This is Sargeras, lord of the Burning Crusade

This is Sargeras, lord of the Burning Crusade

Say something nice about him

The Ultimate Chad

nice tan, swole bod, sweet pauldrons

He's not a white male

Please tell me this is just fucking time travel form.

>giant pauldrons

fashion disaster

Everything in wow is so generic and cannibalized, this could be a trash mob in Tol Whatever or Uldableh

Aren't real Titans supposed to be planet-sized?

Deathwing can turn into a human sized creature

It's magic, nigga

Can we have legacy servers, please?


aman'thul a best

every titan in WoW is already dead, sargeras has no real body and all the titans you see in 7.3 are the captured souls of the titans he killed put into new bodies

aint that argus?

something like that, there's models for all the dead titans too

argus is the planet dumby

Argus is the final boss of the expansion

This is Argus, OP is "Young Sargeras"

planets are titan eggs

finally seeing their models is kinda surreal
always felt like blizzard would delay their story forever

I thought sargeras looked more like this

Shouldnt sargeras look like a superdemon?

He's the fucking final boss of the warcraft universe

OP is old sargeras
your pic is when he became ebil bad guy

thats fan art nigga

and thats not sargeras, that is the Avatar of Sargeras, which we know looks like pic related from the tomb of sargeras raid

He's a lot plainer than I expected.

It's just his Avatar. And also a corpse

it's literally the exact same as young sargeras but with horns, look at the shoulder skull and the symbol below his belt

OP is pre-corruption Sargeras, he was a normal titan first

Boom! big reveal
I'm a titan now morty!

I'm so bored of WoW, guys

What do I do

play something else until 7.3 and resub to play that

Stop playing for a few months, then come back.

Literally what every WoW player on the planet does.


Play BC when the game was actually good.

the horns look like an afterthought, like someone just made that Sargeras model and said
>that's not demon-y enough add Illidan's horns as well

>Illidan and the Pantheon use the remaining power of Argus to seal Sargeras away
>without the power of Argus, the demons of the Burning Legion lose their ability to reform and resurrect on death
>all the demons give up and go home
>world peace until the next expansion

>He's the fucking final boss of the warcraft universe
no he's not

not really, argus and all of the "titans" other then sargeras are just souls put into titan bodies made by a boss you fight in the raid, sargeras appears in his full titan planet sized form at the end boss, argus was supposed to turn into a real titan but sargeras used his life essence to fuel his infinite army which fucked the titan soul up

As someone who's played since warcraft 2, fuck you and your "void lords"

>going from fighting sargeras to doing shit in the south seas
I'm okay with this, I hope it remains mostly chill and not more end of the world shit

I've played since Warcraft 1, and I'm okay with void lords.

>fighting sargeras
you don't fight him, he's too strong lore-wise for it to make sense

>all this recycled shit
jesus christ

Take a break

>Those massive pauldrons

I wonder if it began with him.

I don't think you know what that means, none of these characters have appeared in world of warcraft before

If the final boss isn't the Void Lords, it's going to be Azshara

People said the same thing of KJ

but you don't actually fight sarg in the final raid. We do seal him up in gay baby jail with illidan, so maybe we'll see him again soon.

>Literally all reskins
>"none of these have appeared in world of warcraft before"

>titans look just like the robots they made to walk around on he planets and manage things in their stead

wooooow, hacks couldn't even design proper OCs to be their avatars

reskins from what? the titan watcher models that were made in their image?


We give him Illidan as a stressball and hope he doesn't burst out and kill everyone?


>that continent sized ass never got pummeled


illidans story line has no reason to exist when the burning legion ceases to exist, it's the perfect place to leave him lore wise

his mind was blown heheh

No, reskins of the fucking throne of thunder models, you goddamn semantic mongoloid.

Mogu are titan watchers sweetie

so next expac will be against queen azshara?

are you talking about Ra? The titanic-watcher that the titans made to look like them.

everything looks the same in world of warcraft
>big pauldrons
>big bracers
>big belt
>pointless magical runes


The datamined quest gear shows something old gods/sea related so probably, the quest gear has Kul'tiras in the name, and old god tentacles.

if you're talking about the titan watcher last boss, that's literally what I just said you autist

Someone post the "leak" already

Play FFXIV and be a cat girl



That's just the ending of Lich King. Fucking hell. Did Pandaland end like this too?

>finally after all this years I have become world of warcraft: the burnining crusade

if sargeras dosent cleave the seat of the pantheon when you hit enrage I will be very dissapointed

how long until sargeras corrupts illidan and breaks free

And thus Illidan's story ends as it began, doing nothing wrong
Until he shows up again in 3 expansions as a raid boss

Is not really the same, Arthas died and Bolvar wear the mask to control the undead, The titans using their power to cuck illidan and sargeras. The end of pandaland was a panda arresting Garrosh.

arthas is a ghost in super hell, sylvanas met him when she tried to commit sudoku.

when blizzard runs out of lore after the south seas and void lord expansions when we go to past argus

It's an eternal heroic sacrifice to ensure the evil that you stopped does not cut loose and kill everyone on a level that you can't fight.

yes, garrosh went to jail but there must always be a warchief



Im playing Warcraft 3 for the first time in decades. Its so fucking fun.
Warcraft 4 when

blizzard will never run out of lore because they have no problem bringing someone back to life.

>doing nothing wrong
He did a lot wrong

Space wind chimes talking about his destiny and struggle doesnt make him less of a shitty edgelord antihero

He's a big guy

>Warcraft 4 when
You think you do but you don't.

name an actual non-demon dead character that has come back to life


Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the titans, I stoped playing after killing arthas, only mention of the titans I recall are from ulduar and those 2 other throgg infested dungeons

Have no fears we've got raids for years!

bravo metzen

>He did a lot wrong
Like what?

literally who

well, titans are the primordial race that created life over the universe, sargeras was one of them until he eventually went full retard and created the burning legion

That's pretty awful. This dude is supposed to be the destroyer of worlds enemy of all life etc etc he looks like some basic demon faggot we've killed 100x already

Metzen left in wod, he's a stay at home dad now. He only comes back to do voices.

>talking about lore
>doesn't even know Doras

let me guess, you don't even play the game either?

Sargeras is a titan. He knows about void lords (c'thun and shit) and wants to eradicate them. That's why he killed all the Titans because he knew they could be corrupted. Also Azeroth is a titan aswell. That's why Sargeras been trying to destroy it since forever.

There must always be... a jailer...

That's not him, just his avatar. We've also known what he looks like for years, see

is this some sort of horde meme, I've only ever played dwarves

muradin and magni
