Download failed

>Download failed
>returning you to title screen
What's the fix?

alternatively, what other gacha shit can I play to replace Dokkan?

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Pray, it took me 3 days of trying until it decided to download.

>playing gacha

maintenance isn't done yet, 30 minutes left


Rolling for good luck.

It's what you get for playing on JP you little cuck.

it's been like this for 2 weeks

>hunting these threads down

Shit, can't advise with anything but the generic delete cache/app.

Have you tried running it on PC?
Nox does the job pretty damn well, make sure to enable soft keyboard if you didn't sync to fb

arcsys are shit, DBFZ was dead in the water the second it was announced they'd be making it

dokkan is better

Reminder to farm the tokens while its easy for a free LR

>49 dragon stones
how nice

Wow that's actually not hard at all. At least compared to other LRs it isn't.

Holy shit. Thanks for this. I would've never navigated the moon runes well enough to know.

A reason to roll on this new crappy banner!

It's not a featured character so it's pull rate is going to be shit. Not really worth it.

But what if!
If the prices for stones were still discounted I'd probably whale a bit for that Vegeta to be honest

>LR Hercule goes active this weekend

Im just rolling for the kais. Got ssj3 goku gt first pull so not too bad. Praying to rng for LR Vegeta next 2 if not whatever

Also the medals from hero extermination for the first awakening

wait what
LR Satan is he good he was my favorite along with yamcha as a kid

>Game starts crashing at hercule intro screen
>Impossible to fix
>Wait for update
>Still doesn't work
>Update whole phone
>Still doesn't work
>Wait weeks for another update
>Still crashes out at hercule intro screen

My phone is still supported for newest versions of this game but it's still fucked
Im missing out on so many dragon stones and cool drops because of this bullshit

should i sell the free monumental dreams goku's for baba points
Pretty good

He's pretty good.

Also he's a free LR (base card is from friend summons, medals are from Baba Shop), so he'll be useful for the inevitable event that requires a team of all LR characters.

So that user who asked in the last thread whether me telling him that doing all the work to sa15 all the strike characters isn't worth it is true or not, and the user that told him that he should definitely sa15 them, I accidentally took my Stage 3 TEQ/INT team into Stage 4 and I was gonna just abandon quest at first but I figured, fuck it why not try. Beat it without a single item used and got 2 card drops.

I reiterate, strike grind isn't necessary or worth it.

Still costs 77 million zeni

Only bother SA15ing the hard hitters and ones that super at 9 ki

Literally only need a 100% Bulma and sa15 chun, rest don't matter, they just float and take hits.

Send help plz

Are you rooted/jailbroken? I believe the game may have a detection for that, at least it used to.

get a android

>not SA15 Piccolo

It's been proven supports are more valuable than an extra hard hitter.

I don't have a smartphone. Can I play this on pc?

how can he get an android if he cant get in game :)

It's not and that's why I'm angry


plenty of android emulators out there

What the hell are you talking about? Chun is a sealer.

Became too much of a battery drain so I play in on Memu now. Works fine but it does work best on a touch screen.

yes but to use a good emu you need a good computer

I'm talking about Piccolo here not Chun. Support units are more valuable than throwing an extra hard hitter on your team.

>Beat it without a single item used
Then you got lucky with the attack patterns of Goku. There is absolutely no way a team with INT characters would be able to tank hits.

What teams have you guys been using for the LR Goku grind?

Then why sa15? Just would need a dokkan right? And anyway I have a dokkaned SS possessed gohan which gives 3 ki and twice as much defense

I did but that's something you only have to worry about in the final phase, Chilled took a hit for 35k, not a big deal. With the items I had I would have beat it anyway even if I was taking multiple hits on INT characters.

Because he launches his SA at 9 if you have him at 15. It's an extra little burst of damage that could end the fight quicker.

Def buffs aren't nearly as valuable as Attack boosts.

what the fuck dude you were just telling me that extra attack didn't matter, just boosting teammates.

