Wolfenstein 2

Why are the Wolfenstein 2 threads being deleted?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because they trigger Sup Forums
Inb4 "Now I'm not a nazi but let's kill all the jews and the blacks and protect muh heritage"

because they are becoming political threads instead of vidya threads. Also just finished TNO. should I play the old blood or is it not worth it?

because u faggots are posting them as bait


>Nazis are the bad guys

It's more of the same with some supernatural stuff, if you liked the base game you'll enjoy it

Such a shame Sup Forums is so easily baited then isn't it. Maybe they should learn to shut the fuck up and stop spreading their horseshit into Sup Forums at the slightest provocation.

You sound triggered, do you need a safe space?

>Nazis are the sensitive crybabies in this timeline
What the fuck? I can't even appreciate them as "soldiers of doom" anymore

It' anti-pol bait, bait is stil bait. Left or Right.

>stop spreading their horseshit into Sup Forums at the slightest provocation.
This, they already ruined Sup Forums

I fucking loved TOB because i completely forgot about the supernatural shit so the second half of the game caught me completely off guard and it was an amazing experience for me as a result of being blind sided.

>snowflake is this mad

>why yes lets create a game like this in this boiling political climate
>whats the worst that could happen haha

You sound triggered. Do you need a safe space?

Tiki torchers attack the threads because muh nazi's=white heritage

Because of shit like this We can't have threads that hurt the feefee's of snowflakes because they immediately come in and start crying about Sup Forums boogeymen and whining about shit that has nothing to do with the game.

It was the first post in the thread, for fuck's sake.

Why are there so many of these "45 year old liberal mom tweet" replies now? This sounds like something a random verified account tweets as trump the instant he tweets

>all these teenagers that think nazis were so cool and not a bunch of drug addicts being led by an islamic drug addict.

>because they are becoming political threads instead of vidya threads

but that's dumb. that's like deleting a saving private ryan thread on Sup Forums because people start arguing about world war 2.

if this this video game starts discussion about the themes in the game why isn't that allowed?

Sauce me.

You know why

How come whenever i see threads talking about video games it's always the anti-Sup Forums people who bring up politics first? It's literally every single thread. I'm starting to think you guys might actually be obsessed with it. Just go to Sup Forums of you can't stop thinking about it.

thanks. I'll buy and play it tomorrow then. wasn't sure if it was good or just like a cash grab.

>no u
>being this anally ravaged
Don't worry guys, i won't call you a nazi, I know you find that word problematic

I am almost positive you're from neoGAF or reddit and you can't stand this place being against your cause.

How does it feel knowing that everything you've fought for is slowly being undone by the changing tide? Lol

>all these posts swarming in to protect muh nazi brothers

Really because I remember having a pretty good thread days ago before some faggot started going on about WE DINDU NUFFIN THIS VIDEO GAME'S DEPICTIONS DON'T APPEAL TO MY SENSIBILITIES

Here you go :^)

Because the previous game was CoD-tier garbage.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot tomorrow

my nama jeff

Thank you. Now please, stop fatshaming ;_; Please take my ptsd seriously, because my feelings matter

I used to think the cringy history buffs in my highschool were bad praising Hitler's strategies and spouting information about tank models, but at least they read up on history and had a grip on reality. I swear all these neo-nazis are edgy redditors that view posting on Sup Forums as the farthest reaches of edginess.

And look at the replies it got, people getting all up in arms and upset crying about snowflakes, exactly like a triggered Sup Forumstard
Go back in your containment


>westrash art


>Sup Forums is ruining this thread! They're triggered lol!
>*is the first fucking post in the thread*
Blew your load a little too soon there pacho

We do it because it triggers you. You're so easy to get upset.


One board is not enough for containment, we should seriously have a /apol/ or /mpol/ (meme pol) so that actual political discussion and le epic trolls can be separated in some way

>call everyone who disagrees with me a nazi
>proceed incite direct violence against anyone who has "nazi" views
How is this not a problem?
inb4 le "well you ARE a nazi :^)" meme

>proceeds to get triggered and shit up the thread proving my point

Because they are nazis.

>We shouldn't create a Wolfenstein game because it might offend people
t. the board that unironically sweetieposts

Actually, I think that's a good idea. There really should be Sup Forums versions of hobby boards.

Alright, which one of you drew this?

>gas all non-whites
>b-b-But I'm not a Nazi!!!


>The """master""" race

>Tiki torches
Were they not aware that made them look like the cartoon angry mob in a Disney movie?


>keep pushing the right
>be surprised when they push back

Every single German national socialist I killed in the previous Wolfenstein game made me smile. I hope Bethesda publishes a game where I get to kill socialists in Cuba until I make my way to Che Guevara and saw his greasy commie head off with a hacksaw in an alternate universe.

