>haha dude I'm an autistic retard haha
>dude fighting games are so rad, I'm all about fighting games
>even though I suck at playing them worse than a casual pleb
why is he even allowed to talk, ever?
>haha dude I'm an autistic retard haha
>dude fighting games are so rad, I'm all about fighting games
>even though I suck at playing them worse than a casual pleb
why is he even allowed to talk, ever?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you think that your opinion matters?
because I cum in your mom's mouth
>haha dude I'm fucking retarded but i'm only pretending haha
>dude this game sucks, the gameplay isn't good enough
>even though MGS are my favorite games ever and I refuse to play them stealthily
why is he even allowed to talk, ever?
I have stopped listening to the Bombcast. It kinda sucks, but it was time.
What's the best game podcast out there?
wtf is his deal anyway? he's the biggest nintendo fanboy shill, who damage controls everything they do and buys all physical fucking DLC, but then acts like he likes MGS but doesn't even know how to play them?
i dont knwo who either of these fags are but eceleb threads are cancer
hahaha, cool, bro, cool, but in all seriousness, I Think We All Have To Agree That Dan Brought Plenty Of New Fresh Content To The Site And Without Him Giant Bomb Wouldn't Be As Fun And He's Actually Pretty Fucking Based And Hilarious When You Think About It
>mfw i work the marks into believing im incredibly retarded when im actually only a bit retarded and obnoxious about it
>mario party is just about having fun, not winning
>is losing at mario party
>becomes serious, bitter, obnoxious and fucking annoying
>getting triggered by duders
And we haven't even gotten started on Ben. Or Alex. Or Abby. Or Austin. Or Patrick. We're gonna be here all night unless the mods come in and delete this thread.
ben is ok, but Abby legit doesn't know nor care about vidya and is only hired because of SJW Vinny.
>OP took the time to make this thread.
How does it feel that an autistic retard playing fighting games enjoys his life more than you will ever wish you could? While you're on Sup Forums with every other fat neckbeard like us, he is out and about talking with friends and playing vidya.
>talks like he's gonna be the "fighting game guy"
>gets bodied by Jeff, who isn't even that good, constantly
its infuriating to see how delusional this guy has become
>cuck thinks hes part of FGC because he watches some twitch faggot
>Giant ROM 2017
>They're playing some stupid but funny and well made FMV Hitman parody
>They're all laughing and enjoying it
>In the game, the target screams ''you're really fucking me in the ass here'' after losing beer pong
>Vinny gets offended
what else do you expect from a literal jew?
I want to bang the large blonde girl from that game. I have shit taste.
>you aren't allowed to enjoy things you're bad at
abby didn't even know who guile was. When everyone else starts talking about games you can see her just not understand anything and she just gets a glazed over look. She does want to fuck vinny tho.
Giant Bomb fanbase is utter fucking cancer
After last weeks beastcast I don't think I ever want to consume any gb east content anymore.
Wait, what the fuck, West and East united? This might be worth a watch if only for Jeff + Vinny.
The latest Murder Island stream was full to the brim with sexual tension.
>Vinny and Abby buddy up during the entire stream, even do a duo at the end
>their characters strip naked while Alex watches
What happened?
it would be if they played the games but Ben was the one with the controller for some fucking reason.
Abby said that Bayonetta is "bad to women" despite never playing them
Abby basically said that while she hasn't played bayonetta, she's heard that it's bad for women and should be avoided.
Abbey said she didn't like Bayonetta, but never played them. No one supported her position, said those games are good and Bayonetta as acharacter is fine.
What happened?
Bayonetta is undeniably sexualized as a character.
video games
Abby opened her dumb mouth, this time about Bayonetta.
Also during Battle Royale she revealed that
>the entire MGS series sucks dick because Quiet is sexy
>Also, what's a kojima?
>>the entire MGS series sucks dick because Quiet is sexy
>>Also, what's a kojima?
So why is her comment out of line
>>the entire MGS series sucks dick because Quiet is sexy
>>Also, what's a kojima?
wow, grab yer pitchforks lads!
The first is the Battle Royale film and 40's, the second is the beastcast.
She seriously dismissed a series that goes back to the 80's because of some Twitter drama.
Because she is blindly condemning shit she knows nothing about.
am I the only danfan here
I'll let you infer the implications of someone being sexualized, with Abbey being naive.
It's the part where she claims it's bad for women.
It's obviously not.
I doubt anyone is "CONDEMNING" anything you little fag.
