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Video Games #3875
Video Games
Underpowered as fuck hardware so it can be marketed as a DVD
Work 5-6 days a week
Tfw Xbone hasn't had an exclusive in 22 months and counting
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
Is it a good idea to watch a playthrough to see if this is for me?
Has Sup Forums ever tricked you into buying a game that was objectively bad?
Why is no one talking about this game on, Sup Forums?
Where does Sup Forums play with their Switch?
At the risk of sounding like a shill...
Makoto and mai costume swapped
Game features fairies
What do you think the video game industry will be like in 20 years?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Why do you want every video game character to be 10/10 models...
What went wrong?
Nintendo switch
Who is the greatest Vidya cat ever?
Itt franchises that are in dire need of a decent game
Game has a mexican character
What's good vidya where I can unsheathe my katana and say eeeeYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?
Why did Borderlands, and this fucking thing in particular, get popular in the first place?
ReCore Definitive Edition
ITT: Games that would be considered reddit/tier if released today
Riddles/Puzles in vidya
Was Sony Really the Right Choice?
Parents kick you out for a year and never call you to check how things are going
Best AA game coming through. How can they even top it?
Can you compete in heartstone without spending money
Shit inventory system
ITT: Dumb game mechanics everyone either does wrong and/or uses regardless of genre
I want my 100 hours back
Sum up your thoughts on KT since the '09 merger in one sentence
Is it worth getting?
Why is every game from this franchise so perfect?
Europe-based Kingdom confirmed
Anyone else got Overwatch patch fatigue?
This is the GOTY and you all know it
What games let me play as a manchild?
Vidya opinions that legit make you mad
Breath of the Wild
I just bought and installed Dragon's Dogma for PC
FFXII is loved, NieR is a successful franchise, a Sonic game has been well-received by the public...
Think you're almost done with game
Do you think the next expansion will be revealed at Gamescom ?
Why are nintendo games made for 12 yrs olds, yet adults play it?
It's a escort mission when you have to babysit MORE than one npc
Is he /ourguy/?
How far into the game do I need to get before I can do the quests to unlock this costume?
What are your hopes for Pokémon on Switch (assuming it's not just a shit port of the shitty Sun & Moon)?
When does this get fun?
What is your proudest gaming achievement Sup Forums ?
What phone games you enjoy?
What a waste
What kind of game do you play when drinking alcohol and why?
Has Japan gotten over its lack of self-confidence yet?
It's time for a Castlevania thread
Guys you need to stop caring about whether multiplayer only games have an active palyerbase or not...
Why is she so perfect?
ITT: Game design jokes
Favourite alcoholic drink
Hard mode
What's the scariest game ever mad?
You ain't a gay when you get erection by good-lookin' gal
PS Vita Thread
If the Xx_Xbox_xX flops (As in a legitimate flop, not in the Sup Forums sense of underperforming = tanking)...
One of the most popular characters in Persona 5
Yfw you still can't find a Nintendo Switch anywhere
Any games that you hate that everyone else likes? for me its stardew valley
Make halfbaked sequel with a sequel bait ending
Would this game still be a masterpiece if the soundtrack was mediocre?
ITT: Overrated games
Monster Hunter World
Hey remember me? I was the PUBG of last year
Post happy gaming music
They made Ghost Rider jacked
League of Legends version of the Playboy magazine
World of Warcraft: Shadowfall
Is this game worth it if I love guns?
Will we ever see him again, Sup Forums?
Does the industry fears Nintendo?
What's a good WRPG with cute girls and skimpy armor that isn't modded skyrim?
Filename thread
What fighting games offer fairer...
Not only should these women's outfits not be revealing, they should be ugly!!
I am a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance
Should Sup Forums follow something similar?
Hi, I'm Daisy!
ITT - Obscure games you're looking forward to next year
So /fgg/ made a list of the 20 best fighting games of all time, what do you guys think of it?
We're never getting a proper sequel to this near-flawless masterpiece
Everyone loves Borderlands 2
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
What are some games where the villain is always a step ahead of everybody?
Which is the better pruchase?
So is this actually good or is this SJW pandering garbage?
Daily Wildlands thread
Did he really think he could get away with all the lies?
Hey, guys. Can you help me find my flaws? I thought all games had them but I can't seem to find mine anywhere :(
About to start this game for the first time
Games aren't built in C anymore
“Why would anyone watch strangers play video games?” Over the years, my view has changed...
