What did you think about they're game Sup Forums?
What did you think about they're game Sup Forums?
loved it
Sorely lacking in /ss/. Genuinely enjoyed it otherwise.
Laphicet punched a god but chickened out of sticking his dick in Velvet.
But Velvet is for magilewd
Worst Tales game so far. Yes, even worse than Tempest. No I am not baiting
No way fag, /ss/ is purest form of love.
your a retard
Preferred Sorey and Mikleo's
nice bait
berseria is symphonia/vesperia tier
Hold up! There's a considerable difference in tiddy size. Have I been tricked?
>Hold up!
You say that like Tales of Breastia was boring, it was.
I can't believe Kloah never did a Lucoa doujin. I guess it was because it's too obvious.
Post Vesperia games are shit.
Prior to playing Berseria I've only played Symphonia which I enjoyed. After playing Berseria, I can safely say I won't be buying another Tales game unless I do extensive research on it. The game is fucking shit, I have no idea how they could go from symphonia to those absolutely horrid "dungeons" and "overworld" (Symphonia dungeons were even that intricate, but the shit in Berseria makes them look like the work of a god)
I buy games for cute girls and this game didnt disappoint!
I'll be buying velvets new game without hesitation
Should have done your research then, literally everyone loathes the hallway level design that started with Xillia.
Anyone else try Rays yet?
It's not half bad and they gave everyone a free Yuri alt outfit.
well I didn't buy Berseria, I borrowed it from a friend
hol' up!
fan art is always better than game itself
Yeah, everyone knows that flat a best
>flat a best
>posts C-cup breasts
You mean graces f
You really think someone would do that? Just go on a blueboard and post porn?
what the fuck was her problem?
Overworld maybe but the dungeons definitely weren't hallways. I remember the latter ones being TOO complex to the point where it was just tedious.
Good but I miss Go Shiina. Berseria's soundtrack is such a letdown after Zestiria. Couldn't they at least reuse the Dragon Battle themes? ffs
she was trying to give us all an armpit fetish
haven't beat it yet.
well, did her master plan succeed?
She bullies bienfu for no reason
It was the only Tales game I enjoyed and I loved it.
She had a hard life.
Her game*
Fuck of stupid shota fag.
Then you'll enjoy playing a better game in the series.
NuTales is utter shit.
I spent a fortune on DLC outfits, but the Beach set was the best.
Emphasis on the "playing" I hope. The story and especially the characters are offensively bad
Shibuya 88
>not the first post of this IP in the thread
Yes, everyone saw your previous complaint already.
Tbh I fear to try it out. It looks too weeb for my taste.
However that's how I felt about Persona 5 at first and I had a good time, so maybe I should just do a leap of faith here, too.
You mean Innocence.
Pirate it if you have a PC you can play it on and see for yourself?
Its nowhere near as weeb as P5. No high school setting or dating sim elements at all
"Muh Immersion"
Why is Eizen so cool?
Oh come on, that's not fair. There was no way to protect that smile.
>tfw no onee-san
I think her boobs in that pic is too big, it's shit.
I'm sorry, user, but a PC is for work and for pornography.
But you are right, I should judge it for myself.
Women fighting with big swords and huge tits is weeb enough for me.
Of course, people who draw these are degenerates. They're ruining the original work.
>muh weebs
What the fuck are you afraid of? Just play the game if you want to.
None of the women in Berseria use a big sword and the only character with big tits is a side character, so it's perfect.
The "clothes" she had on in the prison at the start were pretty hot, too bad there's no boob physics so they were magically strapped to her chest by a small scrap of cloth
Never played a Tales game before this one but i can't get into the combat system.
Trying out new combos is next to impossible without a training dummy
Furthermore you pretty much learn at te beginning that spamming buttons randomly gets shit done.
All i'm saying is it doesnt feel rewarding: B B B B, A A A A, DEVOUR, B B B B, etc
I'm not saying the combat system is bad but for someone new to the genre the game keeps throwing at you stuff skills and popups you lose track of the shit you have after 5 minutes. And you end up resorting to spam shit instead of trying something more elegant
The story seems decent, at least not blatantly retarded like the average FF. The skits are nice but they become obnoxious interruptions now and then
I fear that I'll spend money on it just to be annoyed by anime cliches in the end.
