Stormblood has been out for 2 months now. What are your impressions of it?
Stormblood has been out for 2 months now. What are your impressions of it?
Anything involving Doma was great
Anything involving Ala Mhigo was shit
Red Mage is fun
Samurai is shit
And Square Enix still hasn't done anything about all the retards at endgame, so I haven't even attempted the Savage/Extreme fights.
General sentiment: "It's more of the same".
I unsubbed as soon as I finished the MSQ.
Extreme primals so far are the easiest yet. This is also the best patch yet to try savage content because OS1&2 are fairly easy. Give it a go user, you can do it.
its alright, needs more stuff to do hoping 4.1 brings some good stuff please look forward to it
>Extreme primals so far are the easiest yet
Everyone always says that.
Sophia was apparently the easiest thing to have ever existed. Yet it took me 2. WEEKS. to clear, trying several hours every day for a full fortnight, because people in PUGs can't count to 7. Most wipes were to the enrage.
Until they cull the retards I'm never touching endgame again.
Same but swap Ala Mhigo and Doma and the two new jobs are both boring as fuck.
I got 4 classes on my main and an alt to 70, did the extremes, didn't care to do the savage stuff.
I was planning to get my brother to play but his OS/computer is so fucked that he can't get the game to even launch (I have tried so many things to fix his shit), so now I have just reverted to the 'come back for next patch' plan.
I like most of what changed, the fact that we only have a couple of jobs currently in the trash can when we have as many as we do currently
is pretty nice. Salty SMNfag tears will also never get old, they will never be satisfied.
I login once a week to get my omega cog from exdeath and to refresh my house.
>Kugane/Doma are intricate and colorful
>Ala Mhigo is literally fucking Afghanistan
The disparity in quality is downright insulting.
Just got 330 weapon, strongly considering quitting now. Wanted to do ivalice 24 man raid but that looks to be months off.
Any reason I should stick around? I pubbed o1s and o2s but 3/4 seem pretty out of reach in publand, so I think I've pretty much done all the game can offer me.
>Anything involving Doma was great
Pretty much this. At least in some class quests I get more Doma goodness but wish there was more.
Remember to thank a PLD today.
>actually fucking liking ala mhigo
Explain yourself right now
Been playing DRK amd AST for the first time, both are pretty enjoyable so far and are at 58 & 65 respectively so far. My first tank I enjoy playing and the last of the healers I had yet to try.
Sorry to hear that user. Lakshmi really is easy to do but Susanoo is the tougher one by a bit. Try finding an FC or group already familiar with the fight or make your own party in PF for serious clear.
Take a break and unsub until next patch with content you like is out.
I played for 2 weeks and then dropped it. Just like with Heavensward. I got doubly disappointed since I thought Eureka would be in at launch because I'm retarded.
>self-identification counts for nothing
>if your lineage is X, that is who you fucking are and anything else is race-treason
Phew. I might have forgotten this was a Japanese game for a minute there.
Everything involving Othard was filler shit full of useless snowflake characters. No need to say much. Some characters' development were completely gutted as a result because they absolutely gotta make me run around helping lizardmen beat the shit out of each others for 2 levels thousand of miles away from where the actual conflict takes place.
Expansion #2 where this bitch has done LITERALLY NOTHING.
Alphinaud writing doujins about her is apparently enough for her to be the face of the series
Fedora did literally nothing wrong
Doing nothing might've been the right thing seeing how fucking garbage Lyse was, only team Doma and Alisaie weren't complete garbage in the msq.
>this expansion described in one image
*clenches fist for the fourth time*
They somehow made me miss her
Hopefully the patches will focus on the empire trying to retake Doma and just ignore Ala Mhigo.
There needed to be an underlying plot thread underneath all the liberating.
Lyse's character is wasted by not having her square off with Yotsuyu or the other one.
Zenos hold no real ideals for the player to go against either, he's just a madman and the story acknowledges that.
The story really only got interesting at the literal last second.
Story was worse than Heavensward
Characters were very underdeveloped, they tried to introduce more new characters instead of digging deep into more interesting ones like HW did with Estinien and Ysayle
There's barely any content, and barely anything new compared to 3.0 launch, It's literally the same game experience.
Primals were meh, at least they came up with new mechanics
Raids are ehhh, 1 and 2 are shit, 3 is fantastic, 4 was good
I stopped playing after clearing Omega in wee one and realizing that I have nothing else to do in this game
Oh yeah, pvp is still trash
Which direction do you think the main story will go in 4.1 and on?
On a side note I've noticed a lot of Thavnair related things lately.
