Why did Sup Forums like him?

Why did Sup Forums like him?

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we didn't
we don't



You are not the voice of the community.


_____ ______ ____

I want to sodomize the fucking fuck out of this boipanda.

>it's a girl

No it's not.


This shithole is not a hivemind.

I still like Ken.

where is the PORN

>tfw not really all that into his music but still enjoy it because you can just tell he had a lot of fun writing and performing it

The music is nothing special but it has an energy to it that I adore. I so will sing Touch Fluffy Tail or Absolute Territory in my car full volume with the windows rolled up



I still watch his Dobson videos from time to time

Ken was the best Sup Forums cup announcer. Does he still do it?

Huh. That Dobson comic isn't too bad. I like it.

>He thinks he speak for everyone

In this case, yeah

but theres no joke. He brings up a crticism and doesnt even try to fix it

four on one hands and five on the other wouldve been better

>that comic
It's one thing to be self-deprecating, it's another to just be "I just suck deal with it bro".

His right hand (left to the viewer) has 6 fingers on it. The joke is kinda self-evident.

Isn't Ken Ashcorp like a huge piece of shit that only becomes friends with e-celebs or something? I remember hearing about that from an user long ago.

Why does Dobson have a sharingan

I enjoyed that

>comic about celebrating nerddom
>hates nerds
What did Dobson mean by this?

was there ever hard proof of that? or did the internet pull another dan schneider?

Everyone sing along now

>had a trap fursona
>gets genuinly mad when people called him gay
there's being in the closet and then there's being ken asscop

I love Panda girls. What games have Panda girls?

Like a lot of men, we just wanted to fuck him in the ass until he came. That's really the main reason why we tolerated him.

The guy's not horrendous looking, from what I heard. I'm willing to be flexible.

Kenny is a girl. Ken himself has said so.

Is that Newt from Fantastic Beasts?

Why did you reply to me

Its been so long.

I miss you guy panda girl man.

Fucking this
The joke wrote itself
Jesus Christ Dobson you dense fat fuck


Can't think of anything else, now I want to know if there are any others too.

Because I love you user

Does he even deserve the trapanda? Is he a cute girl(male) in real life? I always was hesitant to look up his real face online to avoid disappointment and breaking the illusion.

> nice flashy display
> loads of merch that he probably expects to sell (since Dobson knows that it's not cheap to independently print that stuff)
> seems to be comfortable in his own skin with a shaggy beard and chest hair

There's always this weird jealousy in how he strawmans the people he hates.

Every now and then I remember the tasteless song and I miss the early sc2/gsl days

Is there proof of this or was that user just talking out their ass

I'm curious if Sup Forums still likes him. I know his music is still popular but would love to know.
That user doesn't speak for Sup Forums

>they're both at a place where they're supposed to promote themselves and their work
>other guy actually brings shit
>dobson has nothing at all on the table
>other guy is supposed to be in the wrong
Not only is there a weird jealousy going on, but his strawmen make no sense.

he isn't a trap, but definitely twink tier
in fact, you would assume he's gay without even knowing about the panda

fuck you, I like it.

>implying mecha isn't a top

>create cute boy panda persona
>get mad when people make porn of it
>suddenly claim it was a girl all along
>followers drop

Every e-celeb is a huge piece of shit that's only riding the coattails of other e-celebs. I mean, shit, if we were stupid enough to put our entire lives on the Internet for millions of people to scrutinize, we'd probably have a few moments that make us look like total cunts too. Some people are far more cunt-ish than others, but all of us are cunts at certain moments in our lives.

Can a human impregnate a Panda girl?

From the looks of it he shit out a channel intro 8 months ago and proceeded to make a whopping 2 videos since. That's a death sentence as far as youtube goes. It looks like the only thing he has going for him atm is fan art on twitter but so do a lot of furries so that isn't saying much.

I hate sex

Nope, he's not a trap. He's just a fairly attractive looking dude.

I still talk to Ken on a daily basis. He's a nice guy, though I can tell the grating Internet stuff weighs him down.


Has he made any good music besides Absolute Territory and Touch Fluffy Tail? I like his voice and style but most of his music is too slow.

yeah he does
>strawman points out flaw in his character design
>he responds with a joke implying he doesn't care about the flaw

Sauce, please.

Because I want to fuck the panda! FUCK THE PANDA!

He made one I like the tune of but it's pony shit.

If he ever becomes desperate enough to get fucked in the ass by a 4/10 male, be sure to let me know.

Just make a post on Sup Forums someday. I'll probably find it eventually.

the only dobson comic that makes me laugh

Crazy Chicks, 20% Cooler, and In The Zone



is there ONE e-celeb that clearly browsed Sup Forums that isn't a sexual deviant and can handle criticism?

that only makes it better.

His music is boring meme shit and I don't care about his fursona/mascot or whatever. Wouldn't care if he stopped making things desu.

I still can't wrap my head around how that butt works.

What did he mean by this?

Hyperbithero and gamingbrit

Weegie perhaps?

Why did he ever stop doing videos under Foreverr..Ppandering?

Wait, he's the one singing Absolute Territory?

i forgot this furfag retard existed

i always felt he tried too hard with the voices, there was also a girl who Sup Forums sucked off all fucking day who sounded like a 5 year old.

didn't even realize it passed because this site gets worse and never improves, but yeah.

I know he made burgz as a joke but I think it's one of his best songs. That and On The Rocks

another faggot ass ironic weeb that deserves blueberry eggs disease.

Very catchy songs

Because he was butthurt that people liked those videos more than his main channel songs.

Nyanners iirc

yeah, i hope her vocal chords aren't working at this point.

what a joke.

She became a tumblr SJW

He was never ironic

I wonder if they're even still friends. I'm going to assume not.

If your not a deviant of some kind you shouldn't be here

>>create cute boy panda persona
>>get mad when people make porn of it
>>suddenly claim it was a girl all along
>>followers drop
Never even heard or seen it until after it was female and started getting porn.

mayoineko - white christmas
>tfw only 4 pages

Fairly certain 98% of the posters ITT are closet furries as with most of Sup Forums.

DIdn't she make that funny loli song, and then take it down because she got indoctrinated against fun?

I wish I had spent high school doing things other than playing WoW and watching youtube videos


No idea, I never took notice of the Nyanners era.

Do people still like her

Wouldn't that just increase the amount of porn and followers?

To be fair she wants (wanted?) to become a voice actress and didn't want her most popular video be about fucking little girls

I wish he did videos like this again.

Girl are for fags.

Give me cute boys.

Yes. She also tried to blame Sup Forums for it. She was young and innocent and was pressured into doing a pedo song. You monsters.

>going from being friends with ken ashcorp to being friends with destiny
I don't know how you can go even lower than that.