Explain to me again just how this is a bad game?
What does Sup Forums think of this game at it's current state?
Cold Steel PC thread
It says here in the google Database that you post inflammatory comments on a notorious alt right image board
The new avatars look great. why are people hating on them?
How can other succubi compete with lilith?
Why does nobody talk about this?
Which is your preferred tier?
*Runs towards you*
Game auto-detects your computer and presets it to low
What are some games with great character creation?
Reminder that you're a fucking faggot if you bitched about Roadhog
ITT: Games that buried a series
GRIMOIRE - the meme that keeps on giving
Why does no one like Sonic 3 sonic sprites?
How would you improve Tharjas design?
Tfw mom confiscated my xbox for a week
ITT: 6.5/10 games, worth a play but not incredible
*Blocks your path*
Somebody please STOP THIS MAN
Pubg is NOT popular in Japan at all
What are Sup Forums's favorite Pokemon?
Would you live in my Cities Skylines thread?
Mom said it's my turn to play video games!
So what vidya did you play today?
Literally can see one bonfire from the other
Which run was best?
Guys help me pick: Dishonored or Borderlands 2?
"A love letter to (series) fans"
Modern video games are trash compared to classics like Chrono Trigger...
Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
Currently using GTX 970
Why does Sup Forums hate strong female character?
I heard Persona 2 got censored in the West because of this guy. Who was he originally supposed to be?
This is Rayman's mom. Say something nice about her!
What do you think of Dangan Ronpa Sup Forums?
ITT: You hear, you lose
Oh hey user, you've been very quiet this evening. Your friends say that you're really into video games...
What went so wrong?
Kills numerous guardians and lynels with his own hands while protecting Zelda
Why do japanese love PUGB so much?
Hey cool sword-gun xD
Which was your favourite, Sup Forums?
Do people actually create characters with receding hairlines?
Hows the summer skin hunt going?
Moero Chronicle
Is the main character of cookie clicker one of the most powerful characters in vidya?
What went wrong Kappa
Hit drunk dude to stop woman from getting kidnapped and raped
Destiny 2 hype thread
Congrats! Everyone on Sup Forums has been teleported into the wasteland, smack dab between vault 15 and new vegas...
Is this the greatest Pokemon to ever exist?
What games do you play with your gf
Derek Smart was right
This is the best female companion
Good night Sup Forums
Which etrian odyssey is the best, bros?
Is there any video game character than can beat Kirito in a fair fight?
That kid thread
Thoughts on this upcoming video game?
Was vanilla WoW really better?
I used to look up to Egoraptor as an inspiration for my drawing but now I feel he isn't worthy of the Egoraptor handle...
Whats the comfiest game you know Sup Forums?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Name one(1) game that everyone on Sup Forums can agree that is above average at worst
It was the best game in 2017 so far
Why is the human foot the hardest thing to render in video games? Shouldn't it be faces?
This is literally the most underrated game ever and you should be ashamed for not playing it
How can we improve Link?
Seriously, what went so right with this game? How did it achieve what Outlast failed miserably?
My keyboard broke so i only got my mouse for a week is there any vidya that i can play?
Do you still play with it, Sup Forums?
Bloodborne II
Get a huge nostalgic feeling
What's my name, Slick?
Vidya pape thread
Did people actually want this shit? The demo was fucking garbage
What video game are you better than Sup Forums at?
ITT Best RPG battle themes. Don't disappoint me Sup Forums
Stand aside ladies I'm about to do some REAL damage
Is the Mega Man Battle network series any good...
Dont mind me, just posting best girl in the series
Buying a switch means that you're supporting people that don't think hot dogs are sandwiches
TF2 - Party Van Thread
Playing through game with friend
This is no place for a horse
Who is your main class Sup Forums?
This is what a top-selling videogame looks like
Monster Hunter World
Mass Effect Andromeda has been the only worthwhile RPG released this year and it wasn't even good
What went wrong?
Why are new Total War games so trash compared to this?
ITT: you hear it you lose
Hey idiots, halo spv3 v3 just released literally 5 minutes ago. it is now the full game remastered with
Skyrim casual here wanting to get deeper into Elder Scrolls vidya
You wake up in a dimly-lit room with five doors in front of you
Bad company 2 thread? bad company 2 thread
So I just started playing this for the first time since near launch, and it's a lot better than I remembered
Mario Party
I just beat this game and holy shit it was great. The only problem was that the contols were a bit stiff...
