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That's quite badass!

I don't know what's a shittier meme; Lawbreakers = Battleborn or Lawbreakers itself.

This is a budget title, with a budget price and a budget development. Comparing this to Gearbox's perceived magnum opus with an infinitely higher budget that was supposed to be the next big thing is just ill-informed. It's missing the point as to WHY Battleborn was a massive fuck-up in the first place.

>tfw if he worked on a new Jill of the Jungle it would suck ass

So he payed shit ton of money to be on stage part of the PC Show and he got 500 people in game.
Really makes you think.

">I just bought the game and can't start a match"


>cliff will bleed money until he has to shut down server

good ending

Battleborn was a decent game that got fixed with a later patch but the problem was that it was so overwhelmingly overshadowed by Overwatch it died so fast

it's actually dropping faster than Battleborn

how is this possible?

SJW pandering FAGGOT trash with too many god damn nigger afros and BAD ASS QUIPS with LE MORTY VOICE

There were a lot of aspects about Battleborn that people take issue with. Some of that can't be addressed with a simple patch like art direction and writing.

>E3 PC Gaming Show
>claims he won't do bullshit beta as a glorified demo where devs won't fix the game on release
>asked for release date
>"early August"
>"oh, that's really soon"
Guess the presenter was right.

>tfw when it took almost 25 years for cliffy b to be revealed as a hack

Honestly, as much shit as that presenter gets, he knows the questions to ask and can smell bullshit.

Oh and don't forget how they ruined one of the best characters, Kitsune, by changing her original character model to some freak of nature tranny looking mother fucker.

>release f2p game
>it isn't f2p

why do they keep doing this

someone post the sniper webm

why did cliff come back and make the trash? didn't his oculus money make him a gorillionaire?

Comparing themselves to Overwatch was shooting them in the foot. The game's closer to Orcs Must Die than Overwatch.

>gameplay is fairly fun
>every single character except the robot looks fucking hideous

I don't understand, it's not that difficult. Is it just pandering?

Yes. Cliffy unironically thought that diversity will help with sales.

Who is this for is my question, too much hitscan for arena FPS fans and too open and fast paced for the average FPS player. Its too casual for the hardcore and too hardcore the casual.

My friend told me the game is growing.

Lawbreakers is actually a pretty fun game, there's a few obviously things that made it dead on arrival thought.

>garbage fucking art direction
Compare it to Overwatch or Paladins. Both games look relatively aesthetic and have plenty of muscles and boobies.

>personal politics
Half the reason the game is so ugly. The dude is a part of this backwards ass thinking that ugly=beautiful. No, ugly things are ugly. That is why the game is ugly

Basically the only advertisement I had seen for this game was people bitching about that cliff faggot or people curious as to why no one played it. Not good advertisement at all. In some cases, there is no such thing as bad PR, but clearly that isn't always the case.

>objectives and ultimates
The game would be better without these things, or at least have deathmatch be the primary mode and these objective modes be meme modes for fun on the side. Ultimates shouldn't exist in a game like this, though. Taking a game that generally tries to be a personal skill based game and then adding ults is just counter productive to the implied required skill.

At the end of the day, the game isn't bad but suffers from so many stupid things. These people always fail without question when they do this stuff, but they keep doing it. I hate to be the one to say it, but opinions don't sell games. Aesthetically pleasing, fun games that are well advertised sell well. Add that on top of the fact that Lawbreakers doesn't even know what it wanted to be and we have what we see here; failure.

I played during the beta after the e3 PC gaming show because I never heard about this and was really exciting. Then I entered the game with a few friends, all potential buyers, to get insta-knifed every single game by a team of 5x wraith classes. No. this is not fun. And no we did not buy the game, despite it being fairly low priced. It doesn't matter if this balance issue would be patched (maybe it has already), but CliffyB had ONE (1) chance to impress newcomers to his game and make them hooked, and he fucking blew it big time. If there's one character in your beta that has everything (mobility, burst damage, long range hit scan) so that it's spammed and 8 out of 10 classes in a match are this on average, you done fucked it up and alienate any potential customer

Making the characters look like shit isn't diversity.
It's just bad design.

Leave player numbers to me.

most of the ults are pretty meh abilities that aren't going to really affect the outcome of the game, and considering they're all time based, it's not a huge deal. They definitely do need deathmatch as a primary mode. and honestly, the other game modes could stand to take less time to complete. They almost always end up with one team snowballing the other, especially in blitzball.

You're really bad at this, aren't you?

I like in his video how he said low player numbers don't matter, for an online only competitive game...


>garbage fucking art direction
I don't know why anyone would ever expect anything better of the guy. UT was practically an industry leader in fucking hideous looking character models, and GOW continued the tradition.
Expecting Lowballers to look nice would've been like expecting Bill Ward to start drawing cute little girls rather than torpedo tittied pin-up gals. Clifford fucking gets off on his uglies.

If you make attractive characters it's uglyphobic. Mercy should be black and obese


>Battleborn was a decent game

I hear it's an unoptimized mess is that true?

Played it for the first month then bailed with everyone else.
It was ok. Supports were overpowered especially with the already super high time to kill.
It got killed by overwatch, the art style, memes and I guess the core gameplay loop wasn't quite engaging enough. It's not that it was unplayable or no fun at all.

