How the FUCK do people finish a 100 hour game in 5 days AND achieve platinum? Thats like 20 hours of gaming a day!
How the FUCK do people finish a 100 hour game in 5 days AND achieve platinum? Thats like 20 hours of gaming a day!
Never underestimate fuckless virgins.
Because fuck Futaba and her trophy
My guess is those people had already played the Japanese version and were fully prepared to rush through the game to obtain all trophies as fast as possible.
It's called cheating
These are "professional" achievement hunting NEETS. Who most likely already played and trained on the Jap version.
Im guessing that is persona speed running
Welcome to trophyfags who only care about epeen and don't play the games to actually enjoy them.
My first playthrough took me 76 hours and I was level 99
Some people get copies earlier
Im 117 hours in and Im on the bald guys dungeon. It is my first playthrough and the difficulty is merciless tho. I tried normal and it felt like you had to try really hard to even get the chance to die.
Probably a few neets on sleep rotations
>level 99
Were you playing on Safety or something?
Or you must have abused the Reaper glitch. A lot.
Exp gain in P5 is abysmal. You end the second to last dungeon with only like level 50, and then get around 25 more levels worth of exp in a single day in the final dungeon and no time to use those overpowered endgame personas.
Actually you still don't reach 99 or anywhere near, so you can't even fuse most of those yet. And NG+ resets your level back to 1 unlike P3.
Merciless is a dlc difficulty "meant" for ng+.
If it's your first Persona game than yeah this makes sense, my first run of Persona 3 was 107 hours.
I used the Reaper cheese 5 times. Otherwise you can grind in the very last dungeon before the final boss. Though after a while you get less and less exp per battle.
Merciless is just Hard with reduced exp gain, which isn't fun or challenging.
But there's also a twist when hitting a weakness, landing a crit or a technical gets massive damage bonus.
So for enemy encounters which have a weakness, so most random encounters and even some bosses, Merciless can actually be easier than Hard.
git gud Sup Forums
Took me 3 months to reach the casino palace
Wtf nigga?
There are trophy hunters who probably all the dialogue and just optimize to get achievements. I end up skipping story in a lot of games because video game stories suck, but I also avoid JRPGs like the plague because their gameplay isn't fun at all.
The game was out in Japan since fall 2016 so perfect trophy guides have long since existed. Plus, the game is not as long if you just ffw all the convos and play on Safety Mode.
>I end up skipping story in a lot of games because video game stories suck
You know how I know you're a stupid underaged fuck? Because you're the only kind of degenerate shitstain who would be dumb enough to make a generalization like this.
That's not that bad. I finished my first play through with 75 hours, so if you played with a guide that's only 15 hours a day. Totally doable if you're a NEET
Some people completely ignore what the game teaches them about time managing and just tire themselves by not sleeping at all for a game.
t. achievement whore neet
Sorry, I won't underestimate you next time
There's also the possibility of review copies that are given weeks in advance.
No "journalist" reviewer is going to platinum a game
If you are rushing through 5 days is a long time for the plat. You can finish the game itself in around 25-30h the first time through if you skip all dialogue and doing the random oddjobs for the trophies isn't going to do much more than double that.
100hrs? Thats bullshit, my first play through took just over 60 hrs fast forwarding the social links and the slice of life stuff and I wish I had those 60 hrs back
It'd be pretty easy to do everything but the Futaba Voice Line trophy in 2 days. Neviutz or whatever his name is did a speedrun from a fresh file to killing the twins and took like 27h or something if I remember right
inb4 le bloodborne man