enjoying your 3DS Sup Forums?

>N3DS XL with colored buttons
That's cool, wish they'd do that for all of the XLs.

I was pretty satisfied by just the letters being colored.

Is it worth getting a New 3DS XL for any reason?
I have an OG and XL.

Wasn't Xenoblade the only game to use the power outside of Hyrule Warriors?

>circle head pikachu

A lot of games are enhanced by the New 3DS. Xenoblade was just exclusive to it.

Is there ever gonna be a workable DS emulator or should I have caved in and bought one of those cards months ago?

It's coming, just gota wait a little longer

DS flash carts are stupid as fuck and archaic.



I wih they would release a device to play 3DS games on a monitor / television.

I don't care about N64-esque graphics but i do hate a tiny ass screen + handheld controls.

>tfw I had a pikachu gameboy color but my mom made me give it away to the salvation army
those poor shits probably didn't know how to take care of it ;_;

still have my old 3dsxl, pretty much only boot it once a while for animal crossing.

I dont even know why i still play that game, or the game that plays me

Mine's right hinge shattered eons ago. How hard is fixing it?

No. Played just about everything that interested me and now I'm waiting for metroid.

If anyone has any gems that aren't the obvious ones I'm all ears.

I just hacked my N3DS and I'm enjoying playing emulators on it

Time for more Contra 3 binge

Should've done your homework faggot

Just get a flash card
Why waste storage space on DS games on your main SD when you can run two at the same time?


waiting for my 3ds arrive, do you have any recommendations for Nintendo games? i know i will be playing MH generations and DQ8 but not sure what else.

Nobody seems to be talking about 3D screen.

>aquire flashcard for dirt cheap
>install NTR launcher
>play ds games
ezpz. even my original R4DS works on my 3DS


I think they look really bland compared to the colored N3DS buttons, but an XL is pretty much my only option now if I want an N3DS because Nintendo never bothered seriously trying to stock the regular models in America.

If you mean the original DS, there are a couple of new emus that surfaced due to the suckiness of Desmume, and are getting decent progress. If you mean 3DS, citra is definitely getting there, but you still need a beefy PC to run 3D intensive games and the compatibility is still a WIP.


QR please

Yup, got that same model, too.
That 3ds rocketslime sequel is fun as fuck, it's a goddamn shame it won't get translated.

Check out the kirby games
Check out the Devil Survivor games if you like strategy rpgs.
The picross games are good if you like puzzles, and Professor Layton x Ace Attorney is also nice.
Project X Zone 2 is great, Ace combat is great, Resident Evil Revelations is great, Splinter Cell 3D is great, Bravely Default is great, so is Link Between Worlds and the StarFox 64 and Majora's Mask remakes.

Avoid smash 4 and the pokemon gen 3 remakes at all costs.
Pokemon sun and moon were alright, didn't play too much of X or Y.

And if you feel like hacking it, you can get snes, gba and sega genesis games on it if you're an emulatorfag.

Care to list any of those DS emulators mate?

>scan this code from a 1600x1600 png to look at a 400x240 jpg

I keep thinking about selling my Animal Crossing 3DS

melonDS is going stronk, corgiDS just started playing commercial games.
If you're having performance issues with desmume, try to use a nintendo DS bios from emuparadise.

Resolution doesn't matter when things pop out

my WHAT??

Thanks user, why avoid smash?

>he was in a coma when everyone and their original old 3DS' trackpad was snapping off left and right

works on my machine™

Splinter Cell 3D is literally a port of a DS game and you’re recommending that over Smash? How about you just try not to play like a sperg and your system will be fine

>Splinter Cell 3D is literally a port of a DS game
it's a port of the console version of chaos theory

Not yet, but soon

Is it really? Fuck my bad, gonna go buy it right now

Because I still have a couple of physical games, even though its hacked. Besides, DS games don't take up a lot of space anyway.

I meant a native ds Emulator on the 3DS itself, but ok.

I never had any problems with desmume myself. What's wrong with it? I know it's at least miles better than the absolute turd that is iDeaS.

From what I've read, the main dev is a dick and he will often break the emulator so people can't play pokeyman, even down to disabling wifi features completely.


My old one broke and all my games are digital.

Are games really not tied to my account? Fuck.


Downloaded Ever Oasis and it turned out to be boring bare-bones shit.

Once I beat the ever-loving shit out of MHX I will literally have no reason to ever touch it again.

They are.

Call/email Nintendo and tell them your system died.

They'll link your NNID to your new 3DS.

Your save files are gone though.

Not really, I have had mine since 2012 and while I have a handful of games I can't say I haved loved it as much as the gba or ds.

Finished SMTIV last week, good game but a clear dip in quality from the ps2 games. I have a collector's edition of strange journey in the mail, excited to play that.

Can I do this without my old 3DS?


I think it's better if you have the serial number, but it works as long as you know your NNID.

there isn't any new 3DS XL that tickles me as much as the persona Q or kingdom hearts 3DS, but this is perhaps the least shabby one i've seen yet.

Shit. I think I know it. I'll email them first.

Owned mine for 5 years, bought 6 games for it.
Hacked it last February and I can't even be assed to pirate shit on it
Most played game is some Japanese shit that my Chinese DS flashcard spoofs as, got about 1900 hours on it

An extraordinarily underwhelming console

>The didn't even give us coloured letters for the Switch

It's been 20 years, you should know where ABXY should be without glancing at the colored button to tell which button is which.

>still tons of 3DS RPGs to play
>still tons of DS games to play
>still tons of GBA/GBC/GB games to play

The 3DS is so damn good. If mine ever stops working I'm just buying another one.

Buy a Switch REEEEEEE Switch needs games badly but Ninty won't stop making 3DS gameeeeeeeeesssss

pretty good just good monster hunter

pretty good just got monster hunter its pretty good so far

I'm buying a Switch eventually, just need more games to be released on it.

Not a big fan of Nintendo games personally.

Unless if it supports the new MagnetHax method

Cant decide what to play next

Except underneath the d-pad somehow got sticky or something, I have to fiddle with it if it gets unused for too long to get it working right which is kinda annoying when I feel like playing basically any platformer.