Who /Final Fantasy Brave Exvius/ here?

Who /Final Fantasy Brave Exvius/ here?

It is the SUPERIOR grindy gachashit weeb game on mobile. The best by far.

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>playing gacha
2 bombs werent enough

At least it's a good Gacha game.

>they didn't pull A2
o I am laffin

Weebs ruin everything

Getting bored of the collab event shit. First Nier taking up this month's raid slot and now we've got that second Ariana Grande event coming up wasting another week. At least it's two weeks of not spending any lapis or tickets I guess.

How many summons?

I don't chase 5 star bases. Put, in 41 pulls I managed to get 2 9s, 11 21Os, a Dark Veritas, and 0 Eves. Feels good.

I didn't even get her from my tickets but from the 4* ticket from raid rewards

Me too. Lots of TMR farming though. Right now I have 3 Ingus, a Tim, and a Kefka on the grind.

Sweet. I only used one 4* ticket, and it was a 9S.

>global will never get FFXI event
Just fucking kill me already.

> Global will never get the DQ Event

FFXI will happen eventually. It was pushed back due to anniversary raid, and then pushed back further because Gumi is incompetent and brought the Nier raid 8 months early.

A2 seems like garbage though, got two 'friends' that have her and she is just trash.
My fucking garland is even better.

She's only garbage right now due to her only good actual move being bugged and unusable. When she is fixed, believe me she will be the best chainer.

What did she mean by this?



How new is this? I just started playing and I see everyone talking about it all of a sudden.

It's about 14 months old. JP version is older.

How are your units, my man? Did you go through reroll hell?

final fantasy brave exvius

but i have no idea what ww means

I stopped playing this when they released Lightning. It was pretty boring.

I assume it means Worldwide, but it's called Global, not worldwide. It should be FFBEGL

desu she is pretty cute

You literally played for only the 5 star meta. That is the worst time in the game.

I would say to give it another try. It's gotten much better, but you may want to reroll instead of just using your old account.

>they didn't spend all 100+ tickets including 4* guaranteed tickets to pull both A2 and 2B

it's not like there are other great units coming or something...

What new characters have they added since then?

> chasing 5 star bases

I wish I could do that. Besides, Ayaka is coming in two months. She is extremely important.

What is the appeal of these types of games, I don't understand

why not just emulate one of the older FF games instead or something

Ramza Enhancements when?

Dude, tons.


Granblue >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dogshit>>>>>>>>FFBE

What's the new meta? I quit when they released Noctis and that shit ruined the game

fuck off nostalgiafag
those games have old broke-ass archaic gameplay. Brave Exvius's gameplay is MUCH superior by comparison.

oh, i could never actually afford to chase 5° bases. i just hoarded and hoarded free tickets until the banner came, and then went all in. only money i've ever spent where for that easter chest deal.

As for Ayaka, yeah, she is strong. But i currently have Tilith so i'll survive for the time being, and have both a decent main and arena team. Chasing Nier units was more because i liked the game they came from than actual utility in the game.

No, I'm just manning it through because I don't mind grinding characters.

I also don't know if a guide exists for this game

Chaining is the Meta.

Youll be happy to know Noctis is trash right now, since he cant chain.

There's guides on the Reddit mainly, but that place is shit, like all of reddit.

You can use the wiki for tier lists and stuff.

well, he could now with 9S TMR.

Not an optimal build, but he could. Like everyone else.

she may look cute but she's just another degenerate disney slag

Yeah, I don't chase 5* bases either. Last one I chased was Olive, and I didnt get her.

I will chase Ayaka though. 100%. Both the four stars on her banner have good TMRs, and getting an Ayaka pretty much would set me.

For DPS I have a Dark Veritas that I can chain with Agrias whenever her enhancements show.

this is the future of video games

i still would desu

True, true. He's still cancer in arena too.

The NieR event put the ridiculous drop rates in perspective.

I care more about characters I like than meta and I'm committed to not giving them a fucking cent, so I'm going to start stockpiling tickets now for Eiko, even if she's like a year away still.

Then I'll start stockpiling again for Squall even though he's not even hinted for a Japanese release yet.

Then I can grind my entire team to max and stop playing this shitty game forever.

I follow the tier lists, but I wouldn't know what I'm rerolling for.

I'm not going to now, I have thousands of each resource and I'm close to making the nier weapons since they look broken af.

That takes dedication.

Hey, at least rainbow rates are tripled in the future.

Because this gachashit Fanservice game is the closest to Final Fantasy square enix can get, and it's more entertaining than replaying old FF's I've already beaten and done most/all of the content for anyways. It's also free, and the trial boss fights can be pretty fun when they aren't designed to be complete cancer.

Yes, the trials are pretty fun. Just did Aigaon earlier today. Though, I did cheese him with the 2B glitch, it showed me how fun Trials are and Im going to do Octopus and Echidna trial soon.

He's sadly cucked, why give a 100% buff when you could have whales farm for "exclusive" TMRs that would add up to it?

Record Keeper is better.

It's because there is no one better to release. Ramza is #1 even in JP.

Though, it is unfair we have to do shit without him. JP designed their events with him in mind, and since we dont have him, its harder on us.

I want to get into it, but menuing feels to slow and I dont like the combat

Also, (you)

Shameless bump

I prefer both FE: Heroes and Dokkan Battle.

>not playing Mobius instead
What's the matter? Don't like a 10/10 soundtrack and awesome battle system?

Mobius was great. I grinded way too hard and got burned out. Stopped playing months ago.

How has it been doing? Aerith still broken as hell?

Anyone else excited for second Ariana?

Depends on how good she is.

If she has dual cast and a form of meteor/ultima, I will gladly grind out my 2x Dangerous Ariana and deck new ariana the hell out.

I got her and 2B

I pulled Dark Veritas off a ticket. Pretty good considering I didnt want either 2B or A2.

WHy not just give her Meteor? You do have a full trust Golbez, don't you?

Haha yeah, of course user...

So, who's going?

Just beat Gil trial and that was one of the most satisfying boss fights I had with any FF boss
>Seal his attacks
>control and manage damage before thresholds
>Clench my ass and hope he doesn't hit my sealer with his transform attack
Which one do I do next? The darkies? Echidna? I understand the robot is a 5 hour fight so fuck that for now.

I would but I dont have the time.

You guys might as well go to
It's pretty much BE 80% of the time.

Yeah, avoid robot like a plague. Unless you do the 2B bug, which is what I did and managed to beat it in ~20 minutes.

I would say Dark Espers next. Maybe octopus.

Mobile games killed discussion on /ffg/ and enables frog posting

I just started. I dislike how they bombard new players with all these high powered jobs/skills. Doesn't even let you learn the game first.

So I scrapped all those high level stuff and started from scratch and it became so much fun. Enjoying the story too.

Seems to be doing great. Tons of events and stuff going on. Which is older? Mobius or BE?

I think BE, but not by much.

Generals are for queers anyway. Fighting game generals just a bunch of namefags who circlejerk, waifupost and dodge fights when someone calls them out on it. Not to mention they only like Capcom games. There isnt a single general on /vg/ that went or isnt going to the shitter

There's a reason nobody plays Mobius anymore. It's boring shit. You're low level for now, but you'll realize the truth soon enough.

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

It's gonna get tough soon?
I'm on chap 3 now.

It's not about that. Pretty much all the content can be cleared by using the auto button, and when you're farming (pretty much all you'll need to do) that's all the gameplay you'll have. Auto battles.

The battle system isn't particularly deep either. Both RK and BE are much better if you're looking for an rpg.