>The first is the Battle Royale film and 40's
Link it or GTFO
a lot of women likes bayo
A female protagonist being aggressively sexualized is not good for women and is, in fact, bad for women.
lazy bait. I've been trolling people in these GB threads for years and it takes more effort than this to be remembered, dip.
Shit dude you're just trolling now.
I refuse to believe someone is this dumb.
She was shaming Dan for even liking it, it was pretty fucking clear.
But sure, point taken. It's the ignorance I have a problem with, not so much the opinion itself.
Giant Bomb fans are such fucking autists
e-celebs aren't video games
She definitely has daddy issues.
Are you going to explain how I'm wrong or are you just going to continue to have no argument, you fucking children?
Mega 64 is still fun. I went from tons of video game podcasts to basically none. Giantbomb is a resurrected corpse of what it once was, and I feel sorry for those that still bother with it.
>no argument
bet that's frustrating for you
Why do people who try to troll always say the same thing.
Just fucking come up with something original jesus christ.
So you cannot refute me that sexualizing female protagonists is not good for women.
mega64's owns but being a game podcast isn't one of the reasons
That's pretty funny actually. Dan and Jeff always bring the conversation back to themselves
all games kinda are though. They are fantasies.
they're the NUMBER ONE gaming podcast, though. Not an argument. BTW while they're still good they've definitely degraded in quality, or changed, rather. If you listen to the first 200 episodes you'll see what I mean. 2006 to 2011 contains episodes and humor that will never be matched. I go back and listen to those eras like you would the best seasons of a TV show.
You're not giving any reasons why it's bad either. All you guys are doing is
I don't think any sexualization is good. Unless it actually serves an artistic purpose and not "we're a company appealing to horny teenagers" then it shouldn't be included.
become? He was a faggot since day 1. He jerks off to the thought of finishing his dissertation so much I don't think he'll ever actually finish it.
user MAH BOY, we're UP IN HERE and that's totally a conversation we need to have but PATRICK, PATRICK, COME HERE SON there be structures of problematic oppresion ALL OVER THIS BOI, ALL OVER
>Complaining about someone other than Matt Rory
>So, Abby, what have you been playing this week?
this is some pretty concise criticism, damn
He only wants (you)'s.
Better to just leave him alone and let him silently rage when nobody is giving him what he wants.
>Unless it actually serves an artistic purpose
Literally Bayonetta
Not video games.
>because she doesn't play my favorite videogames she doesn't play any videogames
>oh and also, because she's a woman, she only wants to fuck people
Further Giant Bomb autism.
Developing a fake excuse to justify fanbase pandering is still fanbase pandering.
I'm talking about parody, mockery, etc.
Im here too, his heel ways warm my heart
so you dont like those sexy books women read then? Or pretty much any commercial for cosmetics ever? What about 56 shades of chad? It is just pretty dumb for someone to go out of their way to point out a video game character for being over sexualized.
>NUMBER ONE gaming podcast
you forgot rocco's wOOOOO BABY
Glad I'm not the only one, she looks like she has enough self-esteem issues to let you fuck her during a party.
You aren't wrong but how does that mean she's "bad for women"?
Also GiantBomb has previously showered those games in praise.
What the fuck is your argument
Yes that shit is terrible. No not all women put up with that shit.
Fuck off you fucking sexist.
I dont know what 2's sign is.
mega64 podcast has to be the most boring podcast on the web
Are you slut shaming Bayonetta?
Are you going to actually offer an argument?
sorry buddy but she only acts that way directly towards vinny, and its the fact that her knowledge of games are so fucking tiny thats gets to me. she was hired to work at a place that deals with all games not just a select few, she don't even have a specialty from what ive saw so far.
That is a terrible run-on sentence.
I'll take your second point but she literally does not play video games outside of for this job.
She even said herself the last game she played to completion was Katamari Damacy. Which is a ps2 game from 2004.
Every other on-screen talent hire that giant bomb has ever had, had a history in the games industry prior. Literally all of them. Even their interns which are not shown on screen, typically have some kind of ties to the gaming industry.
Everyone, except for abby. Who they picked up at a local improv comedy troupe. Now, why do you think that is?
Could it be because the last time they hired someone that wasn't a woman half the fucking industry flipped their shit at them?
Who knows!
Why would anyone argue with a retarded prude who doesn't even know where they are? Don't get lost on your way back to the giant bomb forums.
Sex is empowering for women, not shameful.