How come in 30 years of vidya, there are almost no LOTR RPGs or any games set in the first age?

How come in 30 years of vidya, there are almost no LOTR RPGs or any games set in the first age?

Why is this series such wasted potential in terms of vidya?

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cause its shite

t. hasn't read The Silmarillion

t. moviefag

You're shite

t. something

>when your island literally gets blown the fuck up and cast to into the sea in a raging earthquake and firestorm of godly death

i didn't wanna live in your shitty forbidden lands anyway


The Tale of Beren and Luthien would make a fantastic adventure game.

Probably because it would up to the devs' digression to fill literally 99% of the world and it might as well not be Lotr anymore at that point

fuck you faggot

>tfw Shadow of Mordor wasn't what I wanted it to be

I hate how all these Lotr games present Middle Earth as just a medieval world that sometimes references things from the books a little bit. No game based on Lotr has ever captured the atmosphere correctly.

It's just generic fantasy and there's more than enough generic fantasy games already. Yes I know Tolkien came first. No it doesn't matter at this point.

The Third Age, which is a movie tie in using characters that weren't in the movies somehow ended up getting the atmosphere right.

I can't believe how good that game is when it had every right to be a total piece of licensed tie in shit.

>Tarn Aeluin
Nigga that's straight up Norway

>How come in 30 years of vidya, there are almost no LOTR RPGs or any games set in the first age?
because tolkein and his heirs were careful about protecting the silmarillion in licensing

jrr or chris would have never approved shadow of mordor in a million years, it fell through a licensing loophole

>the series responsible for the stagnation of fantasy and RPGs in the west
thank you lord, let LOTR completely fade to obscurity forever.

You really think Christopher "REEEEEEEEEEEE" Tolkien would license the rights for the Silmarillion out especially after all that's happened?

Because the Tolkien estate never gave up the rights to the Silmarillion. That's why no one can make a movie about it either.

Because despite the Silmarillion there are very little details of that early history. I doubt the remaining Tolkien family would accept any RPG game set during that long time period as canon.

Kill yourself underage

Of course not, that dude is an insufferable faggot. Maybe when he dies we'll get the chance. Otherwise he won't on the pretense of not wanting to see it 'ruined' or whatever.

>How come in 30 years of vidya, there are almost no LOTR RPGs or any games set in the first age?
Because people are dumb shits who only know lotr through the movie trilogy.

Given Shadow of Mordor I don't blame him. That, and pretty much every LOTR game example Lord of the Rings Online hasn't been particularly faithful.


do yourself a favor and go read the books, you underage retard

All I want to do is travel from The Shire to Morder
>the best game to do this in is a Lego game
Please kill me.

ahahaahah fucking liberal faggot, LOTR will outlive you and then some

You can do it in LOTRO now. As far as travelling goes you don't even have to buy anything, but you'll be severely underleveled.

There are numerous games that let you do this.
The official LOTR trilogy on PC is great

LOTR is trash, and im not a liberal, not that it has anything to do with it.

Play The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the ring
released in 2002

then play the 2 sequels, named after the movies too, obviously

>tfw you will never travel to Gondolin

>you will never rip a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown while your banging maia/elf wife sings so fucking perfectly that the nigga gets put into a magic coma
>you will never sneak out with the Silmaril and get your fucking hand bitten off by a giant direwolf style nigga named Carcaroth

Why even live?

shadow of mordor was a fucking abomination and literally the only positive thing anyone can ever say about it is muh nemesis system which you'll never even fucking experience if you don't die, which you shouldn't ever because the game is ridiculously easy

I'd guess because whoever owns the rights itsnt interested in doing so. And no one else can because copyright

t. another retard who only watched the movies saying tolkien is generic

Never forget Huan ;_;7

>the series responsible for the creation of fantasy and RPGs in both the west and everywhere else


tell me what makes tolkien not generic orcs and elves.
Sell me on the books.

just shut the fuck up if you're too underage to have even read the books.

who the fuck says it has to be canon

The dude invented several languages that aren't gibberish, wrote a fucking creation story that rivals real life religious texts, and basically handcrafted an entire universe from scratch before anything like it really existed.

Then he wrote The Hobbit and LoTR set in that universe. The amount of lorefaggotry and annex material is ridiculous. If you like lore/attention to detail, it's fucking incredible.

>having orcs and elves makes it generic
heres a quick tip user: when people use the term """""""""""'generic fantasy"""""""""""" what they really mean is D&D not Tolkien

I found the trilogy sometimes harder to read than the SIlmarillion desu.

lotro is p good m8

>tfw like one Wheel of Time game

orcs wouldn't even EXIST without tolkien, you absolutely retarded faggot.