>wol has demolished countless primals, the fucking ultima weapon, and 1v13d THE FUCKING KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND
>zenos for some reason can shit on the WoL without any effort
>randomly loses to him at the end in a fucking 4 man dungeon
What is this shirt called
It's on the mogstation, Minfilia attire for like 15$ or some stupid shit
>Raids are ehhh, 1 and 2 are shit, 3 is fantastic, 4 was good
Do you mean normal or savage?
just resubbed for Stormblood after having played for my 1 free month like 2 years ago
>horrendously outdated clunky tab-targeting combat (and that ground targeting mechanic lol jesus christ)
>like 50 skills per job
>have to memorize 30 input "rotations" to be considered good at a job like some fucking autist otherwise you're shit
>even when you want to turn your brain off and solo quest or grind, you still have to wrestle with overcomplicated job mechanics that require 100% focus just to kill random mobs
>have to grow a 3rd hand and a 3rd eye to optimally play most DPS jobs
>eyes glued to hotbars to see whether any of the 12 different random procs and cooldowns have popped up
>have to juggle and manage like 3 different mana/energy bars + job specific gauges/stances per job
>zero synergy or teamwork between the classes outside of minor buffs others can passively benefit from
>No emergent situational awareness needed. In dungeons or teamfights everyone just tunnel-visioned into doing what they're supposed to do non-stop, and hope their teammates are doing well
>open world is completely empty outside of FATEs and an occasional hunt popping up - no rewards (not even cosmetic) for exploration, no hidden quests, no environmental storytelling or lore to discover, no optional hidden areas
>99% of quests is "go here kill that, or go there talk to that, or pick up that thing"
>the structure of every dungeon is a completely linear "3 corridors of trash mobs
then a filler boss", repeat 3 times with a bigger boss at the end
why is this game popular at all? just because it's called final fantasy?
>Zenos hold no real ideals for the player to go against either
It's because of that we were kindred spirits.
Zenos is always hungering for a stronger enemy to fight, and the WoL was so bored they accidentally summoned a primal (Susano-o).
By the way, what's the best mount to PvP with that's also easy to get? Currently using the battle drake, but I'm wishing I'd farmed out that fucking stupid Youkai watch one because it has a tiny hitbox.
(You) get a free one from me
>Falseflagging this hard
FFXIV combat revolves around like 7 buttons, stop trying to make your game seem complex.
>randomly loses to him at the end in a fucking 4 man dungeon
This is where the sb story shit the bed the hardest
>need hydaelyns help to beat gaius and the ultima weapon
>need hraesvelgrs eye to beat niddhogstinien
>need alex to actively inhibit himself for us to beat him
>can beat zenos with no plot macguffin despite him flooring us with no problem twice previously
What changed? What's the explanation for the WoL one moment getting his ass handed to him and the next not only beating zenos without aid but also then beating shin-zenos without aid
unless the other players in the dungeon and shinryu fight are canon
The underlying plot thread was the mystery of Zenos' hair care regimen.
Thanks but I can't find it using textools. I wanted to rip the model. Is there a more specific name for it?
Wile I agree that "easy" is always subjective, I managed to clear D1S and both EX primals as a rather casual player together with my small casual-midcore FC. And I've newer touched current EX primals before
The story actually acknowledges you levelling up and getting stronger, so it makes sense that you get your ass beaten the first time going against an enemy 10 levels higher than you
Antecedent's Attire
It's a full set of gear like Odin's old gearset, not just a chestpiece
Now hold the fuck on. We also beat Thordan 1v13 in the middle of a singularity reactor with Thordan being at max power.
Our power level is just inconsistent as fuck.
They are canon. The DF description always acknowledges them. Too much even, to the point of being obnoxious. It's especially jarring with Susano where they say something along the lines of "no matter how strong you are, it's impossible for a mere mortal to kill a primal alone" and in Bardam's Mettle where it basically says you cheated.
it's reskinned heavensward
fucking trash cashgrab
same fucking shit, fuck FFXIV
same shit, new coat of paint.
people still play this regardless of the fact.
Any of the big boss fights, like against Ultima and Nidhogg, you canonically have your team of adventurers helping you.
The other three players in most HW dungeons aren't canon; DF doesn't mention anything about other adventurers, since we already had a party of Estinien, Alphinaud, and Ysalye
When it comes to dealing with Primals, Hydaelyn usually lends her help to the WoL, since fighting fucking gods is really hard for a mere mortal.
The Ala Mhigo emancipation part of the story, despite being what I was most excited for, was utterly underwhelming. Fordola's character had the most potential of any story character we had so far and they just completely shit the bed with her useless ass. Zenos was refreshingly just a dickhead instead of some tragic villain with a noble heart type shit so I liked that, but they fucked up the scale of the conflict and I never really felt like we liberated something substantial. I liked Raubahn getting more background, he's easily the most likeable Ala Mhigan (that line where he's like "Alright old friend, I'll free Ala Mhigo for you" despite Ilberd being a cocksucker till the end was really good)
Somehow despite being mostly about lizardfucks I enjoyed the Azim Steppe parts of the story the most. I actually enjoyed learning lizard lore and taking part in their dumbass tribal customs and shit.
