Shadowrun series

So I've been looking at this and I'm quite interested (mostly in dragonfall) but I just don't know where to start. I don't want to don't want to jump into drangonfall and ruin the other game's stories you know or miss any fun references

>never look back

The first game is shit, almost like a beta for the sequels, just start with Dragonfall.

I don't wanna deal with an older game mechanics or through in to many hours (I don't really have all that much free time) so should I just go with Returns or is jumping into dragonfall ok

But will I be missing out on story stuff (this is like my main concern)

Also don't forget Sega version if you want to experience actual "runs" but the game is not for everyone.

The stories are unrelated in all 3 PC/mobile games. Dragonfall has a handful of pointless references to SR.

Trust me, start with Dragonfall.

The series itself or just the Sega version and what do you mean by that

Listen to this user, OP. The first game was Harebrained Schemes getting their bearings. Everything afterwards is leagues better.

Thanks senpai

SR Sega version takes time and some (or a lot) of grinding but you get to experience some aspects of SR universe.

I wouldn't recommend to start with it but please consider playing it.

>Be tabletop player
>Love SR vidya, but have never actually delved into the books.
>Read 5e
>Turned off by the crunch

I mean, I got really spoiled by playing World of Darkness, but still. I feel like you really need to play an optimal build to get anywhere, where as in other games, going for fluff over crunch is usually ok.

I'll consider it if I ever find the time thanks for the info

They have Shadowrun Anarchy, which was a rules light variant. I'm not the biggest fan of it, but maybe you'll like it better.

How is the table top scene by the way and how different are the games from it

I recommend you to start with Returns, if you get bored, move to the Dragonfall.

Will I miss out on anything if I go dragonfall then play return after (storywise)

I wouldn't know for SR. I've read the core rulebook, but I don't know the fine details like those more versed into it.

There's quite a few additional books in the version, though opinions seemed to be mixed on them in /srg/ on /tg/.

Scenewise it's pretty healthy at the moment. It's not Dungeons and Dragons of course, but it's not bad.

The ruleset from 5e deviates pretty heavily from stuff you'd be used to from the games. Wireless is the new hot shit and you no longer have to jack into everything to hack it. There's a ton of other changes but that's probably the biggest one.

I got cha I made a thread on /tg/ but I'll try the other to

You can start with Dragonfall. You'll want to play Hong Kong after, if you liked DF. Enjoy. The music is awesome btw.

What's the die system like

I knooow dude that's what got me looking at the series in the first place

Shadowrun Returns isn't as bad as people say it is.

I mean, it pales in comparison to the sequels, surely. But it's not a terrible game. If you want to play the sequels first, go ahead, but if you decide you want more Shadowrun afterwards, then going back to the first game will just be a disappointment.

I personally thought the series got better with each successive game; Hong Kong being the best.

Play Anarchy. It's not an excellent system by any stretch, but it's easy enough to expand and pretty simple to learn.

No, but it will be hard to force yourself to play Returns after getting used to Dragonfall's much more fleshed out gameplay.

Haven't read the rest of the thread but I will assume you've already heard this a million times already because this is the light and the truth, but you can reasonably skip Returns as it has the weakest story and gameplay. Then you can play Hong Kong and Dragonfall in any order you want since the Dragonfall references in HK are really minor and there's no direct story connection. Hong Kong has arguably the best gameplay (Except pacing), and Dragonfall by and large has the best pacing/writing/characters.

Shadowrun Returns isn't complete trash but you're not missing out by skipping it. If you've got an unstoppable boner for Shadowrun you could just play the games in order.

How long is returns