I miss the old school games where you got to murder national socialists, games like Medal of Honor and the original Call of Duty.

Exactly. I don't understand how liberals don't think there are consequences to their actions.

I'm not gonna claim samefag, but y'all niggas know each other in real life, don't you.

nice reading comprehension retard

Who do you think I am exactly? Are you fucking schizophrenic?

because it's a Sup Forums thread and you know it. it turns into a nazi and jew debate each.and.every.time.

How about you tell your friends to stop shitposting topical event threads on Sup Forums
I guess that's censorship though right?

>using the word triggered unironically

>push back
>be surprised that people don't like it
>but we wuz good bois, dindu nuffin

Then why didn't they do anything during the Bush era?

Sorry, but it's all about killing commies these days. Tons of games are being made about it. Killing Nazis has been played out.

>literally to stupid to realize he's being mocked
Let me guess, just_pretending.jpg

I think you're a Nazi

To be fair, Nazis don't seem to think they should have any consequences either.

shhh user, let them fight. It's kind of entertaining.

Because they where (((Neo-Cons)))

We know they don't like it. That's why they're crying so hard and calling us big meanies. Sorry, but you lost :^)

Yeah, I can tell. Don't really know where you got the idea that I was at the VA cringefest, but you're kinda proving my point.

Do you have the one with fake Sup Forums talking to fake sjw?

>Libshits are STILL salty that they lost the election and that we own Sup Forums now

8 years.

Because the left was our bitch during Bush.

No, but I do have this.

I'd take that over people posting like they're 14 years old with "based le pepe praise kek libturd maga" shit.

>keep pushing the right
>nazis are now the right

Thank you for admitting it, Sup Forums.

So who is going to be the main boss of the German national socialists in the new Wolfenstein game? It can't really be Frau Engel, she had no knowledge of technology, she just ran a concentration camp in Poland where they mined the type of limestone used in the Da'at Yichud formula for Ubercrete.

I hope the new leader of the German national socialists in this new game is as evil as Dr. Deathshead was.

Then again, with left-wing extremeists like the German national socialists, it's not hard to hate and want to murder every single one of them.

Reminder that communists and libshits aren't people

I think you're the kind of guy who goes into a thread pretending he doesn't understand exactly why we're having a thread about Nazis because otherwise it would be extremely clear to everyone that the reason you're pushing the "you just call everyone you don't like Nazis!" shit is because you want uninformed people to think it wasn't a literal fucking nazi who drove his car through a crowd of people.

>Sorry, but you lost :^)
what dimension are you living in friend

I thought you faggots were against strawmans

that's a good one

Why are you pushing calling them national socialists? Do you think you're having an effect on anything? Fucking weirdo.

Funniest part is the Tiki torch manufacturer commenting on it.
"Our products are designed to enhance backyard gatherings and to help family and friends connect with each other at home in their yard"
I guess they are connecting with friends and family at least.

Wow I know a perfect place for you, have you heard of this website called reddit?


jesus christ the lack of self awareness

Why are Sup Forumstards such punkass sissy bitches?


The one where we beat the establishment and where Hillary Clinton will NEVER be president. But keep crying, libtard, since it's all you can do.

8 years, by the way.

lol sorry bud
but the wheat must be separated from the chaff :^)

To be fair, I'm sure any self proclaimed neo-nazi would very likely tell you themselves that they're conservative.

>Why are the Wolfenstein 2 threads being deleted?
Because they'e made with the sole intent of derailing into off-topic discussion. A better question is why is there a massive rise in passive-aggressive willful ignorance on this board? It was mostly seen from furfags trying to play innocent but now people like OP are doing it far more frequently.

>>keep pushing the right
Why do you guys keep doing this? Why do you keep grouping yourselves in with neo-Nazis and then get upset when people start calling you one? You'd think you want to distance yourselves from the extremist as much as possible.






I applaud Bethesda and Machine Games for taking an honest look at socialism and reminding gamers how evil the German National Socialists party was. I wish Gearbox was still a good company and would make another Brother in Arms game, I really loved slaughtering national socialists using squad tactics.

Isn't Anglin a childless 30 something manlet? Unless he does have kids I'm unaware of.

>militant feminist
>12 years old


When convenient they like to use the socialist part to pretend Nazis were leftists.

You mean the autistic LARPers intentionally shitting every thread into the ground?
I guarantee you maybe 1/10 of those posts is a genuine Sup Forumstard. The rest are just being retarded.

Um... did you say you voted against Trump?

Sorry, but I think you're too immature to date me.