Doma section of the story could have been much better they really fucked with the scale of the conflict doma feels like a tiny castle and a couple houses and there are like 14 domans left.
HW story was better but it took a few patches to properly close shit up so I have high hopes for the future story patches. They atleast nailed the best part of HW which was "ragtag group of unlikely allies go on an adventure together to beat the big bad" which is all I really ask for in a jrpg story.
Doma was great over to soon
No one cared about Ala Mhigo going in and the game gives you no reason to care going out.
Lochs are ugly as fuck end game zone compared to any previous expansions.
Great writing with one exception.
Anything involving Lyse, shes only important because the writers deem it so. Story never gives you much reason to believe shes even competent.
Red Mage is spammy
Samurai requires precognition for optimal dps rotations, most pick a sen and stick with it. Deals decent damage even if you are shit.
Absolutely no midcore content.
1 quest out of 10 in every area now worth doing... An improvement over 0... Game makes it clear which one with a splash image.
It's more of the same. Same roll out as ARR and Heavensward. Only now there will be 1 less dungeon each patch to compensate for wasting time making super savage content no one will play.
>Everyone just thinks the WoL is really strong
>WoL is actually a scrub and that has get carried by other people, and any time they have to fight solo (like against Zenos) they get floored
Sounds about right considering this games average player base
Really been enjoying the game so far, but I'm worried my interest is declining.
Want to get into end game raiding but as per usual the devs are fellating statics and static culture to play the game past a certain point and statics can go straight to hell. Anything past V2S seems like a crapshoot in a pug, either you luck out and get a really good group or you get a typical one and wipe because people don't know how to do their thing.
Hoping that a few more weeks of people getting gear will make V3S and V4S more pug-accessible.
It's probably going to be a mix of Heavensward and Realm Reborn.
SB quest descriptions went to absolute shit in every single way compared to HW, tbqh.
To the Siren-based, jump potion using catgirl DRK crying about heals being terrible in a story-progression Susan, leaving the group only to get dumped back into the same exact group seconds later, talking shit about the "previous" group's heals being bad, and then that same group proceeding to clear Susan with little problems because the drunk SCH finally sobered up and started doing his job-
The WHM who had to deal with your squishy faggot ass says hello. Use your fucking cooldowns on the telegraphed hard hitting shit, not his AA, you fucking Brazilian cumstain.
Close to if not at least as good as Heavensward. It'll be much better if 4.1 actually drops in early October.
>Our power level is just inconsistent as fuck.
I think this is just what it comes down to.
The story team doesn't make it clear whether everyone we've fought is stronger than the last or if like in a real life street fight anyone can win since anyone can throw a punch to the jaw that'd knock someone out.
>Samurai is shit
Lol what
It shits out damage
yeah that Susanoo one was obnoxious as fuck and I'm no
>muh immershuns
guy but it took me out of the story hard
> Unsubbed around March or April
> Always planned to resub after getting my shit together.
>It's fucking August.
Should I just suck it up and get back in there? What have I missed?
>Maxed the classes I wanted
>Did Savage till O4S even though I was supposed to stop after Creator
>Maxed DoH/DoL
>So much gil I don't need any
>Only weekly tomes left
I peaked again. Its just like 3.1 when I unsubbed. Im pretty much ready to stop playing for a while again.
Best thing about Stormblood is that they don't have a weekly cap on scrips anymore for gather/craft
>Samurai is shit
What an awful opinion.
That shit is mostly just Koji's """localisation""" though
Just as Yoshida planned.
Having a competent group is 99% of the battle.
I had the mechanics for A9-11S down in the first lockout. Did it take me days/weeks to clear them? You fucking betcha. It's basically self-flaggelation trying to PUG anything in this game; the very reason people isolate themselves in statics is because the vast majority are just so god-damned stupid they can't help but sabotage anything they participate in.
I'm not the world's best raider, far from it, but jesus fucking christ. They need to make Stone/Sky/Sea dummies mandatory (or something) to even attempt a raid, because back during Alexander I could raidfinder queue for A10S and A11S complete/completion and it was disgusting how many hours I'd spend wiping to the enrage. If I'm an AST, busting out 800pDPS and doling out 10%AoE Balances constantly 8 weeks into a raid cycle I don't want to see the god damn enrage.
Literally me
After doing all the game had to offer in HW, I stopped playing until a week before Midas release
Actually, I'm glad this tier was so easy, I woulnd't want to raidlog for over 2 months like I had to during gordias
That happens all the time though
"Look WoL, we're captured and in a super dangerous situation, and we can't waste any more time! But just so you know there's an exit door over there in case you need to go do something or gather a party of fellow adventurers to bring back here to help you fight. No rush though."
