Is he /ourguy/?

Is he /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:

>plays games


Sorry, but Joey is already /ourguy/.

Why is it always this video? What is it about this video that causes it to get posted almost exclusively when this slob gets mentioned?


It was a minor meme on /ck/ around a year ago.

The only thing I know about Aris is that he is a huge Tekken fan and I'm not really into Tekken. I'm not a fan of 3D fighters in general.

i don't know why, yesterday my youtube page was plastered with this guy's videos
pretty funny stuff

>Shit talks smash players
>exclusively plays japanese games
>Doesn't give a fuck about anything
>Greasy smelly and fat
>Almost banished from the internet for "sexual harassment" on a capcom sanctioned tv show


Beat it, kid.

Somebody get these stoners out of here.

>cross assault was 5 years ago

what the fuck

I like his commentary, it's entertaining.

not true he plays (or played) gta from what I've seen. i don't think he's a weeb, he doesn't come of as one.

I haven't been into streamers or LPers for a few years but Aris is just a fucking funny guy and also helped a lot getting into tekken 7

Car seat sniffing squad report in!


weed is trash and dumb to smoke

when's resident evil nationals?

>doesn't like bone thugs


What good damn stoner made this thread?

He thinks Dark souls 3 is better than Bloodborne.

that's because he has a pimps-only-PC


Rip> Aris

No one likes you Rip

What curry muncher paid you to say this?


back to bed rip

I think he's p cool

He's not nearly this fat anymore, he actually lost a lot of weight.