Serves them right.
Fucking sjw
Hope every game with blacks and womens will fail like this

I didn't even realize this came out


I have a 1080 and a 5820k i7 and it ran like hot shit half the time, so I'd say so. Like, I can run it at 144fps but it does this weird shit where it'll just freeze for a split second. Very frustrating to deal with.

not him but i haven't had any problems with it,my only guess is people who have older pc's are just having problems

this is the worst thing i've ever seen for a game and i have no clue who thought this was actually cool

Someone please post a twitter cap of him wearing shirt with cuck on it and saying that it doesn't say cuck.

this feels great

cliffy can go rot in hell

Remember that this guy made a franchise about huge buffed dudes cutting even bigger alien dudes in half with chainsaws?

Why would anyone wear a "FUCKTARD" tshirt and be against hate? Since when people pride in being called a cuck?

What a blunder


>Law is one of the factions in the game
>Breakers is the other one
>Lawbreakers refers to breaking the law, you have criminals and the people that try to stop them
>Lawbreakers also refers to the gimmick of the game, breaking the laws of gravity


>Player count so low that they resort to this
>What worked in other first-person shooters will get you merc’d. Legendary game designer Cliff Bleszinski and Boss Key Productions crafted a chaotic, frenetic, multiplayer FPS for skilled gamers who tire of kiddie-bumpered, on-the-rails "combat".
jesus christ who signed off on this arrogant garbage description?

Sup Forums BTFO as usual!


how's the console playerbase/playercount

Who is CliffyB and why does Sup Forums hate him? I genuinely do not know.

lurk moar newfag


>enjoy game immensely
>know it's DOA
Feels bad man

They really really fucked up on balance. In the beta Wraith was OP as fuck - now he's only slightly less OP and Harrier is OP as fuck

The melee nerf didn't end up hurting wraith at all because his melee lunges, instead it made assassins use shotgun only and made jugg's bayonet a useless piece of shit that'll get you killed

The structure they've built is so damned fun but it looks like shit and isn't balanced in the slightest

Cliffposters are just whiny Sup Forumsposters, ignore them

Cliff B is a guy who worked on UT and helmed the first Gears of War

He said something about trans bathrooms or something so now Sup Forums is on a crusade

>make gimmicky low gravity game
>the maps aren't even entirely low gravity

Clifford's been a douchbag for a long time. Social media just made it easier for more people to notice.
In-game bathroom art is literally one of the lowest reasons on the list anyone shits on the guy.

Cliffy got butthurt and said all PC users are pirates after UT3 bombed and said the future of the industry was on console and then had to come crawling back.

It deserves it

>everyone shares the same bathroom
Time to molest some fucking noobs!

>game about minorities breaking the law
>named law breakers

what did cliff mean by this?


stop spoonfeeding retards

>looks like shit
>but really fun
Well it'll have a timy player base but it'll be fu-
>players already aimbotting
>the weapons are so low spread that death to an aimbot is near instant
Why does this always happen

Why must turbo faggots drive away an already tiny player base

Every. Fucking. Time.


Are there any good Arena shooters out now?

I hear this meme floating around that Scrotum Bisquick said something about all these depopulated arena shooters what are their names? Best one?

Quake Champions beta. Just don't be in Australia or whatever

>Quake champions
The only game more dead than Lawbreakers

Seriously though it's garbage


There are none.

And Overwatch is a MOBAshooter, so you are fucked.

I'm finding games in 30 seconds, and it's an actual arena shooter unlike Lawbreakers

What the fuck is it about Overwatch that makes it MOBA?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but MOBA, which stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, despite its name, does not mean Arena shooter, but rather the RTS spinoff genre founded by Aeon of Strife and Defense of the Ancients. This is what I understand.

How can a game be at once an RTS spinoff and also a first person shooter?

They have re-proven the common knowledge of demo conversion. You will get 10% of people who play a demo to buy the game.
This can be both good and bad. Good for small games because you can raise your numbers predictably. However for big games it means you are locking down the maximum number of players compared to what you could have gotten by instead spending the time on typical dishonest marketing.
The game will be free to play even sooner than expected, they've already hit their plateau at 60k.

That's an awfully long winded way of saying his shirt does in fact say cuck.
What's with washed up devs and autistic twitter outbursts anyway?

You take MOBA elements and put them in an FPS. Super Monday Night Combat is an example of 3rd person shooter MOBA.

And what are those moba elements?

>multiplayer FPS for skilled gamers who tire of kiddie-bumpered, on-the-rails "combat".

>good Arena shooters
No one wants to play arena shooters anymore, including yourself. There's a reason genre died and all new projects didn't take off.

What elements are those? Capture the point type stuff has been in first person shooters for a long time, so have character specific powers.

Well, I do want to play, but it has been 10 years since I have touched the genre, so maybe I don't like it anymore, but I would need something to play to test that theory.

PUBG has all the demographics atm

But did Cliffy smash the patriarchy with this game? That was his real goal, not sales.

If you're referring to Overwatch's "MOBA elements" it's basically that the characters have abilities with cooldowns. This type of gameplay is not limited to MOBAs, but it's the most popular type of game that shares this kind of design. A more pure example of a "MOBA FPS" would be Battleborn, which is literally a MOBA but played in first person.

>Overfag gets triggered
this vid sums it up nicely why arena shooters are never a thing in this generation
tl;dw : people don't put their money where their mouth is.

So you guys are recommending Quake Champions then?

Does UT2k4 still have players? Loved that game.

>why arena shooters are never a thing
Because you can't gamble for cosmetic items and blame your teammates if you lose?

There was plenty of teammate blame in TDM.

easier to get rid of underperforming elements when all you have to do is look at their k/d

Looks like a white man is still in the white house.

We win fellow pedes.

>quake champions
haven't lawbreakers taught you a thing or two yet?
UT and Quakelive are pretty much dead too

cliff is a god damn retard. hope he understand that.