What are some games with gigantic enemies?

What are some games with gigantic enemies?

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Robot Alchemic Drive

Are you trying to spoil the manga?

Earth Defense Force

That's a big titan.

Attack on Titan

Dragons Dogma

That's an old chapter m8.

the latest senran kagura

are show fags really, really that behind? I mean have you not even seen who the queen is yet?

Xenoblade Chronicles X.

yeeaa boiiiiiii


asura's wrath

Viewtiful Joe.

Don't fucking insult me. I will never waste my life looking at weeb anime/manga

>sequel tops it with the mechs fighting around the solar system
>can't find pics of the six six majin
was the game that bad for people that there's not single fucking thing about that battle except a near 10 year old lets play?

yet you waste your time on an image board filled with anime and animegames

Yeah sure kid

Also you are wasting your time on a tremendously shitty anime


No game has topped Asura's Wrath in that regard

>y-your anime taste is s-shit
>implying i give a fuck about shitgeki no kyojin

Hatred. The world is your enemy.

>mech breaks halfway
>go whole fight on foot
>go overdrive and managed to reach max with with

What a fight

>Part IV
>Chakravartin is at the edge if the universe about to destroy reality
>it's still visible from Earth despite being 100 gorillion miles away