Why aren't you playing OSU Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing OSU Sup Forums?
>shittons of content through the community
>trains your reaction time

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You mean the game that can get personal info from your computer? No, thanks.

>source code got leaked

I play Love Live SIF
Basically the same as above minus the autism.

osu is literal spyware. fuck off shill

what kind of fucking idiot thinks that osu! is going to go through all of their shit and steal it

its a game about clicking circles in rhythm to anime music and other dumb shit, it isn't some CIA honeypot

Fill me in on this personal info thing.

>rythm game
>requires me to get a tablet
>weebshit community

You can play it on a mouse and keyboard.

a year ago the source code got leaked out and it contained "spyware" which was used only for catching cheaters apparently since the game didn't have any sort of cheating prevention software that other big games use

the dev made a big deal about it saying it was only used for that purpose and ever since people cling to that as an argument even though that happened quite a while ago

it made me paranoid for a while too but i realized that it's just a stupid game and that 9/10 games have similar programs in them that we agree to let them use via a ToS or something that we don't read

Most of the songs and beatmaps are stolen from other rhythm games and the rest is just anime shit.
The community is filled with underage or/and weaboos.
Osu is trash. Play something else.

it has a shit community, tons of content but most of it sucks.

I really liked the 3 DS games it's based on too.

>Round1 will never bring modern Taiko or Pop'n to the US
>PS4 Taiko controller looks bad
>no modern CS Pop'n
>pop'n charts for bms mostly suck
at least I have KSM/SDVX I guess

I can't figure out what this ranking is based on or how it works. Looks like complete fucking bullshit.

It favors combo over accuracy. People abuse how the "pp" trash system by creating charts made specifically to give high numbers of it. Just look at the most played list: Shit music and memes.

Taiko doesn't deserve to be that high and Groove Coaster should be higher. Also lol Maimai and pretending anyone outside Japan has played Chunithm.

Well, and what does the meta and the rankings have to do with the game itself being bad, can you explain that? 90%+ of the games you posted don't even have rankings or make an attempt at accurately defining difficulty.

Serious question.
Is there any rythm game that you can like, maybe connect a real piano to and it actually teaches you how to play?
wouldn't that be rad?

There was a PC version of Keyboardmania that worked similarly to this.


>Taiko doesn't deserve to be that high

It's perfectly fine where it is


I remember trying this out years ago. Don't know how well it's evolved since then. I guess it's become a retail release?

I only ever liked osumania 4k and alot of the songs I have dont support it or are shit.

>play osu
>git slightly gud
>play something else for 3 days
>play osu again
>im shit again

fuck this game

>Taiko doesn't deserve to be that high

Reminder that Osu is just a simulator, not a game unto itself

>misusing the term "waifu"
I'll stay away, thanks.

Whatever strange logic you used to come to that conclusion, it would probably be applicable to most standalone rhythm games as well.

>Amplitude nowhere on that list

Shit taste

Tried it once, couldn't beat the tutorial.

Underage community
Shit songs

is voez worth picking up on the switch?

Waifus?!!! Explain.

Ouendan is a game, Osu is just an Ouendan simulator. This isn't very hard. Stepmania also isn't a game, it's a DDR simulator.

1. The community consists almost entirely of

Its nice to see a fellow rare man of sense

>waifus plural
Alright I'm leaving this degenerate board. Bad enough Boco is allowed to post

Thanks. Now i want to play Mario Paint

This is the most fucked up shit I've read all day. Can you at least try to explain what you mean in a little more detail. All I can see was you thinking

>it looks like Ouendan, therefore it simulates Ouendan

>Play game
>Ignore community
Holy shit what kind of sorcery is this?
Seriously tho, fuck osu community

The scoring system is garbage and the health system is retarded.

Definitely. It costs way more less on Switch than it is on mobile, since all the songs are unlocked from the start.
It's not really hard if you're not playing on Special difficulty but it's still really fun


see you tomorrow

I don't see Groove Coaster talked about enough here even with the advent of Mobile game threads. Sucks since it's fun and it's visuals are pretty rad at times.

It's you again. You call it a shit game and none of your six points explain why it's a shit game. Very convincing.

see Osu is a mechanically bad game coded by incompetent retards trying to make a Stepmania for Ouendan who realized they didn't have to put any more than the bare minimum effort into it once its cancerous community started fellating it all over the internet as the greatest and most influential rhythm game of all time.

Good ranking, but it needs proper DJ MAX instead of just Technika Tune, because Technika Tune is garbage.

Log in, peppy

Rhythm games are shit.

grove coaster custom controller soon

>Beatmania mode for Osu
This is some fucking biblical hubris I tell you what

Whats up with Sup Forums and this hate for the game

I legit find it fun. Play with mouse and I can beat most insane songs. Even got top 50 on some.

People don't like what's popular, and this game in particular trigger bemanifags for some reason. I have yet to see a single convincing argument for why this game is bad that I can actually acknowledge.

