Game has an overpowered cheese mechanic/ability

>Game has an overpowered cheese mechanic/ability
>You're forced to use it because the game is balanced around said mechanic/ability

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Dark Souls has this stupid Dodge mechanic that lets you avoid damage, if you don't use it you just keep dying and the whole game is balanced around you using this stupid mechanic.

Wrong. You can block.

The nunchucks in Bad Dudes

Stop playing on easymode and quit avoiding damage you fucking casuals.

Block is a terrible mechanic as well, I don't know why they put these stupid mechanics in that you're forced to use.

It's not overpowered but this stupid QTE is the only reliable way to recover HP.

Give 3 examples that don't involve iframes.

Not sure what category it would be in but whoever the fuck came up with the slag mechanic in Borderlands 2 needs to be shot into the fucking sun.

every one shot ability in overwatch (excluding snipers)

>Devil trigger (DMC1)
>Slag (Borderlands 2)
>All out attack (Persona 3-5)

Modern games with fast travel
Modern games with quest markers

Dishonoreds teleport

>there will never be another good RPG game released without quest markers/fast travel ever again

> the west


>Players pick 2 out of like 10 different abilites
>Maybe once every like 10 matches you'll have single player not using flash
>Riot has just given up and balanced around flash
>Even in videos explaining new champions they'll mention how shit could work with flash because having flash is a given
There are a million reason why league is garbage but this one is high on the list and pretty fucking telling.


Smite+ignite jungle is basically the only acceptable alternative, and that's only really for people like Shaco that can teleport far away on a short cooldown anyways and don't need flash

Shit sucks

Nasus and Singed, Teleport and Ghost.

Flash isn't exactly healthy but not having flash definitely isn't healthy.

How does dota avoid making most heroes get a blink dagger?

It's expensive, takes an item slot and doesn't work if you took damage recently.

I hate how Joy went from being something you can easily survive without to completely necessary in Joyful.

all out attack is kinda useless most of the time