Who else hyped to kill some nazis?

Who else hyped to kill some nazis?

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>post about this game on Sup Forums
>laugh my ass off as they get triggered about "muh juice" "muh nazis were never all that bad" and so on
It's like a fucking cartoon world over there

It's fake. Just a girl with a very convincing fake penis and balls.


This is America, people can be nazis if they want to be.


>Sup Forums has officially ruined the chances of talking about any WW2 game from this point on Sup Forums onward

Damn, I didn't think any board could beat /mlp/'s autism, but they did it.


I don't care about the time or era or new body or whatever, that jacket and outfit overall fucking sucks dick.

And we can mock and get them fired if we want to too.

and people have the right to call each other assholes, when did nazis become the safe-space fags?

I don't believe you. I know there's people out there doing stuff like that.

I'm ready for some HIGH OCTANE WHEELCHAIR ACTION, that's for sure.

the Virginia shitstorm has shown them to be abunch of thin skinned autismo's who think memes make for a good arguement

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
It was always like this

I always found it ironic since natsoc is one of the most anti-american things, right next to communism

In cod ww2 not in wolfenstein tbqh.

Guys, remember the end of the Polish concentration camp when you finally got to drive one of those mechs with the machinegun and rocket launcher arms? Do you think we'll have one of those sequences but better in TNC?

My heart is racing just thinking about jumping into a mech, hotwiring it, and using it to slowly crush a German National Socialist's skull against the pavement while he laughably screams in pain and beats his hands against the mech boot.

When B.J. and his Jewish buddy were tied to the post, the mech used a knife to cut them free. I hope I can use that bayonet to gut German National Socialists in the upcoming game. Killing National Socialists in games has never gotten old, in fact, I think I'm going to reinstall Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway.

Get ready, video game National Socialists, I'm coming for your extreme leftist scalps!

Don't blame Sup Forums, blame the people who use "Nazi" as a ridiculous umbrella term for normal people thus making them subconsciously sympathize with real Nazis. It's true and you know it. All this "#punchanazi xD" bullshit is a problem because these people are insane and will apply the term "Nazi" to anyone they dislike or disagree with.
inb4 you call me a nazi and prove my fucking point

>Glad your looking forward to the new Wolfenstein! I just have to ask, you DID preorder Skyrim VR right? Could you show me the receipt?

is it too much to ask to have a thread without any political shitposting

And here you are proving him right by defending Sup Forums
They dindu nuffin right

>people were mean to me and called me names so I had no choice but to become a Nazi

Fuck off with that shitty argument.

>blame the people who use "Nazi" as a ridiculous umbrella term

But that would make too much sense.

I'm pretty sure the only people that do that on here are just shit posters but you're too retarded to realise that

It's give and take on both sides to be fair.

You're actually the cancer that keeps us from talking about these games because you come in crying about your boogeymen.

Fuck off, we're trying to have a game discussion.


Here's what Sup Forums thinks
Inb4 >phone
I'm still at work

But even without people like him there's still all those people that say shit "w-why can't we play as the good guys" which is just asking to derail the thread

It's not an argument, it's clearly what's happening. If someone wants to normalize violence against "nazis", I have no choice but to object when I myself am labeled a """"""""""nazi"""""""""".
And that's without even getting into the fact that, whether you like it or not, legitimate, full-blown neo-nazis still have first amendment rights and should not be attacked solely for holding certain opinions.

Nazi had been used as an insult so much that it stopped being considered bad, but these are people using nazi flags, nazi slogans, and nazi salutes.

Nope, we used to even have civil W@W threads before this. Fucking COD WW2 where the biggest rage came from the AI having endless supply of grenades on veteran. And now? Everyone on Sup Forums spergs out for COD WW2 because of removed swastikas or being able to choose a female or male avatar or play as a minority which leads to black nazis in the multiplayer.
/new/ was pretty much stormfront, which is why moot removed it. Sup Forums has always unironically been nazis while the rest of Sup Forums was ironically nazis and everyone was fine with that, but now Sup Forums gets its feefees hurt if you say you want to kill the nazis and its getting fucking annoying.

I dont recall this outrage when Inglorious Basterds came out and the only thing normies remembered from it was ebin nazi scalps xddd

Less hyped for the Nazi-killing (It is a fun game though) and more hyped for the fantastic world-building they've done.

I'm not a Nazi sympathizer at all but seeing ultra-wide railroad cars, the Volkshalle, and a really neat blending of 1960s industrial design and Nazism is really cool.

Oh rad, so I guess I'm just going to have to keep calling you a faggot until you choke to death on cocks.

All I wanted was another Wolfenstein where we don't get this tired game developer HURR MURICA IS DA PROBLEM shit.

>inb4 the featured review quote on the box is "punch a nazi today! -kotaku

when is a game where i can kill communists coming out?

>seeing ultra-wide railroad cars, the Volkshalle, and a really neat blending of 1960s industrial design and Nazism is really cool.
That makes you a human punching bag in the eyes of Antifa extremists, just so you know.

wtf, i love socialism now!

Theres tons of games where russians and chinks are the bad guys.

im reporting you to @yesyoureracist

Literally any game set during 'Nam

not really, i didn't like the cutscenes and the general slowness of the game

even liked wolfenstein 2009 better

I know call of duty black ops 1, maybe 3, don't remember any of that campaign

Antifa here, don't make me peacefully protest you by throwing plastic bottles filled with concrete at your head or hitting you with a bike lock.

you probably are though

Already did

Wolfenstein 09 is incredibly underrated. Really wish it was still on steam. The new Wolfenstein games do take their time with characters and plot, but the only part that bothered me in TNO was the downtime between main missions where you're just doing small fetch quests for the kreisau circle. So long as they cut down on that in this game I'll be happy

3 was more about transhumanism, artificial intelligence and how every government is always going to have a rebel group. You know, cyber punk but for the CoD audience?

