Watch this thread get buried with memes, but w/e

Watch this thread get buried with memes, but w/e
Egypt is fucking perfect for AC and everyone knows it

While the previous installments have toured the world basically, it's nice to go back to the middle east like AC1
Unless of course they pull some bull like with unity, which I can understand but shut up
Sure, one game was a bug ridden mess but they apologised for it and give me a reason to talk about trust.

Keyword there? Trust. Fucking trust ubisoft for once.
I know you all can't do so because you're a bunch of jaded virgin losers, but fucking try
Nobody is going to take you seriously when you complain about the same thing over and over again
Get a life and fucking get some better opinions
Sayonara, smegma brains.


Called it.



>Fucking trust ubisoft for once.
They've never given us reason to do so.


Going back to ancient civilizations is cool and all, but when can we go to THE ancient civilization? The one they've been taunting us with since AC2.

>Nobody is going to take you seriously when you complain about the same thing over and over again
how about they finally fix their shit so I can stop complaining?

I'm just as tired of it I assure you

>Egypt is fucking perfect for AC and everyone knows it
Doesn't mean the game is good. The combat looks like total dogshit, mechanically and cosmetically. Why the fuck are two normal ass humans shrugging off getting completely impaled?

Because they're just another large developing company that is more concerned with getting games into the market than making sure they're workable or enjoyable. Why would I ever trust a developer/publisher with the current state of the industry?

Egypt is NA not ME

That would require effort and original creativity instead of lazily shoehorning historical events and figures into generic penny dreadful mystery/conspiracy tropes.

Fact of the matter is, Ubisoft has been left in the dust as far as open worlds are concerned. The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor, Ghost Recon Wildlands, and a million and one made for PC exclusive games have turned open worlds into an art form of their own. Assassins Creed feels like a clunky relic of the late 2000's with some occasional fresh content (the ship combat in black flag) tossed in.

I look forward to buying it when it's 20 bucks and I'll do the same if they make one in Japan and China, maybe some other neat location I can't think of off hand

how has nobody noticed it yet

>implying every thread does not get buried in memes

They already teased a Chinese AC in the Embers animated ending to Ezio's story, with a girl who traveled all the way from China to Italy by herself to retrieve something from Ezio for her order. It would've been a perfect setting, a perfect teaser, and a perfect new character so the diversity squad could have their Chinese woman. But instead they continued moving forward in time and slapped us with the American Revolution and eventually fucking gangs in Victorian England.

The ancient civilisation? What do you mean?

The first civilization or w.e the fuck they're called, the glowy people who were central to the plot originally

Origins took a lot of cues from The Witcher 3. Stlll feel like they are playing catch up though.

Why do Witcherfags think their game is important enough that people copy it?

This is Connors daughter. Say something nice about her.

>Trust. Fucking trust ubisoft for once.

Being called the best game of all time might have influenced a few suits at Ubisoft.

I see what you did there OP.

Who called it that? You?

>Still no AC that takes place during the latter stages of the Tokugawa shogunate and the meiji restoration

The plot would literally write itself

You know they ended up using that Chinese girl in a Chinese setting, right? For that 2D sidescroller, AC Chronicles.

That fucking nose. How did the artist fuck up that badly?

I just want to say that I'll never not be mad that they're taking ideas i wanted 10 years ago and implementing now when I couldn't give a fuck about the AC series anymore. Same shit happened with CoD moving into a future setting. Fucking hacks.