It literally doesn't matter. An user did a double Bulma team with literally only Chun and the rest saibamen and beat it. Only they matter.

>Get tired of BS rolls in Dokkan.
>Grinding the same events 500 times for a chance of dokkan medals.
>Realise the gameplay amounts to candy crush crap.
>Switch to Brave Frontier.
>Never looked back.

If you're looking to replace Dokkan, I recommend this.

No I said an extra damage dealer doesn't matter. Piccolo will ideally be your floater that's boosting your Bulma or LR Goku and having him launch off his super attack really easy for a little extra damage on top is just icing on the cake.

But chun boosts bulma and seals gokus supers. More usefull than picolo


You're a bit all over the place. It's not even worth wasting supers on anyone else for tiny damage because you're gonna take away from Bulma/LR Goku/Chun who need to fire them off every single turn.

I never said to run Piccolo over Chun just that you should be running Piccolo and have him at SA15. Do you not understand that in 99% of team builds the ideal composition is 4 damage dealers and 2 two support floaters?

I'm not all over the place though. He'll be launching his SA at 9 ki, so it won't be hard to get it off.

yeah but i dont like Brave Frontier shit characters
and dokkan has better drop rates

i play dokkan on my comp, just download bluestacks?(i think thats what its called) then use your transfer code, if you cant get the code or dont have one then idk bud

You have 3 floaters though

I already have gogeta and phys Omega
Should I do any of the current banners or save up?

I'm referring to your team build specifically without including the support. There is no 3rd F2P support for a mono teq team.

He's completely unnecessary though. It take a lot of resources to do that, and I bet he barely makes a difference, he's just a floater. Once every 3 turns, and he'll still be weak and you shouldn't even super with anyone but the main 3 units.

why bluestacks and not nox

Are we really doing this? Time and time again the numbers have been crunched and having a support floater is way more valuable than another hard hitter. It nets more overall damage.

i just use bluestacks and it works great, use whatever you want to bro

Hello! N O T N E C E S S A R Y

Who is even talking about another heavy hitter? I've even been saying you shouldn't super with anyone but the leaders and chun.

I kinda prefer how every character is unique rather than having a team of 2 Goku's, 2 Vegeta's, a Gohan, A trunks and an 18.

The drop rates are nowhere near as good as Brave either, I've been jewed out of plenty of events in Dokkan.

What are you going to run in his place then? The only other options are hard hitters with the limited pool you have. You're also acting like you have to go out of the way to get his super off when it only takes 9 ki at SA15. You're going to have to make your units take some ki regardless.

>ss gohan possessed(3 ki to teq plus 30% defense vs piccolo 15% atk/def)
>str/int floater
>str/int floater
>str/int floater
>bulma/lr goku

If you don't have that gohan then he's useful but if you're using him as a floater it's a waste to sa15 him just for the event.

Literalli no reason to waste the time or medals on sa15 for any of the strike characters. Only to make it faster

One of those floaters could be Piccolo and your damage output will be larger aka your runs will be faster. Getting him to SA15 isn't particularly hard or time consuming with the special strike stuff going on right now. Really i'm not saying to go out of your way to make him super, but he will super plenty without you trying because he needs 3 less ki.

So you basically admit i'm right? Putting in the time to grind out the Piccolo will make your runs faster just as you said which will quickly compensate for the time you put in for his grind plus less time for the LR Goku grind overall.

Piccolo will take more than twice the damage of str/int characters even with the def boosts, you kept talking about support and not damage mattering right? He's still weak as shit dude, all your damage is coming from the leaders. You've had one too many daily doses.

What's a good character to pair with the second Bulma?

He'll take 19k damage per attack which won't amount to jack shit with Bulma healing and both her and Goku tanking all the other hits. If you're taking more than 2 turns to take down the final LR Goku stage you're doing it wrong.