What's the most you've ever spent on a game?
Why was Lucoa in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow?
Do they scientifically explain how her powers can resurrect?
There's no doubting it anymore. MGS2 is the definitive MGS experience, and the best game of the series
What's the go-to 'rpg maker' program for PC these days?
Switch library thread
Post fictional games and/or consoles
Why aren't you going to play the new pokemon games, Sup Forums?
Can we talk about how objectively fantastic this game is? It's like completely perfect...
Where's everyone going?.... Bingo? ....I hope Ashleys okay
What is the most overrated game of the past decade?
Leave Japan to me
Where are the games surrounding Imperial Japan, the BEST era of Japan?
Damn Diablo looks like *THAT*?
Is this the best vidya soundtrack of all time?
Why don't you own a Nintendo Switch yet Sup Forums?
ITT: 10/10 Games only
How's your game coming along Sup Forums?
It was that bad
Better luck in NG+
What went wrong?
It wasn't that bad
/vr/ here. Just want to say...
Does the saturn have ANY good games?
Is this a fun game, /vee/?
What did kojima mean by this??
Splatoon 2 thread : Late night edition
Boycott this game. Don't let them get away with it
It's time
Sup Forumsidya: After Dark, Weekend Blues
Breath of the wild Lizalfos are CUTE!
What went wrong?
What's the best Lego game?
Is it me or has the shitposting become outright rampant and aggressive with nintendo since the switch announcement...
999:59 hours played
Why did a game where you fight a fucking bullet sponge ghost three times in a row without any context or reason get...
Post your 3DS stuff
ITT: weird product placements in vidya
When are the "Big Three" going to stop competitng against each other and actually instead work with each other to help...
4x4 thread
That one guy who made a presentation about video games in high school
Shame on you for not being excited for Morrigan's game
Gripping story-line
How will you remember the wii u
What's your backlog like?
ITT truly touching moments in video games
Six years of progress
What does Sup Forums think of Dusk?
Would a Niel Cicierega rithym game work?
Name some gook games which has any character story that can even compete to the Survivalist. You probably can't
Why hasn't a single video game female protagonist surpassed her in all these years...
Why does it trigger the NEETs?
Sega should give Christian Whitehead a big budget and get him in Japan to make Sonic Adventure 3
How do we fix final fantasy xv Sup Forums?
Witcher thread
Could you have predicted Nintendo would create the greatest open world game of all time?
I don't get it, Amy says that cute couple get in free and then proceeds to enter, with Sonic following a bit after...
Who's the most successful and most talentless developer out there?
What does Sup Forums think of the new USUM girl?
Do you want to play KoF 14? Of course you do!
I'm the worst girl!
Warcraft Lore inconsistencies
Sonic Mania
I liked this game. What say you?
It's basically Left 4 Dead but with swords and magic. Why isn't it more popular?
Sup Forumskend of the Sup Forumsermin
Well, Sup Forums? What's your excuse?
Why does Fallout 3 get so much hate? I liked it. Please don't say anything about New Vegas...
In loving memory
ITT: lesser known secrets and features in vidya
RIP monster hunter, Dauntless is the new king...
New Planet of the Apes game announced
This is Sonic Adventure 3
DOOM is the best shooter in the last dec-
Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Game has no black people
ITT: Unpopular opinions
Vidya fatigue thread
What video game series would you want a TV series for (assuming its good)? pic related for me
What the hell is going on? I just got Splat2n and all I see is shit like this everywhere?
Are the servers for this game not up anymore...
I played DOA3 and 4 back in the day and didn't mind those...
So I've never played a Final Fantasy game before and I'm wondering which game is a good starting point
How do we make MMORPG's great again?
That kid thread
Do you think one day VR will be a standard in video games?
Open World was a mistake
How are you guys enjoying World of Warcraft: Legion?
Be honest with me, will it be shit?
Do you want me to clean your room my little guinea pig?
Mario is in JAIL
What are some games with villains who did nothing wrong?
What an anti climactic death
Post the last game you played and your IQ
This is what my beloved franchise has come to now. Fucking pathetic
You ever feel like the games you like are better than the games someone else likes but can't explain why?
