Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

She's just joking around, that's all. It's what friends do.

Jesus fucking christ Chris. Also whats the deal with Doopie and Chris I need a basic gestalt


CWCs newest sweetheart.

What did he do now?

Chris paid for a commission of his avatar, assumed they were friends and proceeded to be CWC.

Ok I'm out of the loop what the fuck happened.

They are both part of the inter dimensional pedophile aliens that are the globalist group controlling our world. Doopie isn't happy because Chris is nearly exposing that fact to everyone which would mean they would lose their grip on the world. So they try to outcast hims as some crazy human when in fact he is acting more true to what the inter dimensional beings that control our governments are really like.

So Mary 2.0 then?

Chris asks this kawaii qt girl to draw him a picture for money (business transaction), and he decides to be CWC and be a total sperging creeper that thinks he has a shot with her pussy.
In other words, it's chris-chan being chris-chan. Just a completely deplorable loser with no redeeming qualities.

ah alright. Just a business transaction he took too far.

Hopefully, she won't get pepper sprayed.




Chris' poor Mum

Fuck, marry, kill?

>this image is six years old now
>tranny saga has lasted longer than any other
>Chris was a tranny, brony and did lets plays before any were even remotely popular
Its like autism's patient zero.

I thought Chris was dying due to his a wound.

He looks like my Grandma if my Grandma was a fat ugly autist.

That's her vagina, neckbeard.


user don't bring your Grandma into this.

>another slut on chris life
I bet you fags are going to blame chris for this one too, the succubus commission slut clearly accepted his resources, but any friendly contact and she got "creeped out"? yeah sure
even as trans woman manages to fuck everything on his life

A cut not deeper than the subcutaneous tissue on his taint? Sure, it's an incredibly risky place to get cut in due to infection, but not enough to take CWC down.

You need to get him to cut his balls off to have a remote chance of him dying.

Is she boyfriend free?

Tbh it is a little exaggerated. She got like 4 emails from the chap and went absolutely bonkers as opposed to just blocking him everywhere. Which is what normal people would do.

t. Carlos Chantor

W-wait, so he mutilated his dick and kept his balls?

>You need to get him to cut his balls off to have a remote chance of him dying.

If that's how all of this ended I don't think I'd ever get over it.

Is the CWCki down for anyone else?

>E-celeb garbage

Summer couldn't end faster.

Did Chris respond to this?

Getting 502, yeah.

Chris is board culture tho.