-off, this kid's going places.
Neil said in the PSX panel that this started in like 2014, but then he had to go work on Uncharted 4 after Amy left
Don't you mean Crash and Jak? Ratchet was made by Insomniac.
It really depends. I just hope they pace the game perfectly istead of what they did with Uncharted 4.
The last of us was paced perfectly 1/3rd into the game
This is one of the few games I am hyped for. I hope Ellie is just resistant and not immune and she is in a state of deep psychosis which translates to gameplay. Hearing things that are not there and even perhaps seeing them. Fighting a man while the other guy standing in front of you just going "what the fuck are you doing kid?" and when you kill both of them you can see only one corpse (but the game doesn't have to pinpoint this blatantly to you). Or a big fucking bloater trying to catch you and when you run away or shoot at him you alert others and when you look back he isn't there anymore. Or the infected talking to you as they are trying to kill you. THERE SHE is yet no hunter actually spotting you. Fuck I want a paranoid psychosis gameplay.
Are we going to kill Joel because he becomes infected?
I'm unironically hype for the multiplayer, it has the best sneaking gameplay since MGO. There's genuinely a lot of variety and gameplay styles in the multiplayer in comparison to the single player
Wow. I feel kinda retarded because i had the exact same idea. Ellies mental state would deteriorate over time and she would think Joel was on the adventure with her but in reality it was just her psychosis that made her and us the player believe it that way. Kind of like Fight club in a way.
I will never understand the appeal for these games.
Fuck yeah. Joel would even help her out and calm her down during her psychotic breaks so you'd think he is real.
Call me unimaginative but postapocalyptic fungus version of Fight Club would be great.
Because you played it on youtube.
I played it one and a half times on my PS3
Thanks for affirming that I can safely ignore all of your thoughts and feelings on this
Just the artistry of psychosis is spectacular. Like a post-apoc Shutter Island type deal.
With Naughty Dogs ability to do narrative in their games i think it could really be something special. From a story perspective The Last of Us wasn't even that interesting, but the narrative really brought it home.
Sup Forums like a PS4 exclusive? Impossible
Yeah survival mode was a bit too hard for you right?
Because the teaser has already been discussed to death you fucking faggot.
There's like one short trailer for it.
Not much to discuss besides the usual Sup Forums shit flinging stuff.
You're not helping me understand the appeal of the games. You are helping me understand how pathetic the fans are though.
Only if Neil Jewmann does these things:
>More zombie variety
>Makes partner AI not retarded
>Doesn't put in an obnoxiously long tutorial section
>Lets me play as Joel for at least half of the game
>Doesn't ruin the multiplayer
If my demands are met the Jew will receive my shekels
>another leak revealed joel was a demisexual trans all along
It's like they want this game to fail
i recentley beat it on grounded,i liked it but somethings,like ammo drops,felt too luck based.what did you think of it?
>tfw have to play the part where ellie fights off waves of enemies and a bloater with david with only a sliver off health,getting killed by a single puch
fuck off,thats not edgy enough
i am filled by hatred for you and everything you stand for
Grounded is the only way to play.
Maybe you should try playing it on a harder difficulty then if you haven't already.
Another great movie. I never played a game where psychosis was an important part of the gameplay (I still enjoyed the fuck out of Dead Space even though it was minor and weak).
Not him but in that area you have some bricks, bottles and even some crafting stuff near the corpses that can help you go through it.
Surely one of the harder sections though.
Do you think that would change my mind if difficulty wasn't an issue to me?
I doubt encounters are sufficiently less repetitive on higher difficulties or that the story suddenly gets more interesting.
why wouldn't I be excited for a diverse and progressive game?
>in before some manic SJW shames and screeches at me for not liking politics shoved down my throat
i know,if you dont use bricks/bottles you can only get fucked on grounded difficulty.also,do clickers not get stunned by thrown items or is that some weird bug i had?
well,i dont like polistics being shoved down my throat by anyone,including(and espescially) by Sup Forums
watch me get a strawman comic as a reply
I haven't even really played the first one yet.
I only just got out of the settlement with Ella(or w.e. her name is)
I want to play it but I don't have the time
Look. It's another sexist who's putting off a game because the main character is a strong female
>tough guy character caves into his own selfish desires and saves someone he loves in order to heal his own crippling depression
In what way is it edgy?
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
I'm waiting to see if they've significantly improved the AI from the first game. The original e3 trailer showed off dynamic AI(or at least the illusion) that would have made the gameplay something special instead of the fairly standard stealth/shooting that was in the final product.
>I never played a game where psychosis was an important part of the gameplay
I believe the new hellblade is just that but i don't want to try it because it doesn't seem like a game with that big a scope. At best it seems like an art piece.
The Last of Us was a full game first.
Where's the game?
Right here in my pocket
After toiling for countless hours replaying grounded over and over again (I love this game go fuck yourselves) I've concluded that you get ammo drops much more frequently when killing with a gun.
are you guys hating lesbians? why
probably cause the game wants to make sure you dont end up with no ammo too often(still happens sometimes though)
Walking simulator part deux? Fuck no.
But the multi-player will probably be great again
The only new info we've gotten on the game this year was that Seattle would be in it, and that's only because of concept art.
It's a dishonest game by a dishonest studio
Agreed. The bow is OP, I always had an arrow on me
>getting hyped for movie games
an arrow kill makes the most satisfying sound in any game
>Female protag
>Massive ugly dyke
>Story legit has no where else to go
>huge lack of info on the game
Do i need to continue, or can we just throw this into the trash.
because Sup Forums is a christian board.