MSQ was alright, quality was overall better than HW MSQ, though it did feel a bit empty at parts. Doma was better than Ala Mhigo.
Still not sure how to feel about the job changes, some are good but at the same time others were monumentally retarded (E.g. Release MCH, current SMN). Which is a shame, but they're still moderately interesting depending on what you play. BRD is fairly fun and well designed, for example.
Endgame is still brainless, though. Taking a shit is more interesting than O4S.
>30+ minute queue for a MSQ trial as a healer during the afternoon
why do people pretend this game is popular
Try soloing him in ala mhigo. Bet you'll get your ass beat. He loses because canonnically you had 3 other people there to help you.
they need to collapse some of these data centers into each other, they're way too small
Aether and Primal should really just be one huge NA center, primal is a fucking fraction of aether and it could probably absorb primal no problem if they give a little more to the server budget
Doma was good throughout, Ala Mhigo was trash except the obvious highlights.
SAM is fun and has good aesthetics, RDM was kinda disappointing and I was bored with it before I even broke level 60. Doesn't get much better at 70 either.
I don't like most changes to already existing classes.
All new areas look good.
Raid tier is absolutely awful and Savage is a joke. Same with EX Trials, though Susano is pretty fun. I (and everyone else) have high expectations for Shinryu EX.
Can't give my opinion on crafting (lmao) or gathering (haven't gotten to it yet) but since the new areas are pretty comfy I don't see how they could've made it worse.
Rhalgr's dungeon bosses are alright and I hope they keep an increasing crescendo of difficulty with it as base, they still haven't figured out how to make the in-between interesting though (like no dungeon requires use of duty items? Are you fucking serious?)
OST is consistently good and great at times.
Overall a 7.5/10
rate the sb class quest stories
So what's the difference between seekers of the sun and keepers of the moon?
Suns have shorter fangs and slitted pupils, have a normal human skin palette, and canonically are the ones that are supposed to have heterochromia (this was added to other races for 2.0).
Moons have longer fangs, slitted pupuls, a brown/grey/blue skin palette, and canonically are the ones that are supposed to have multicoloured tails (also given to Suncats in 2.0).
The problem is that they fucked up super hard letting things get as out of hand as they did with things like balmung or gilgames. Every server that's even a medium population just feels desolate by comparison and they've only recently even started to address this by closing transfers to overpopulated servers and incentivizing lower realms. Its a start but I fear they waited too long for it to be effective
Why do people here hate the idea of statics? I thought the whole point of an MMO was making friends.
Suncat = Cat eyes.
Mooncat = Vampire fangs.
Also because there's a huge imbalance in cat male::female ratio, they apparently have different systems of enslaving males for breeding purposes.
Suncats form tribes around 1 or 2 breeding males
Mooncats form small family communities were the males are expected to fuck off after a while
Because there's literally no way to find these people without knowing at least one of them IRL. Which defeats the purpose of MMOs to begin with.
>shit until right at the end. tf was the point of the random MNK questline cameo? also that last duty was gliltched or something week 1 I hope they fixed it
>good throughout with 2 VERY strong peaks at the middle and end. Contender for best job questline along with the 30-50 DRK ones.Sidurgu feels like a battle brother in a clan where you're the last two surviving members in the world and its comfy bantsing with him and the girl.
>not super fun from a gameplay perspective (what healer job quests are though?) but really interesting from a lore perspective since we learn about eastern Geomancy (effectively removing the chance of geomancer being a playable job). The kugane kid with the fuccboi haircut was a good character.
That's all I played so far, moving onto RDM next I hope the catboi justicelad is as cool as he intially seems.
They need to release the fucking relic grinds already.
Go check your PF you fucking sperg. I've never spoken to any static member face to face in three years.
why did warrior lose bloodbath
I don't know any of the people in my static irl and we do things just fine.
Same old dull gear carrot on a stick with months and months between new carrots.
WAR FINALLY became good.
That's what FCs are for
50-60 Fucking amazing
60-70 Fucking awful
Why is his hair so perfect?
i play pld and just pull everything and am able to do ok regardless of any healer
will i be able to do the same with drk and war?
Sun cats prefer oral, Moon cats prefer anal
One has cat-eyes. The other doesn't.
>not wanting sexy cat-eyes
>rambles incoherently about why innocent abused inexperienced farmer children aren't fighting against experienced coordinated killer soldiers armed with death machine robots for 60 hours
>gets given job offer to lead a revolution because she's "seen some shit" according to Conrad
>it ends up being 1000% YOU that ends up doing all the work as usual
>she steals your glory and walks off the hero of the revolution
Lyse is the worst.
>Why do people here hate the idea of statics?
I don't want to have an obligation to my videogames
what if I really don't want to play on raid night?