BoTW is now playable at 4K 60fps on Cem U
I'm playing Apollo Justice for the first time and I don't understand 4-2. Okay, I get the gist of it, but:
Have you played PREY yet, Sup Forums?
It wasn't that bad
ITT: Post a song, anons recommend you a game
What is, in Sup Forums's opinion, the greatest RPG ever made?
Sup Forumsfag here, what platform is better suited for me?
This is Bullet. Say something nice to her
The "online open world survival FPS" meme
Canon Sonic Thread
Should I get a GTX 1060 now, or should I wait?
Is it even possible to save this series or is it lost and gone forever...
Whats this guy's name again?
Tomorrow im getting this
Did they....?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Swat 4
ITT: Games nobody on Sup Forums would defend
Sup Forumsekend Sup Forumsermin
Tell me about the Dreamcast
Post your Gog profile pic
Is she the worst Atelier protagonist ever? She has no sex appeal at all. Bony and thin with no boobs and ass
Game finally starts after a 15 hour long introduction
With just one intro and a couple of ingame lines...
Game lets you kill literally anyone
So what can Sup Forums tell me about this shit
Should I start the Witcher series at 1, 2 or 3?
Literally impossible
This is Sombra
Battlefront II leaked trailer (Gamescom 2017)
Stealth retardy thread
ITT: Level themes you like
Which one do you kill first again?
Every miiverse post in splatoon 2 is some liberal "progressive" transgender gender fluid pansexual propaganda
What was his name again?
Games where reddit was right
90% of the people I've met that play on PC are some combination of edgy, autistic, and childish
This is the ONLY good sonic game
RIP Rhythm Heaven 2006-2016
The last game you played is now going to become a world in kingdom hearts 3
Urinonically believes the original Sonic trilogy was shit
Throughout the entire franchise, which Zelda has the best dungeons?
Post game breakers
Shantae: Pirate Queen's Quest
Draw your sword, user
Honest thoughts on the current generation of games and consoles?
Undertale isn't a very good ga--
What does Sup Forums think of modern CRPGS?
Tfw fiancée remembered an offhand comment about wanting these and got them for my bday
What's the appeal of watching streams? Why not just play games yourself?
Are you ever ashamed to admit you like a game with a horrendously-cancerous fandom...
There were always assholes in video games but the MOBA genre has created a culture where people think they are supposed...
Sup Forumsekend Sup Forumsermin
When you realised Fromsoft lost it without dev time being an excuse
Your hands upon, a deadman's gun and you're looking down the sights
I know I'm pretty late to the party, but I just finished this for the first time. It was pretty fuckin' great...
Do Vinny and Joel hate eachother?
Givin free steam game if you give me sauce on this music !
Dead Space
Dark Souls 3
What does Sup Forums think of Second Life?
Is this the most split community in all of video games?
He preordered Total war Warhammer """""""""""""2""""""""""""""
Are you going to play Braixen's game DX?
"Welcome to our town!"
Captain America
Gonna get together with gf after 2 months away in 3 days
What went wrong?
Anyone up for a Darkest Dungeon thread?
Why do early access games even exist?
Hold up, user!
Decide to play Splatoon 2
Levels that expose normalfags as casuals when they say they're hard
What game/mod is best for turtling...
How did YOU come by Ocarina of Time?
Multiples of 17 and 23
At Volition, what do
Honestly, how does this image make you feel?
What are some games with awful ports?
Sup, dude?
Bella Goth
Skill Tree Thoughts?
So yeah we all know that "it was all dream" endings sucks but what games actually use it?
Have you played it yet? What did you think? What was your favorite and least favorite level?
Did you buy her game?
Why haven't they added role select for comp queues yet?
Western devs can't make attractive fem-
Before Dark Souls, were there any video games that were primarily known for their difficulty...
Sup Forumsekend Sup Forumsermin
TES: Skyshit Edition
I know you guys are going to be tempted to shitpost but just bear with me for a second: can you name a character that's...
Risk of Rain
They made gaming snacks into a real thing
Game tries to make you care about the characters
System Shock 3
Skullgirls Thread
I don't even know anymore
What's next for Shadowrun Sup Forums...
You can't keep skeleton horses
What went wrong?
Level design is more important than controls
Is Bloodborne the best game of all time?
Fistful Of Frags
Tfw a passed away fan is paid tribute in a videogame
Carpel tunnel on one hand
ITT: Books that would make great settings for VIDEO GAMES
Was he OP?
