Just grabbed a wii u

just grabbed a wii u

ok op

stealing is bad

Is there a console [THE BLACK HAND] doesn't own?


I'm so happy black youth have characters to look up to, someone who is just like them


>Shows black hand
Is this Sup Forums's new way to race war bait a thread?

go catch aids next time


you're just as bad as those whores on instagram.

actually you're worse because you don't have tits


oh look, it's the black idort again

is not his fault Sup Forums takes the bait.

Me too :)

Came here just for this.

she just got BLACKED

I see you purchased yourself a self insert type of game OP :)

Would love that powerful black hand to batter my bollocks

mysterious black hand strikes again

I need that hand to stroke my shaft to the point of powerful ejaculation

Make sure you buy The Wonderful 101, dude.
That game is incredible!
Have fun!

Fucking NIGGER

>grab a wii u
>hand is suddenly the color of poo
sounds about right

my sides

He's great. Anything that triggers americans is cool in my book.