Did you pre-order it yet?
Did you pre-order it yet?
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I don't play racist, sexist and homophobic games.
ohh yeahhhhh
i forgot they were making a racism game
... lel good luck to them i suppose
Heh. The fuck you thank this is white boi?
Man, you're missing out then!
No but i will buy it at release, it looks really cool and i loved the other wolfensteins
i'm racist and killing nazis is fine with me
of course
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
man wolfenstein was close to fucking re-branding nazis into slapstick video game enemies apposed to what americans have just done
good game that is, really good game
m8 you're in shitpost central right now
no, this game is racist against germans and i don't support racism
Can't wait to wipe out the entire KKK clan. Especially as a strong white man.
Hatred doesn't belong in america. Especailly racist bigots like Nazis or the KKK
But it seems like even the KKK get bullied by the nazis so probably only towards the end or some mode
>pre ordering anything
I will still get it at some point however.
but america was built on hatred
>yfw the last two weeks have all been a viral marketing scheme by Behtesda.
Real talk
Would the KKK and Nazis get along?
>Hatred doesn't belong in america
Which is funny because the original Americans WERE the invading foreign force.
And Liberals basically exist to hate anyone that doesn't conform to their thinking.
>mfw accused of being a conservative just because I despise liberals
>deathshead's Hawaii vaccation will be a expansion pack
Who else would you be you idiot?
For $30 on cdkeys, yes I did : ^)
is there a pacifist run?
I dont know why but when I first played TNO and TOB I thought they were great. But then when I wanted to play them again I thought it's a piece of SHIT game and uninstalled it after an hour.
terror billy edition for me
The devs are portraying Nazis as normal, strawberry milkshake drinking humans, when in reality Nazis were soulless demons. So no.
A free thinker :∆)
Not American, thankfully
Your stupid SJW shit has gone so far than even Asia is involved. We have filthy gays rallying for more rights since gay marriage is rightfully illegal where I live. If we were China the government could kill them but we aren't China so the protesters can't be forcefully silenced.
Give me asian gf
Man I remember when the trailer came out and Sup Forums sperged that the game was unrealistic because the Klan would never side with nazis.
Reality comes at you fast when you're a retard
don't worry you will become like Indonesia soon
why would they still be wearing hoods if the nazis won?
didnt they start wearing hoods so people didnt know who they were?
Reminder that the Alt Left is as bad as the Alt Right
Sure, user, visit anytime.
Pls no, anything but Indonesia or the Phillipines.
You sound cute pinoy, I bet we could cuddle and make love while you whisper sweet words into my ear.
i guess being nuked changes your minds on things
But the nazis and KKK arent on the same side in the game
Singapoor, user, not Pinoy.
What is alt-left? anti-fa?
What's the difference?
>Those refined features
How can nationalists compete?
No, the Nazis consider the KKK cucks.
1st world country vs 3rd world. No guns and drugs. Subhuman degeneracy is illegal.
ask Clintons
Fresh new term to demonize non-alt right folks.
BLM, Antifa and SJWs.
So basically Republican and on the right but pretending to be on the left?
Why would that sjw bring a bat to a car fight?
>Alt-left doesn't exist
>bunch of nazi sympathizers getting beat up
I fail to see the issue, we weren't friends with Hitler
Yes. Leftists are never violent and if they are, it's because it's an evil ReTHUGlican -- you like that? Just thought of it -- dressed up and LARPing as a leftist.
Antifa and ISIS are made for each other.
What's wrong with that image?
Reading comprehension
I'm not even sure SJW could be grouped with them, they're just whiny crybabies.
I bet you have met every German soldier personally, and have concluded objectively that all nazis were soulless demons
You do realize that by that logic a Nazi could say that every soviet soldier was a commie degenerate? or that every american was a corrupt jew loving decadent fuck?
Those images are all before Trump even won and have nothing to do with the Alt Right rally.
The left is just full of retarded violent commies that know they can't win a debate so they just go for blood.
>Muricans destroy their own heritage because "history, history, science and facts are racist"
Can we take all there retards and their 3rd World mentality and ship them off to Africa or the Middle East or something?
holy shit I thought this was a screenshot from Mafia 3.
