Pirate nier Automata

>Pirate nier Automata
>Getting my ASS RAPED by this part

For offline play this is the most meanhearted thing i've ever experienced. Jesus christ. Apparently on online other players give you help but by yourself this is bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:


How mean, how dare Yoko Taro punish people for stealing his game

use CE retard

You're not supposed to be able to beat it offline.

You can, but its not worth it and you're missing what makes that part so special.

Pirates have no right to complain.

>missing the point
It's not like the OST was built around that or anything.

It's not scripted, you can actually beat this sequence.
It took some guy 2 hours of tries but it's possible.


some people would say that ending isnt even worth it
you wern't supposed to get that ending since youre fighting against the creators for it. that special happy ending ends abruptly and with no follow up unless you watch the live voice actor drama theater

>that special happy ending ends abruptly and with no follow up

Well no fucking shit. It't the ending, they all end abruptly with no follow up.

Git gud faggot. Piracy hardmodes best modes. More games need to do this.

It's nothing to do with piracy, that section is in the normal game

>Guy lets the game delete his level 99 save

I like to think that pissed him off so much he never wanted to touch this turd of a game again.

>missing the point

Already let 3 saves go, level 99 doesn't mean much when you get to 60 naturally and then grind golden bunny for 20 minutes to get to 99. 100% completion would hurt more.

>missing the point

>Beat the game
>Get a shitty ending that explains fucking nothing
What did people even see in this thing, christ. and I swear there's some time fuckery going on with 2B and 9S' relationship but IT NEVER FUCKING EXPLAINS

There's no time fuckery.
9S model goes haywire on a regular basis, because it's too smart to be a good goy and just serve YoRHa unquestioningly. So 2B has to put him down time and time again, after which 9S gets a memory wipe or they just make a new model.

9S's story starts at the beginning of the game.
2B's story begins in medias res.
That's the online "time fuckery" going on.

>persist for about 45 minutes trying to solo the fucking thing before giving up
>see how batshit crazy it gets later on
It felt like it was there to just punish people who like to challenge themselves. The offer of help felt very patronising, like those games that offer to skip the level or switch to easy mode if you die too many times.

at least Sup Forums is here to remind that i really liked this game

>2B gained affection for what she had to kill
>But after she killed it they kept bringing it back
Considering the end game of Yorha that's just aggravatingly dumb. Uninstalled and refunded

How about you actually play the game instead of spoiling yourself here fagget