Do you guys think it'll be fun?
Seriously who designed this piece of shit? How do I get pass this? I hate you for memeing me to buy this game
The voice actor strike is good because studios will hire non-union talent and games wont be dominated by the Troy...
Games you didn't like at first but grew on you the more you played. I'll start
Uh, no Gael thread?
>DoW 3 50% coupon
This thing is going to become a great console isnt it
Enter tavern
Jesus this game needs to come with a warning label
Craft an excellent game with superb atmosphere, good level design...
Alright you fucks, it's Friday. What are ya
What's the flavor of the month this month Sup Forums?
Kingdom Hearts 3 looks fantastic
Please tell me that the Switch will be a JRPG powerhouse
It's space sim the worse genre in existence?
Mario & Luigi for Nintendo Switch
One of the best DRPGs the vita has to offer is out for PC. Why are you not playing it Sup Forums?
That feel when this character will never appear in a Fighting game again or get visually reworked and censored because...
What went terribly, terribly wrong?
Lawbreakers Drops Off A Cliff
GOTY 2017
What went so horribly wrong?
Start the game
Hey guys, are there any good smartphone games other than this one?
We haven't heard anything about this game since E3. With it being released in just over a week, should we be worried?
Is this the most Canadian game ever made?
ARMS thread
It's better than League and more fun than DotA 2
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Am I missing any popular YT video game critics?
Eating junk food decreases your character's stats
Marvel's Spider-Man is looking to be the best capeshit since Batman: Arkham City
Boostshit is NOT suitable for 3D platforming. In 3D sections...
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT coming to the west in January 30th
Wheres the frontline?
You wake up in Japan
Last Sup Forumsehicle you played shows up in your driveway, you own it now
What kind of retard makes a horror game without jumpscares?
Hello, I am the best fighting game ever made
What are some games where most of the fun comes from simply moving the character around?
Saying the word desu should be a bannable offense
Meanwhile, on Sup Forums's Ishimura
What is the scariest game you've ever played?
It must be the early 90s again because sonic won
What's your favorite mod?
What is objectively the best AVGN episode?
ITT 9/10 or 10/10 that have little to no replay value at all
Do you think he enjoyed Sonic Mania?
This is a Paladins
Are classic sonic fans allowed to have free speech?
You're just getting old, games are better now
What was his end game?
About to buy this...
So /fgg/ made a list of the 20 best fighting games of all time, what do you guys think of it?
ITT: Post obvious shit you were too dumb to notice in your first playthrough of a game
Every other line starts with "heehee" or "haha"
People like to complain about the writing in this (which is terrible)...
Devs pls help (zelda skyward sword game files)
Post your 10/10 games
Fighting games
Seriously, why can't we be friends?
Monster Hunter World general
Why are there so many religionless people in TES? Don't the existence of Daedra prove the existence of the divines?
Worth buying as an introduction to fighting games?
My first death occurred fighting against pic related. Does that make me a bad person?
Why arent you playing morrowind with your friends user?
*steals your GOTY*
Why Etrian Odyssey 4 is so much better than untold 2?
Raiders of the broken planet
What was he thinking?
His music library is all video game/anime music
Should I play on hard mode or normal?
Mandatory tutorials, still pestering you 15 hours into the game (massage parlour)
Any suggestions for "gaming" chairs?
Choose your skin color
Any games where I can break out of prisons?
Is this game worth 20 bucks?
Mechanical keyboards. Are they worth it?
Thoughts on Danganronpa?
Amazing, your 400 dollar video card is basically placebo
What is your favorite video game? Pic related for me
Instead of improving on KH1's flawed level design, it just removed level design altogether
What makes a game quotable?
This is 50% off right now, is it worth getting?
Subtle Vidya Clothing
I can feel the power
This is what Unreal Engine 4 looks like when hardware doesn't act as a limitation...
If black people love fighting games, why don't you see many black girls play...
Nin-toddler is now filtered to nintenbro
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Filename thread
This is seriously aggravating news. Just after Crackdown 3 was delayed AGAIN...
Opinion on Unturned?
What do you sit on when you play games?
Could Sup Forums tell me how do they mass produce a game when it's only on one disk...
Crews remove Skyrim's Talos statues overnight
I finally organized my BOTW screenshot folder, going to begin a dump...