I'll give you that one.
>shittons of content through the community
actual good content drowned in cesspool of crap. maybe like 0.01% of songs is mapped correctly, everything else is off-rhythm or shitty songs
>trains your reaction time
yes, you need reaction time, not rhythm. because most songs are mapped by retards who do not know how rhythm games work, so they just map so it looks cool. So you either need to learn the patterns (ignoring rhythm) or have great reaction time (ignoring rhythm)
yes, waifubait, the only reason anyone considers this game anything above "pure shit"

tl;dr osu! is a bad rhythm game, get some taste you nigs



>I have yet to see a single convincing argument
>that I can actually acknowledge

Fanboyism is strong in this one

What do you consider a good rhythm game on PC?

I'm not playing Osu because I play IIDX. Just answering the question.


Nah. Here (you) go.

My shit PC cannot run it anymore.
The FPS drops down to 25~35

>DJ MAX RAY was easily the best phone rhythm game
>Neowiz completely abandoned it to focus on a Technika Tune phone version, can't even get it to load anymore

>maybe like 0.01% of songs is mapped correctly, everything else is off-rhythm or shitty songs
factually incorrect. If you play this game and you suck to much to understand patterns, that's not the rhythm being off.
>So you either need to learn the patterns (ignoring rhythm) or have great reaction time (ignoring rhythm)
Neither. You learn it with muscle memory, and what the guy said about reaction time is horseshit.



DJ MAX Trilogy.

>Fanboyism is strong in this one
Give me one then you motherfucker. I've been sitting here going through all the posts, and I still can't find one. It's all parroted bullshit from 50% of the people you can clearly tell have never touched this game before.



but i do

too much in fact


should I buy amazon.co.jp/dp/B00KDKJ4XG/ for taiko? the round 1 near me has a cab but its sticks are broken

This discussion is not about osu!mania to begin with, and is a bullshit shitpost. Thanks.

Because I prefer Rock Band 3's customs community and rhythm based gameplay.

hi tj

>community made songs


Ouendan was designed to be played by tapping on markers on a touchscreen with a stylus. Unless you are playing Osu on a fucking Cintiq tablet display, you're in the same category as people who play Stepmania with their keyboard.

Why do that to yourself?

I've never seen one before, mind linking me to it?

Spotted the shitter. It's not "patterns", it's fucking muscle memory. I bet you can't play fighting games either.

I'll give you the weeb songs and waifushit tho.

its infuriating to play this game in multi with randoms
>dont have any popular maps
>nobody will join you no matter what
>when someone joins after 2 hours they leave immediatly
>when you finally find someone to play the first you pick a map which he does not have he leaves

i just wanna play with other people in solo its boring if you are playing with a mouse you can only get so good so becoming better is pretty much impossible unless you buy a tablet

i know its not the games fault and just shitty adhd ridden anime fans being themselves but fuck man

And can you give me an argument for why that's objectively wrong? You can play with any input device you want, it doesn't change the game itself.

Anyone here have experience with Japanese arcades? Planning to go next year and I wanted to play some IIDX on proper hardware while I was there. What do I need to know?

>>trains your reaction time
You don't actually believe this is possible do you? lmao

These were my points: And here are my stats
All time highest during ppv2: #300

If you don't consider those as proper arguments against the game then you're a blurry minded fanboy who refuses to accept the fact that his lovely game gets shit on.

jubeat is a better osu than osu could ever hope to be

>Spotted the shitter. It's not "patterns", it's fucking muscle memory. I bet you can't play fighting games either.
which is exactly why it is bad. in good rhythm game there shouldn't be any need for "muscle memory", you don't learn maps, you follow rhythm. but since this is impossible for 99% of osu! content, "muscle memory" is next best thing.

>voluntarily playing osu when bemani exists

Either learn to play in bigger lobbies or find friends. You're not gonna be able to play 2 man lobbies with randoms.

Missed the post link, these are the points:

In that case I'll assume osu! was your first rhythm game, and you've never actually played any other rhythm game before past Normal difficulty. What you're describing doesn't exist.

#2 and #6 look valid to me, and I play the game to clear songs, not for score or other bullshit

because im not a flaming weeb?

Find a way to get an eamuse card in advance so that you can save your settings and progress, otherwise you'll have to fuck around with setting your speeds and timing offset with every credit you'll play.

Yeah, but #2 is applicable to other rhythm games when you're trying to improve, and #6 doesn't mean anything if you know how to just stick to the music you like.

I got to rank 180 in ctb but stopped playing a year ago cause bored

>all that dt in your top plays

t r a s h

im not much better desu

Don't forget to buy your osu!tablet and your osu!diapers alongside your osu!supporter subscription
>shittons of content through the community
You mean pirated content
>trains your reaction time
trains your carpal tunnel syndrome
From what, it's atrocious community ?

In good rhythm games, as songs get harder harder and harder patterns are introduced. Muscle memory is for how to play different patterns, not whole charts. You read patterns as they come up and as you get better and better at the games, you're getting better and better at recognizing and playing patterns.

i dont wanna join other lobbies
it just feels so hollow i might aswell play alone then its pretty much the same experience
i wanna play with 1 or 2 persons thats it if there are too many people it just sucks the fun and personality out

The bullshit ranking part is true, but none of your points explain why the game as a game is bad. It's not that you were completely wrong.