What are some games women will never understand?
ITT: Games women will never understand
all of them
Grand strategy
Kirby's Pinball Land
The Stalker series.
spoon-feed me this spicy ironic meme plz op
You post a game that contains masculine themes and messages because women will never TRULY understand them.
Any games that deal with the concepts of honor, loyalty, perseverance, etc.
but what makes the meme funny tho
first you act repulsive and unattractive so as to repel the opposite sex
then you get bitter about your loneliness
then you blame women and get bitter about them
then you start finding ways to discount them altogether, sour grapes style. Examples of this include insisting they can't understand a video game or movie because it's about honor/loyalty/etc, and in the mental picture of the female sex that you've built up to protect your ego, women lack these entirely and are thus worthless
but then why post an MGS title
chicks eat up that bara shit
Found the woman.
Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2016
Didn't you make this exact same shitpost last thread? Hurry up and fuck off already, Sup Forumstard.
Do women even understand anything?
We literally had this thread yesterday
Back to your containment, roastie.
Your theory is definitely correct for some men who are bitter. I don't find women worthless or anything, I just find them to be less honorable than men. Honor to me is sticking by your values, standing your ground, etc. I had a middle-aged lady at work openly tell me that women trade up, and she was all nonchalant and happy about it. I can't blame them, there's basically no downside for them doing so (legally), it's just shitty.
Anyway, games. Doom.
Sup Forums is your only window to the world, huh?