Fellas I wanna do the Scarlet event to dokkan awaken my SSJ4 Goku and SSJ3 Goku GT

heres the team i wanna go with
>SSJ4 Goku
>SSJ3 Goku GT
>Super Gogeto
>SSJ3 Vegeta
>SSJ3 Goku

Are there any other units for a better chance?

Should I spend my #1 stones?
I only need ssbkk and gogeta on the ss4 banner and ss4 goku for villains

Okay man. That's fine that you like that card but he's still completely unnecessary and not worth it. Nothing more to it.

The STR Kid Goku from the Arale event has been working well enough for me.
Bee Pan is another option if you don't have him.

You really have no idea what you're talking about. That extra 15% is going to make you take down stages quicker, the first two stages you probably won't even get to an attack in the last slot.

>extra 15% once every three turns is gong to have you taking out every phase in one turn and lr goku in 2
okay slugger. your exaggeration is off the charts. still not worth it. we're talking about necessity and resources.

This is what an optimal STR team on global looks like right now. The only thing that could really be swapped out is the Gohan for Pikkon depending on your preference. If you got any of the units here then use them.

I think it's cute that you pretend like you know what you're talking about when the meta right now is to run 2 or 3 floaters that give stat boost to your hard hitters.

I think it's cute that you cannot get "unnecessary" and "not worth it" through your fucking head and I'm done.

I only got undokkaned SSJ4 Goku and SSJ3 Goku GT in this pic

So SSGSS Goku and SSJ3 Goku are basically useless? That's the other ones I have as well right now

You still haven't done shit to refute the point just said "not worth it" over and over again. I've got numbers and statics on my side here, run if you want to though.

You want real multiplayer, less grind, and not having to worry about stamina shutting you out from playing the game once it reaches 0? Here you go. Also anniversary is going on so plenty of free premium currency, with discounted anniversary summon with a step up that actually guarantees you characters as you go up it.

Maybe if we were narutards we'd be already playing it

Both are fine if you don't have better units, they're both in that like 7th or 8th spot where they don't make the cut in the most optimal team you can build. What I was showing off was the best STR units you can have just incase you maybe didn't list something you had.

make your own thread show or show us a game thats not naruto final fantasy bleach or some weird ecchi anime game

The characters in that game are overdesigned and just straight up awful. At least Dokkan has good card art.

plz help

Nope, that's all the STR SSR units I have

Thought I might get Trunks or Gohan while rolling for Vegito or SSJ3 Vegeta right

Save for another God lead or blow them on the kai banner if you haven't already.

Naruto is a shit anime and you should feel like shit for liking it.

Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

Bro, it's a mobile game. Calm the fuck down.

I got a UR SSJ4 Goku, does it matter whether I unlock his hidden potential in his UR form or SSR form?

Also, I'm guessing I have to choose corner of abilities right? Which one should I pick?

It doesn't matter it carries over regardless.

If you mean dupe path then bottom right is the best option if he's SA10, which he really should be. The 2nd best choice is top left since it doesn't care about SA levels.


Can't you go to other corners at some point though?

The locked paths can only be unlocked by rolling other copies of the same card, so yeah if you happen to pull another.

I see, so I should also go to other corners to get some extra stats until that roadblock aswell

Other gacha? Fire Emblem Heroes. Really fair rates, lots of free summon items and the game keeps getting additional game modes and other expansions. Plus the team listens to feedback to a degree. If you download now roll on the Sacred world and Tempest trials banner. Roll Blue for Trials and everything but red for Sacred world.

Yeah fill out all you can, type block and damage skills are pretty useless so avoid them. Go for the stat boost, super attack, and critical damage nodes. Fill out as much of SSJ4 Goku's potential system as you can, he's one of the best units in the game right now.

type block and damage? You mean the Type ATT and Type DEF right

Going to have to agree with this. My davprite Gatcha to date.

You want to favor crit over double attack on every character except ones that get bonuses on supers like Super Vegito

Also for double attack you will always launch the lowest ki one so its especially bad on characters like SSJ3 Gotenks