Think of a solo game. Got it ? Now describe how you'd add multiplayer to it

Think of a solo game. Got it ? Now describe how you'd add multiplayer to it.
Hard mode : No Co-op

Other urls found in this thread:

Thief gold
One team of guards vs one thief.
Thief's abilities are enhancdd in ofder to mzke it balanced.
Once the thief gets enough loog, he wins.

>One person is the Thief
>Other person creates the maps, possible real-time shenanigans with a heavy fog of war offset by guard "sightings"
>Alternatively, you both play thieves but you want to steal more than the other bugger, making you have to weigh sneaky stealthiness against speedy looting

Wait hang on what

Mario Galaxy
Make it a race to get to the star, whoever gets to it first wins
You can shoot star bit to stun players

>You can shoot star bit to stun players
Why would you do this

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Add Counter-op

Devil May Cry
Add a 1v1 arena fighting mode to it.
Choose any previously playable character from the series (Dante, Vergil, Nero, Lady, etc.)
Get fucking CUHRAYZEEE

Thief gold
One team of guards vs one thief.
The thief's abilities are enhanced in order to make it balanced, because a player could obviously see a thief in a hidden corner, whilst the AI can't.*****
Once the thief gets enough loot, he wins.
There would be a countdown of course, in order for the thief to have to make some decisions, leading him to possible mistakes.

Monster Hunter
4 hunter players vs the monster
Balancing would have to be done, maybe special multiplayer only monsters
Just don't make it like evolve where they have to run away and eat to get stronger