Being violent is not a privilege of the right. Specially when you consider that someone was literally killed by a batshit neckbeard on the right.
To think, in a few hundred years, derelict american towns could have been labeled UNSECO heritage sites for their preserved monuments.
You said the Clintons.... They're basically Republicans. Hell last election was:
Bernie Sanders - Democrat
Hillary Clinton - Republican
Doland Trump - Independent
Antifa is organized, planned violence with weapons.
The fag with the car was a lone moron (who might even get acquitted if it turns out they mob attacked his car first.)
Literally the day before that happened a dude shot a guy that a huge GOP member just for being a GOP member. Shit, if anything the altleft have been exceptionally more violent than the altright. Remember the berniebro that tried to kill over ten senators? Funny how that dropped out of the news cycle within the day.
As if. Rural America has nothing of interest, every town is literally the same
Stop being mad because your participation trophy for taken down
Daily reminder to car pool.
Usually violence towards Trumpos was because they were doing nazi salutes and spouting racist garbage. My neighbor is a Trumpo, he called my friend yesterday saying how he wants to start a hispanic chapter of the KKK and that he hates niggers and other hispanics.
Except the nazis had more guns and constantly display them due to their small penises.
That was the joke, you fucking moron
>Remember the berniebro that tried to kill over ten senators?
Isn't the reason why you have the second amendment so the populace can pull this shit? The guy has hardly any right to complain, being a shilling for the gun industry. He had it coming.
>Usually violence towards Trumpos was because they were doing nazi salutes and spouting racist garbage
None of this happened otherwise it'd be on the news. Most of these were attacked for wearing a MAGA hat or shirt in a liberal city.
They don't need guns if they can use their hands,antifa are literal human sticks most of the times.
Press C to cum on her grave
The purpose of the second amendment is to prevent the governemnt from having complete and total conteol over the populace as in Britain, not shoot to people you disagree with.
I'm pretty sure being GOP is grounds for being shot anyway. Tea Party, GOP, ISIS, all the same shit. I remember when you could be a proud Republican and not be associated with the KKK, white supremacy, and religious zealotry. Now the party has been overrun by sister fucking rednecks and the true republicans have to hide in shame because their party is full of hateful science deniers who are in desperate need of time machines so they can live in the past like they want so desperately.
The Alt Right rally had no weapons since public gatherings/protests are gun free zones.
It is on the news. The Nazi flags and tattoos, the Hail Trumps, the jews won't replace us chants. Sorry bro.
>Cumming on a 280 tub of lard with no titties
>Siding with niggers that want to castrate you over sweet incest
>destroying historical monuments, literally a felony
>""""""peaceful protest"""""""
can we just start executing these people on the streets please?
And I remember when you could be a proud democrat and not be associated with white genocide and zionists.
Well wearing a MAGA hat is basically the same as wearing a pointy white hood. Deal with it. There were decent republican candidates and instead the country went full retard and elected the joke. Memes are what won that election, it's like voting the unpopular chick as prom queen just to spite people.
Seems kind of a loose interpretation if you ask me. You're still saying guns are to kill agents of the government.
Its the "Lets take the worst part of the previous gaem, and expand on it!" kind of sequel.
No way im preordering this shit.
"worst part" being a hamfisted exposition and "look at how evilishly evil zis evil nazi iz, he 's so evil he kicks a puppy every 5 minutes" cinematic sequences.
I know nazis are evil. I don't need to have to sit through a cinematic reminding me about it every 5 minutes.
Read my previous post, idiot.
ITT basic baiters cry nazi for easy reactions
So we agree it's time to leave the 2 party system behind since neither represent the American people, nice.
Not an argument.
The statue was already scheduled for removal anyway.
TRUMP is truly our saviour
And considering Trump was shat on by both paries and now is himself shiting on them the "third party" candidate won.
But Ernesto Guevara hated black people.
>Not being a real american
Get your commie and faggot Nazi shit out of my freedom, guns and hamburgers
I didn't think it was possible to make Huey and Riley that generic looking but I guess I've been proven wrong.
aww yess slay kween
remember the basics
If you're stupid enough to go outside in Klan cosplay you deserve to be punched. Sorry.
>sticks and stones
Nigger what are you even saying