>playing a Retribution spec Paladin in Vanilla World of Warcraft
I seriously hope you guys did this
>playing a Retribution spec Paladin in Vanilla World of Warcraft
I seriously hope you guys did this
>seriously hoped you played the shittiest, most worthless spec in all of vanilla
t. contrarian faggot
I don't play shit games.
>playing video games
We're talking about ret pallies, not prot pallies
>I seriously hope you guys autoattacked for 5 damage all day
I actually did and I'd recommend it to nobody.
>playing as gaylliance
I played vanilla and tbc as a tauren druid and wotlk and some of cata as troll shaman
It was pretty boring unless you A: twinked at 29 with corpsemaker or B: had raid tier gear and pubstomped shit. Granted stacking reckoning and 1 shotting someone was pretty fun.
Shaman was way funnier auto attack vanilla class
Wasn't it just running around in a circle in the back of the raid, then casting DI on someone when the raid wipes?
It's pretty fun desu
It looked pretty boring, and frustrating
>No slows
I can't count the number of Ret Pally's I cucked by simply walking away from them
>running from something that moves 8% faster than you and has 2 stuns + engineering goodies
try again
>be a mage with tidal charm and engineering goodies
>farming on my pally
>mage comes over and starts shit
>fight goes on forever
>he constantly resets to try and eat/drink
>manage to stay on his ass
>outlast his mana bar 3 times over
>pretty clear at this point it's even and we're both getting bored
>he just mounts up and leaves
>last poly wears off and i go back to farming in peace
for mages being the best pvp class in the game, i think i came out ok. had i been a warrior or something the fight would have been over after the first frost nova
Don't forget blessing of freedom.
>pvp trinket
>gyro ice reflector
heh, nothin personal mr undead mage
>stop casting
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
>run away from a paladin
good job, you lost
But the entire argument was that it's easy to just walk away from a paladin while they cry like wojak
>Running away from someone in a duel means you lose because you leave the duel area
>Running away from someone in wpvp means you lose because they can go back to farming or doing whatever it is they were doing before the fight started
>Running away from someone in a battleground means you lose because they take the flag/cap the point.
Sure it's easy to run away with blink/slows but in the end you're running away like a bitch.
But the entire argument was that it's easy to just walk away from a paladin while they cry like wojak
>heh watch me poly this pally
>heh now watch me walk away before i get my ass beat
>Playing a DPS spec with only one damaging ability
>Two if you go into the PROTECTION tree
Retard alert
reckoning bombs were better
one shotting little niggers
>Tfw the pre-WOTLK pre-patch in TBC as a ret paladin
Shit was redonk
Part of the appeal of Ret (and Paladins in general) is their staying power. It would be pretty fucking op to have Warrior tier offensive capability with all the defensive stuff Paladins have like powerful heals and Divine Shield. Autoattack, Judgement and Seal of Command is pretty effective since if it doesn't proc you have the staying power to wait for it to go off on the next autoattack. Also with the right gear if those things crit you can delete like 75% of a clothies hp bar.
Reckoning while gimmicky is pretty fun too, especially since it directly counters the most overplayed thing on vanilla wow servers, Undead Rogues.
>Literally one button
You can't spell Retard without Ret.
i remember seeing rets solo capital cities. something to do with holy damage bypassing armor and new sader strike + divine storm being pure holy (or something)
>played a paladin in vanilla retail because I was a dumbass 14 year old who thought it was going to be a cool class because Warcraft 2 and 3 paladins were badass
>quit WoW at some point in the last ten years
>start playing again on private servers
>always kill every single paladin on spot
It's such a garbage, worthless class that it genuinely makes me angry people can stand playing it
>one button
>can still blow someone up with soc/white crit and judgement
i'll take it
Paladins are pretty good for raids and pvp
The downside is that you are playing a paladin.
>anything in vanilla
>counters rogues
Nice one user.
>rogues stack crit
>reckoning procs of crits
>rogue gets some crits off on his opener
>paladin unloads 5 hits plus a yellow when he comes out of cc
>ded rogue
>when he comes out of cc
You are real joker user.
>crusader strike was removed in Patch 1.1.0 (07-Nov-2004) and introduced in Patch 2.0.3 (09-Jan-2007)
Still unsure what went through their retarded minds, crusader strike could have been that little extra that ret needed in vanilla.
Paladin was great in diablo 2 as well and yet they managed to fuck it up in vanilla.
I'm doing it right now.
Fellow vanilla paladin bros, what are the best fapping techniques for levelling?
shadow priest goblin
>all those self inserting human paladins bubble hearthing after you destroyed them
Although seal of command was nice and all, I really think the simple crusader strike added in TBC made an world of difference.
Too bad blizzard can't make good classic armours for shit.
>muh honored savages child killing murderous people
Do people really like horde? At leas admit what you like instead of going all
>but it was dimum blud
warcrat3 horde>war3 onwards
>Undead Rogues.
fuck I hated them, all the better when I defeated them in wpvp, though rogues imho has always been a fucking hard class to counter, because often times than not they end up escaping several times
I did. Guild was an undermanned one nationality guild that nonetheless was the second best on the server until WotLK, and thus they just let me heal in ret spec while taking warrior loot.
God I fucking loved PvPing with that shit, and especially reckoning. They stopped letting me have 5(?) points in holy for reckoning in Naxx though.
I mained ele sham for pve and pvp
I joined an ony pug and we were havin some bants at the entrance. eventually he asked about my dps and I said "you will find it, shocking"