Best way to display pops and amiibo?
Coworkers start talking about games
If you press this big red button, a modern remake/remaster of the video game of your choice will be made...
16Hz tickrate
How does Japan get away with lewding characters with this body type?
Let's talk about headphones, Sup Forums
Are you buying an xbox one x?
Which character was the best Sup Forums?
Highest critically rated game of all time
Find a flaw
The new “post successful!” screen
I guess any games is better than nogames
What would/do you need to appreciate Dragon Ball Xenoverse series more?
Do you think they're going to get him to voice Buzz Lightyear in Kingdom Hearts 3 even after he started shit talking...
Steam Profile Pic Thread
Explain this
Have you ever gotten beat by a girl in a video game?
Why would anyone shoot a girl before throwing her off a roof?
Is it September yet
New trailer out boys
Are you ready to admit that AM2R only got as much praise as it did because it came out at a time when we were starved...
He prefers to play male characters so he can stare at man-ass all day
What are some singleplayer games with the best bhopping? I've been playing Jedi Outcast lately and it's fucking great...
Is it worth it getting a Switch JUST for Splatoon?
If/when they make a Gravity Rush 3, what could they add to the gameplay...
Tfw no gamer gf
Is Ryu boring?
Why are fightan girls always the best girls?
Do you have a game that you replay every year?
What do potions taste like?
ITT: Times when localizations were better than the originals
Hey user!
New monster hunter world trailer is out
When will you buy a Switch?
Why don't you have a gf like that, Sup Forums?
Hey, this game is pretty fun...
What is your favorite game to make fun of?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Is it worth it at 50% off?
I have a daughter
Post video game music that gives you feels
There is no stopping this gayme
VR thread
What does Sup Forums think of Furi?
Classic Shadow is introduced into the Classic Universe
It's a good game but it's also overrated
Enemies dont see NOTHING WROOOONG
Dont lie to me, is it a good controller?
I saw that Bloodborne was $20 so I picked it up. This game is fucking hard...
Where do you place on the casual chart, Sup Forums?
Pick dialog option
How do you feel about Hispanic representation in vidya?
Who is the weakest video game character that can physically solo the White Walker Army
Hit a new peak on monday (612,000)
Splatoon 2
Which spec are you gonna try this week-end?
Will they ever port it to PS4?
Multiplayer shooter
Would you?
Why is everything in the browser either "chill no kill" or fetish related...
Most innovative controller of all time?
What's your favorite gen, Sup Forums?
Choose your party members
If they made another Dwarf Fortress, what would you like to see in it?
Final Fantasy XII HD was the 4th best selling game in July NPD
Why can't Sup Forums do Destiny threads?
*blocks your path*
Will it flop?
I've been on a big Mega Man research project...
EOPs will never experience this
What are some games where you got 100% on achievements/trophies?
Forget which one is "better", which one will be canon?
File name thread
Why do (you) people still buy consoles?
Dissidia NT launches in the west this January 30th
So, now that the dust has had plenty of time to settle, can we finally agree that:
Which is the superior game? I only have enough for one of them
Have to log on to battlenet each time I want to play a bot match
Australian timezone version
Loot skeleton
Killed by a literally who butterfly in act 1
Who is your favourite gaming heroine Sup Forums
What video games do girls play?
I'm still mad
Tfw too dumb to play vidya without listening to a podcast
What hobbies are you gonna partake in when vidya inevitably dies?
ITT: Dead or dying games that cannot be saved
Sup Forums Fedoracore
Is there a good "gf simulator" of some sorts? With hopes of cringe levels to a minimum...
How badly are they going to fuck this up?
Are you still mad?
What the fuck is wrong with these "people"?
Where were you when Squeenix was BTFO by Best Korea?
*blocks your path*
Talk to me, Nintendo dick suckers
Jesus Christ you people weren't kidding about the Hollywood sewers
How did we go from this
Alright faggots you have 10 seconds to post the comfiest driving/racing game with the best environments and maps
Batman - Arkham Knight
What went so terribly, catastrophically wrong?
Is there a single Mtg clone out there worth playing? So far i have tried
Name a more complex element in an action adventure game than Dodge-Offset
Left or right?
Tell me about that itch you have
Who is the best wolf in video games?
Now that it's been a day, what does Sup Forums think?
Just found out this is on PSN. I really want to replay it, and I have a copy on PS2 already...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...