>proving my point
Like fucking clockwork.

Aside from having to kill the good guys, my only other problem with The New Order was that the guns were too fucking huge.

I get it, they wanted to make the guns look big and intimidating, but when your fully upgraded rifle takes up a full third of the screen when you're not even dual-wielding it, your art direction needs to chill the fuck out a bit.

Failing that, at least give me the option to fuck around with the FOV so nearly half of the screen isn't just a gun that covers the full screen every 3 seconds with an idle animation.


>act like a Nazi
>get called a Nazi
>so much for the tolerant left!!!

Maybe don't be a fucking cocksucker or care so much about what people say, you child.

Nope, I got TNO for 10 bucks and hated it, All the praise it got about being "oldschool" was bullshit it's just another CoD wannabe

>wtf i love German Nationalism now!


I guess, I just checked out completely after we started going into people's minds and got real sick of Henderson real fast, but I was given the game as a gift so can't complain to much I suppose

Hi, can you antifa fruits fuck off back to /mlp/, we're trying to talk about Wolfenstein.

I've noticed a lot of modern games love having the guns take up the screen. I don't get why they like it so much.

Henderson was a grade A douche through and through.

I did like the over all themes of the game. I can give it that.

Yeah, the German "Nationalsozialismus" or National Socialist party.

Why did 3 abandon the continuing plot from from the first two blops games? Could they just not make it work? Were new writers involved?

It's not my fault that freaks like you have broadened the term so much that I (and most normal, non-extremist people) fall under it.

Ah yes, it's just Antifa and socialists that have a long tradition of disliking Nazis.

I'm guessing dickhead devs who have never picked up an actual firearm. Just look at the shotgun, it's like the size of a rocket launcher but fires normal shotgun shells.

you literally don't have to worry about being called a nazi unless you are a nazi.

I don't fucking know but they seriously could've linked the games and story points a lot better. I mean, fuck, 2 already discussed military reliance on technology.

Although 2 isn't a saint in this regard either. They brought up the numbers and Reznov but do nothing with it.

No. Did you even read my post? Yet again proving my point.

>the more you call me a nazi, the more i literally become a nazi

don't you see a problem with this logic?

in 2012 we had ponyfags
5 years later, we have literal unironic nazis

Literally no one but Trump and your weird alt-right cabal is defending Nazis. Sorry mate, it's not going to work.

I absolutely loved the Gibraltar Bridge. It had sick music as well.

The New Order was a great game all around. I'm pretty hyped for this one too.

You are literally called a nazi by anyone on the left for disagreeing with them on anything.

Trump is a jackass but he isn't like the alt-reich that follows him.

>Be on the left
>Everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi or nazi sympathizer
>congratulations, you've won every argument ever and now have the right to inflict violence upon those with different opinions

>Be on the right
>Everyone who disagrees with you is an SJW nu-male
>congratulations, you've won every argument ever and now have the right to inflict violence upon those with different opinions

Extremism was a mistake

>not be an extremist
>everyone calls you a pussy or a cuck for not taking a hard side


It's weird how these two assertions don't seem all that equal when every major news outlet has a heavy leftist bias

Except FOX

>all those times rightists went to BLM get-togethers and started spraying chemical weapons everywhere and beating up niggers
truly a dark time we're living in

I'm hyped to never have a decent thread about it but at least I'm glad they're adding some new enemy types.

FOX is really just another side of the same coin.

Tucker Carlson's pretty neat at least.

fuck this game and fuck the lefties.

i made a facebook post telling people how i felt and people had the nerve to tell me off. i lost just about all of my friends today.

Are you denying equivalent situations to Anti-fa but with the right never happened?

Both are bad as each other and will berate anyone who do actually think that you can get your view point across without resorting to fucking violence.

Blops 2 was awful plot-wise, autistic commie cyclops with a retarded backstory isn't an interesting enemy.

>losers that took barely 4 years to crush

gimme some fucking commies to roast, even after napalming them for decades they're still around, a true enemy

Maybe quit being a faggot

Again, any game set in 'Nam

>losers that took barely 4 years to crush
>It took the entire western world and the soviet union 4 years to kill an ideology encompassed by a single small nation


>gimme some fucking commies to roast
Any game set during the cold war really. or that one metro dlc

>Are you denying equivalent situations to Anti-fa but with the right never happened?
Yes. Tell me when the modern, American nazis violently attacked a legal gathering of protesters.

Even Boxxy hates Drumpf
Bash the fash!!!

>If you're not a nazi then why do you care so much? Thou doth protest too much.

Because you dumb fucking liberal faggots call everyone who doesn't vote the same way you do a nazi, you stupid fuck. Do you really not understand the kind of conflict escalation you're providing by calling everyone you don't like a nazi? Of course you don't, you're doing it in every post you make.

Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a nazi. That's all there is to it.

>animeretard talking about btfoing
pls die

Read the fucking thread. I shouldn't have to repeat myself about why I care.

All this "these people are insane and ill apply the term "Nazi" to anyone they dislike or disagree with shit" is a problem because you post something like this youtu.be/hVc1hvD6mCw?t=110 and Sup Forums crawls out of the fucking woodwork saying "Gosh you can't sa those guys are Nazis just because of that, or the hail trump, or the "Jews will not replace us" you filthy lefty."

Why did it only take a couple years for people to forget the giant stretch of every fucking shooter since cod4 being about "oh noes, the soviet union is back!"

>wanting to murder innocents
I didn't realize the statue of Robert E. Lee came alive at night and terrorized urban neighborhoods.