

wew, top tier arches

Why not

it was a different time

before the social media years

before the dark times

would you cum on those feet if she let you...but the catch is you have to lick it off after you're done?

Why the fuck is red alert being shilled here so much the last few days? Are they making a new one or something? What the fuck?

Why is that grandparent wearing such lewd clothing?

why do you turbo faggots always include some gay shit?

is it because you're so insecure and desperate for everyone to be a faggot like you?

Rubber shoes in lotion


young 'uns saw older video game adverts for the first time and realise they can grab some serious (You)'s by bringing them up in relation to modern day "vidya politics"
That's all

I'm not sure but they probably weren't expecting great sales, because the game wasn't very good or an oversaturated genre at the time . You used to be able to put a sexy woman in an advertisement in an attempt to what they call "sell the product". You've got a lot to learn about the corporation business. Here, take this suit from the 80's and this pack of cigarettes. I'm going to introduce you to my Japanese business associates, they'll show you how it's done.

I'd rub her shoes in my lotion.

Semen isn't disgusting, least of all if it's your own.
My answer is no cause she's 3DPD.

Why was the game so shit? Too many reasons to list. Honestly, this game signified the end off RTS games.

This game was a great joke about gamers I can remember.

Can you delete this misogynistic picture, shitlord?




>that toe in the middle of her left foot

Lurk more newfag.

giv feet gf

How new are you?

What does it mean though?

Lurk more and you'll learn eventually.
Lurk two years before posting to avoid putting yourself in embarrasing situations like this one.

she really reminds me of the vile scum that is sarkeesian, but I have a fetish of being dommed by one of those retarded feminist/SJW types for being a cis white male

I'm not embarrassed

Why should I care?

We're anonymous

Quit with the Reddit spacing while you're at it.

What does that mean?

3rd District Police Department

Keep going user he's going to lose his shit any second now

Its too much

If that really was Reddit spacing there wouldn't be such a gap between Reddit being a problem and that spacing being one

Lurk more and you'll learn eventually.

Rephrase that, or at least add some punctuation, I'm not sure what you mean.

What's wrong with reddit? There's some pretty savage memes on there sometimes
