Now that it's been a day, what does Sup Forums think?

Now that it's been a day, what does Sup Forums think?

20 euro jesus

It's pretty fun.
Way better than Strafe at least.

It's all already out?? lol I forgot about this due to all the hype for sonic mania. gonna have to get it asap

Fucking loved Episode 1, felt like Blood and Redneck Rampage had sex while Quake watched from the closet

So far it's the only faux-retro FPS that fulfilled its promise of being a 90s throwback instead of being a shitty procedurally-generated broken promise with hideous pixel grafix

It's OK. Game is incredibly heavy despite its looks because lolunity

>OS: Windows 10
>Processor: 2.4 GHZ Quad Core Processor
>Memory: 4 GB RAM
>Graphics: Geforce GTX 460 or equivalent


It's alright, one of the better attempts at a 90's fps throwback, much better than what supposedly passes as an oldschool shooter recently (TNO Doom)


Right now. Pre-ordering it gives you the first ep.
>inb4 shill