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I am a futanari.
So close to quads! And just so you know you are indeed a grill, especially when you have the option to choose that semen demon.
I used to pick male but now I always pick female.
I'm locking up this thread now
>Only 2 options
Ugh like i can't even...
Non-0 trips and above are ded on Sup Forums. On that note so close to trips.
Nate is so dull looking. Why do the boys have to be generic as fuck these days?
a boy of course
>cute boy or generic moe girl
Hmm, I wonder who I should pick.
hey uhh, a friend of mine would like the source for that image, whacko has quite the taste haha
>picking the guy when he looks that bad
Thank fuck I don't self-insert in video games
I don't see a boy in that picture
your friend sounds like he needs real help
Not many girls rock the princess Leia buns and culottes.
>he doesn't have a sauce button
That guy needs some new pants. He's clearly outgrown or worn out those ones.
I want to be a Pokemon instead.
If I'm gonna look at toon's ass for many hours, at least let it be sexy female ass
>are you a goy or blacked?
It's a top-down view and why would you stare at your character's ass for hours, anyway?
>literally everyone ITT is a faggot
I hope you're not white western males
oh so it's just a one shot page by inariya, I recognized the artist but couldn't remember the name.
it looked like it was from an actual doujin and those usually dont get recognized from iqdb searches
Touko/Hilda's ass is a miracle of the universe
Because I'm hot-blooded, high test straight male?
saucenao typically get them
Pokemon mystery dungeon is for you
We're all Nihongo here fellow tomodachi
It's hard to tell because of that image quality, but Rosas skirt looks bad.
>you will never be a cute trap who can pull off short shorts + tights
It actually genuinely hurts
What a nice, perfectly valid vidya related thread with perfectly fine vidya discussion.
I don't understand any of your weeb/video-game references.Got here through the homepage.
I used to choose boy all the time, now I chose based on design.
The exception is FR,LG and HG,SS where I always choose male because of nostalgia.
my dick
Did Game Freak just give up on designing male characters at some point since people only care about the girls?
What about it?
Sounds like a lot of Japan, actually
Nothing new
The males are just for kids to self-insert, all adults pick females and imagine getting into X-rated situations in-game.
stop drinking tap water
>hanging threads
Yeah that's a shame, and how loose the shirt is. Even in the official art it's very tight.
low t thread
It gave me Pikachu, can I evolve? Raichu is the greatest.
Pretty much. The male protags don't make it into the anime so there's no reason to spend effort on them.
Rosa / Mei has so much high quality art on pixiv it is incredible
BW/2 were truly the mature and thinking man's pokemon games
Girl, at least when the character is cute.
post real american beauties
Pokemon are our wives!
Your friend definitely sounds like someone who needs Jesus.
That's a boy you huge faggot
No, you have to drink tap water!
It gives you tits. Due to contraceptive, women are pissing out increased amount of oestrogen. There is no way it can be filtered, so it ends up in the groundwater and ultimately in your tap.
>women wont let you drink their piss so you can become more like them.
I don't get why they all become so offended when I ask.
Hilbert - Literally perfect design. I wouldn't feel retarded wearing this as a teenager.
Red (RG) - A design that's too easy to take for granted. It's OG Ash before OG Ash, and defined the Pokémon look.
Ethan (HGSS) - Great deep color selection, best backpack type, cool hoodie and shorts. Shame about that face though.
Red (FRLG) - The only serious looking protagonist. The faded colors aren't as good as later games, but the design is solid.
Brendan (Emerald) - Pose is good, colors work, but the short-pants are questionable.
Ethan (GS) - RG Red 2.0, so not as original, but holy shit does he look cocky and that backwards cap, he's ready to fuck shit up.
Lucas (DP) - The orange, black vest, and white don't look too bad, but it lacks presence.
Brendan (RS) - Cocky grin makes it work, but he looks way too much like a random jogger.
Elio/Sun (SM) - Really plain. Hard to hate but just as hard to like.
Lucas (Platinum) - The beret's still there but in a worse color, but now with a huge poofy scarf and big blue jacket.
Brendan (ORAS) - Worst of Brendan's designs. The face is ruined and the clothes do nothing better.
Calem - Way too blue after two blue male protagonists, Egoraptor hair, dumb boots, hat, and huge sunglasses.
Nate - Just fuck my everything up senpai.
Ah, then I'm afraid you need to kill yourself, m8.
>wishing people would kill themselves
whoa ... so this ... is what atheism breeds ... faggotry and disdain for human life
Aren't some frog species known for being able to spontaneously changing their gender. From female to male as well.
Yes, just as ~ 1-2% of homosexuals in a human population is natural.We're talking about abnormal rates induced by certain compounds.
>uno makoto died before lucoa existed
Lucoa is shit and Uno Makoto is still uploading to his pixiv.
Fuck off faggot, she's a sweetheart
Easily the least interesting character in Dragon Maid.
I almost always play guys (or whatever is given to me by default) but for some reason I exclusively play female characters when I play the Souls games (and Bloodborne).
The fuck gender is hardcore?
Can i dress up, i'll play female
If i cant, male
Not for casuals
I don't even watch the show but I recognize that it and most anime is garbage.
I'm just going to look up porn of her fat titties. Why watch the show to get half of what I want?
transgender, because they have it harder than cisgender people
You're supposed to self-insert in rpg's. I don't play pokemon anymore but when I was a kid I always picked male.
This. I remember when I was younger, I'd always play male. Now all I want to play is female. It's gotten to the point where if I can't play as a female, I lose some interest in playing. What the hell happened to me.
yep, that's why I choos girl
>game locks each class in a certain sex
>to play all the cool classes you have to play as a girl
Do you bite the bullet or just play as a male-only class?
>best class is female
Nobody wants to play shitty men.
I think Red is the only male hero who I would consider selecting (even though I prefer Leaf anyway).
Being able to pick a brown girl truly pleases me.
I got bored at the "elite four" in pokemon Moon. Are ORAS or BW2 worth playing? S/M has so many damn cutscenes it makes it unbearable. I just wanna go on an adventure and catch pokemanz without the shit tier story shoved in my face.
You can't take the story out, because that just exposes how shallow, boring and repetitive pokemon gameplay is.
>not using the X432R
I usually pick girl in Pokemon games but I can't do that in BW2.
You're right, but that repetitive gameplay is comfy for laying in bed on a sleepless night. I guess I'm just tired of fighting a couple trainers, walking 10 steps, and having to sit through an unskippable cutscene.
>best class is locked to male
Game disregarded
Worst offender is when a class is locked behind a beast race, like in ffta where only dogmen could be dragoon. Or in EOV where only potatoes can be healers, forcing you to bring one
Disgusting. Give me Black/Hilbert or nothing
Lore is a thing and you have to appreciate when devs work it into gameplay.
Usually girls, I once wanted to play male but...
>decide to play male in Xenoblade Chronicles X
>discover after clearing chapter 9 that the female avatar can use Christina Vee's voice
>do the side quests required to change avatar during game
>become girl
How do I become a girl?
A good knife
Chiken-chan a cute!!! A CUTE!!!
Reroll off a bridge faggot
I always play as a boy.
I play female in all soulsborne games just because slimmer armour looks better, is that the case for you as well?