No, Tolkien influence is more prominent than D&D.
> wrote a fucking creation story that rivals real life religious texts
I mean I guess thats cool in all, but is the actual world anything special. Im sick of elves and other generic fantasy races.

I would say you got baited, but I'm actually not sure.

Thats pretty ironic considering he just stole them from yurop mytho you mong.

>Im sick of elves and other generic fantasy races.

the point is that these races weren't generic when tolkien wrote about them, because he fucking made them up, you underage idiot.

Blame all the other faggots for ripping off Tolkien and making something so awesome to something generic because of their shitty uses for the creatures he created

Well, he pretty much invented the whole ELVES N ORCS shit, so you should suck it up and read the shit anyway.

So shoud I start with the Silmarillion then read the Hobbit>Lotr or the other way around?

>Tolkien influence is more prominent than D&D.
not in videogames

>Orcs are european mythology

I am from fucking Europe you retarded faggot and there are no Orcs in any of the many countries mythologies.

without tolkien there would be no D&D but D&D is the influence of more fantasy vidya than tolkien is

>No, Tolkien influence is more prominent than D&D.
Go read the books and find out how wrong you are.

Always go with release order.

>i havent read the books but let me tell you about tolkien and how much his shit sucks
gee user you should be a teacher or a politician or some shit

I started with the Hobbit, but I recommend you to start with the Silmarillion. Reading the Hobbit after the Silmarillion is just hilarious.

I could never get over how big that fucker is the first time I found out about him. Shitposter is your typical underageb&


>they turned Smaug into a shit skyrim wyvern in the movie
god The Hobbit was so fucking bad

I started with Fellowship, read the Hobbit, finished the trilogy then read misc. other works Tolkien set in Middle Earth after that.
They work pretty well any way you want to go through them since you probably know how both the two main books end anyway.

you mean

TECHNICALLY, Turin rekt his shit.

But yeah, in the end, I guess Glaurung had the last laugh lol

Are there any good illustrated versions of Tolkien's work?

Yes, there are like 12 framed illustration on my wall.

I think you misunderstood me. I meant versions of the books with illustrations every few pages/at the start of chapters or stylized framing on the pages to make the book look like an ancient text.

Not even him but there's no way in fucking hell I would have taken all of that from your initial request.


imagine being so FUCKING ANGRY that you are literally glowing with rage and you ride all the way to motherfucking Thangorodrim just to call Morgoth the Black Enemy of the World a faggot and call him out on a duel and severely wound him despite just being an elf

fucking classic

I think the "illustrated" part is pretty clear. Unless you don't know what an illustrated book is.
The 2nd half about the page frames I just made up for that post.

Fingolfin is probably the greatest elf who ever lived but never gets any credit.

I figure you were looking for an artbook.
Fair enough

I like this post.

>acts like a retard trying to go full son goku on the lord of evil's ass
>gets bonked on the head like the faggot he is
if that's the best elves got they're pretty fucked

Remember when FĂ«anors rage was so intense that he burned down to ashes?

The Silmarillion is honestly a bad place to start because it's basically unfinished, and was assembled from drafts and notes after Tolkien died.

>tfw too much of a brainlet to keep track of everyone on The Silmarillion


Hobbit then LOTR then Silmarillion if you want more.

Silmarillion is less polished since it was never completed.


Only one I can remember from that list is Feanor because that dude made quite the impression


Absurdly cliched at some points but still good

What did Feanor do?

A lot of stuff. The Silmarillion is named after his creations.



>It's LOTRs fault that content coming after it is shit
I have never understood this type of rhetoric. It's the same shit when people try to rip on Halo 3 or CoD 4 by claiming that they're responsible for future FPS games not being good.

You know, I am kind of glad that Christopher Tolkien has protected Silmarillion so much. In this day and age, it'd just get completely raped by progressivism and post modernist shit.

If I were him I'd have struggled very hard to protect my dad's work as well. I just hope he made arrangements so that the rights to it cannot be sold off for a very long time after his death.

I loved the book, but I hope they never fucking touch it. There's just too much in there. People think of it like a story, but it's closer to a history textbook. You can't turn that shit into a movie, or game.
And while you could do justice to segments of it, they'll just never separate it like that.

This. Works of fiction should really only be kept in the hands of their creators. If you're going to make a derivative work, at least bring in the original author as a consultant a la the metro series. And if that guy is dead, then leave the series as it is.

This is nice and all but this tree is hardly worth fighting three world wars over.

He literally ruined everything for everyone ever because of "muh silmarils".

Didn't Eru Illuvatar have to give one guy "god mode" while fighting this fucker just so he could win?