Hi Sup Forums, I need your help

Hi Sup Forums, I need your help

I need games that could help a 13-14yo girl get into the Sup Forums lines. We play on master race.

So far she likes Slime Rancher and those "hidden object" games. She showed interest in Fallout New Vegas but at the time the machine exploded and got deleted, may try again with that one.
Likes adventure games but she doen't understand english so it must be in spanish if it's narrative heavy.

She didn't like The sims, The telltale's Walking Dead, Life is strange, Diablo 1 (because it was too hard and in english, may try to hook her on Diablo 3 as it's piss easy on Easy). Tried League of Legends but she panics very easily and that ruins the game for her (and the team). Hates Minecraft.

Help to create a pontential vydia fan!

do you have any pics of her so i can more accurately determine what kind of games she might like?

Tell her to play spiral knights


stop trying to groom some teenager you fucking pedo

Wow, she already has a taste of a typical edgy Sup Forumsirgin.

What about FPS games? HL2 maybe?

This. It's hard to choose games without pics.
Preferably butthole.


She is a relative right? Otherwise you're underaged or a creep.

Stop this immediately.
That was very pedophobic.

>I need games that could help a 13-14yo girl get into the Sup Forums lines

You slime rancher shills are creative, I'll give you that. Now fuck off with your daily threads feom the past few weeks and kill yourself.

Will add it to the list

May try HL as we share a Steam account (will make one for her) but I didn't know it was multilingual game
No pics!

I'm her uncle, she doesn't like ANYTHING but she's giving games a try so I'm trying to push that, maybe we can share the hobby eventually.

Not a shill, maybe second hand, as I actually got the SR idea from Sup Forums lol

>There's this early teen next to me
>hehee *inhales* I'll teach her videogames even though she clearly isn't interested (since I don't have any other hobby) and become best buddies with her

Even if she's your relative it's still pretty damn sad and creepy

Also she isn't too much into fighting games (likes Mortal Kombat), she doesn't like the... competitiveness in them.
Like, when you lose you want a rematch because you think you can do better with the same character or another or of course the other cheated, and this repeats and so on.
But she just loses or wins and that's the end

Show her neptunia.

>she doesn't like ANYTHING but she's giving games a try so I'm trying to push that, maybe we can share the hobby eventually.
try pushing her in to a proper hobby

I actually also do that, she KINDA likes crafting and painting, she just doesn't have the focus for it
Games get her hooked up, interested, I want to encourage that as I believe it will really be for good.

Stardew Valley of course

make her play Valiant Heart, I think it is in spanish my last girlfriend liked it



This one looks ok, will add it to the list

I know Valiant Hearts, wanted to avoid it because I think a dog dies? And that will destroy her

Not sure if she'll like that but I have nothing to lose but a few seconds before the "I don't like it", will add it

nah m8, only the old guy dies in the end

don't toy with my feelings user I don't also want to cry, I love my doggos


You should get emulators and build off the classics so she has a strong base to grow from.

Classics like which one would you say are fitting?


Give her Legend of Zelda games to play. From your description it seems she might definitely like them.

Artificial Academy 2 seems right up her alley for the kinds of things you want to do.

Will do.
Anyone you think may have the easier mechanics?

Dwarf Fortress

The GBC ones (Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons and DX) are pretty good to start with and you can always change the language to spanish. Other good choices are ALTTP and Minish Cap. Overall, any 2D Zeldas (DS ones not included) that aren't the first one are usually quite good for starters.


Tell her to ditch video games and learn English.

If you're willing to do emulators, I would definitely have to say Kirby. Easy to get into and fun to complete.