Great, thanks!
>worse than Tempest
Okay, elaborate.
What did Rokurou mean by this?
Modern men do not desire big breasts anymore
Go back
I do, but I usually women with big tits who also work out or do any sports usually end up having big sad flaps instead of juicy balls of joy.
average at best. the gameplay is very midcore and simple. just spam attacks the enemy is weak to and doge at the last split seconed.
the character were pretty cool and i liked the way they interacted with eachother. like a gruop of anti-heroes.
the story is ok and setts out what it dose well.
the only things i find lacking is the World map is shallow as hell and the dungeons are just big open corridors (except for the water temple that needs you to do things to get through)
overall, i give it a 6/10. way better than zav but still lacking compeard to the older titles.
This is mostly true, modern men are into more base degenerate nigger shit like asses.
Boobs are still patrician, whether you prefer flat or cow as long as you have a passion for tiddies you are alright in my books.
you could have just pirated them for free.
Not by the main studio so it doesn't really apply
But, user.
loved it.
my first tales game, now i'm really looking forward to the next one.
It's happening
Which installment are we talking about, again?
i perfer legs, hips and asses but having medium siez titts is a bonus.
That Lloyd design is awful
>mfw /ss/ fetish but PC version is Denuvo
Asses are not nigger tier preference.
Fat asses are, and idiots that push the THICC meme to no end
A fit, round, juicy butt is 10 Times more important that cow tits. Tits are a wonderful optional, the bigger the better. But the overall shape has more priority.
Like for example having wide hope without being a fucking landwhale.
Seriously if you neuter the THICC meme retards you will have a peaceful heaven between assfags and tits fags
what? you can pirate this game you know.
Perfect balance of legs, thighs, tits, ass.
This gentleman gets it.
They cracked Denuvo already? Fuck, I am out of it.
So, last thing i saw was a bit after that underground temple with the puzzle and then we went back to Titania to get the hideout
Do i actually outfit the hideout? Can i build stuff? Or is it just "yay a hidden base!1!1" and that's it?
Also, where am i more or less with ghe Story? Midway?
It was cracked a month or 2 after release.
Maybe a bit later but it was cracked pretty quickly
I dunno, the ass meme is still pretty recent. I remember my mom being of the generation that tired to slim her ass and you boyfriend/husband talking about a "fatass" was an insult.
Nothing wrong with liking an ass as a part of the package, but an unhealthy focus on asses is niggertier without a doubt, even if you don't like them super fat.
Boobs, small waist and nice legs is ultimate patrician taste.
Well technically the women asses develeopped the way they did to attract more sexual partners. Considering how most animals fuck doggystyle the ass was designed by evolution to be a sexual beacon.
all in all we're all engineered to asses, just some of us are annoyingly obsessed with them
Breast on the other hand develeopped to mimick the ass. their primary function is to feed of course, but the added concentration of fat to "make em bigger" was another evolutionary gimmick to give a female an additional mating weapon
You can basically say that tits are asses 2.0 in a scientific sort of way.
I think we need more "Tales of" threads in the future.
>Well technically
Human hips rotated forward to accommodate bipedal walking. This also made sex change to become face to face. This also enhances the emotional connection to one's partner and promotes monogamy.
i like were this talk is going.
Yeah. The human female body is one of those cases where retaining some of the previous evolutionary traits has a positive outcome.
When is the next game announced?
>promotes monogamy
denuvo is dead mate, like 90% of games using it have been cracked by some bald russian guy and some steampunk nerds
>Be watching that hentai about the kid who fucks the ghost
>Pretty good
>Decide to look at the original doujin
>It's a series of spooky sex stories
>Starts off alright
>Until the end
>The last story is about a pregnant woman being kidnapped and turned into a cow after getting rapped by a bull
>Graphic scenes of the baby inside her being turned into a calf
>Birthing scene
>The kidnappers eat the calf while the former woman's husband is forced to watch
I'm forever scarred. The /ss/ story was still good though.
>Black men do not desire big breasts anymore
People who prefer to fuck doggy style are incapable of feeling love.