Deus Ex

>back in 2000, conspiracy theories were a cool and edgy theme
>now they are dangerous and offensive, which completely changes the tone of the game

is that true?

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Conspiracy theories are only dangerous to the ones they expose.

Campster is still a faggot? Fucking shocker.

Like Majestic 12?

god, Errant is such an unbearable faggot

this is e-celeb shit?

Yes. He is a faggot who got triggered by the barbarians in civ because they are "free people" who just happen to not be a governed country.

That guy is the most pretentious faggot I've ever seen.

>m-muh oppressed barbarians

Of course

To be fair, that's a perfectly valid complaint if you adopt a postmodernist philosophical perspective. Who is to say civilizations are better than non-civilizations? Why is wealth better than poverty? Why is good better than evil?

The unreasonable thing is criticizing the game devs for not being postmodernists, as that's not exactly a mainstream view.

Nigga they are killing my scouts. They will all fucking die.

This is why I disliked Nu-Deus-Ex, it became way too much about its own universe. They should have made a reboot and made it about the modern conspiracy theories, like the twin towers and shit like that.

Unless it's one of those "Jews are going to take over the world" ones, how are any conspiracy theories offensive? Who does supposing there's a shadow government in Area 51 offend, other than the theoritical members of the shadow government? Who does supposing that certain people have enough power to affect our politics and way of life through economic manipulation offend, other than plutocrats? I thought SJWs hated rich people and the establishment but they are all too ready to defend them when these theories come up.

Other than that one guy who shot a cashier in a pizza place over Pizzagate, when has a conspiracy theory ever harmed someone? It's just an idea. I'm pretty sure the only reason anyone would think doubting the given narrative is offensive is because the media has used very out-there conspiracies like Pizzagate as a way to say that if you support any conspiracy theory (aside from the one we peddle about Trump and Russia, of course), you're a racist, sexist, whatever-ist Trump supporter.

What a time to be alive.

Only if youre retarded

Oh wow what an interesting game with all the augmentations we have in modern day

>investigate a murder
>get shot

If you try to say any given tragedy is a false flag, people get super butthurt.

>Who is to say civilizations are better than non-civilizations?
>Said user while sitting on his comfy chair in front of his space age computer.
>Meanwhile his mother wasn't being raped by a nomad gang and his sister wasn't being eaten in a ritual because his country had borders and laws to prevent shit like that.
Post modernism is retarded. Also he said that Bioshock Infinite needed less gameplay and more Elizabeth.

This is just the result of political polarization. Nowadays, having martyrs is a good way to get your point across. For example, Democrats in the US usually only push for gun control measures after mass shootings and Republicans try to push for immigration control after terrorist attacks. This is why Charlottesville is such a big deal, even though (don't get me wrong, it was very tragic) people die in riots and protests all the time.

Conspiracy fiction started to hit too close to home.

Like sionism and the counter culturalism flooding in the european countries to destabilize their people and erase their identity to buy them cheap later.

less "What ifs" and more politcal satirizing, which always upset people.

This is exactly why. In modern times it doesn't seem like anything is too improbable, so literally anything you make will be taken as political satire instead of Sci-Fi.

>watch the whole thing

This guy is the classic example of the "Im 2 adult to like shit from the past, like get it? Im very serious right now"

This is the kind of a guy who only drinks coffee and nags you for drinking soda aka a jaded as fuck insecure guy

>now they are dangerous and offensive
Probably because lots of them were fucking true

It more like "hey guys do you know about videogame X, well what about if a put a very basic modern liberal spin to my every analysis? That won't get old or grating ever."


Sure, this dumb faggot can do "game analysis", but can he take out a booby trap?

It's not even really analyzing the game.
It's bitching about the setting from a modern liberal point of view

Haven't watched the vid, Campster's an insufferable idiot. Here's Wilson with a much smarter take on conspiracy theories:

>ooo I can current events!
Overreach. What kind of normie shitter thinks anything has really changed since then besides social media?

another campster video where he ignores logic, facts and reason to fit whatever ridiculous argument he is trying to push. who needs impartiality when you love the sound of your own voice.

Old conspiracy theories were cool

New conspiracy theories are stupid shit

>now they are dangerous and offensive
Am I tripping? Fuck off back to tumblr.

Oh right, isnt this the video where he compares gamergate to 9/11 truthers and holocaust deniers? Because those are on the equal level of course.

Why does he keep bringing Gamergate up? It doesn't even exist anymore.

because he is one of those people who blame it for everything

People still watch him?

No idea who he is or what the thread is about but cucks are obsessed with gamergate

I have a few theories as to why, and each one might come or go on the individual, but I think the simplest answer is pride. They can't admit they were wrong, can't admit they did something wrong, can't admit they failed at their jobs. Games journalists (and hangers on like Campster) aren't very bright, and they're not very mature either. It's not a function of age so much as experience. They haven't had their pride irretrievably wounded enough times to learn how to get past it. Even getting one of them to say, 'the framework of games journalism isn't strong enough to resist industry capture' is hard enough. Getting one of them to admit, 'the framework of games journalism is so rotten it doesn't even try to resist industry capture, it actively seeks it out, and I/my publication/my method of creating and producing content are part of the problem' is just this side of impossible even if you bury them in evidence that's overwhelming.

No, Errant Signal fucked that point up. The themes of Deus Ex dont hold up because conspiracy theories look and sound dumb as fuck by today's standars. And dont get me wrong, is still a really good game, but if a first timer played it today, he would get a very different impression than the one we got when we played on release

>Governments using terrorism as a front for degrading citizen's rights
>Governments constantly monitoring their own citizens
>Governments and corporations working together for profit and consolidation at the price of individual liberties
>Plutocrats having more control than the average citizen
Yeah dude, so "dumb" and "stupid"

This, that's the same about Nuclear or cold war era paranoia. It would sound absolutely silly nowadays.