Why aren't you playing GOTY right now Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing GOTY right now Sup Forums?

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I would if i could run it but i aint paying 30$ for a game that i am not sure that i can run

Premise seemed interesting, but Trailer looked like more boring rooty-tooty point and shooty to me

Desync fucked me harder than usual this morning, so I'm taking a break after lagging out of two consecutive games and losing pimped out AKs and an M4.


>Game goes into Closed beta
>Shill threads galore

Wew, so the cheap fucks who didn't want into Alpha are doing it for free?

The funny part is it's still basically in alpha.

The game isn't feature complete, it's exactly the same as Alpha but with half a new map.

Contrary to popular belief Sup Forums actually talks about videogames.
Go back to plebbit, cancerlord.

exactly what I'm saying